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Multiple People on Same IP - Printable Version

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Multiple People on Same IP - Sandokan - 06-18-2013


I am coming back to playing Freelancer again and am installing this mod on my computer and family members' computers as well. I notice in the rules there are restrictions against using multiple instances of Freelancer on the same IP on the server and was wondering what I would need to do to allow me to have my family members be allowed to be on the server or would this not be allowed?


RE: Multiple People on Same IP - lIceColon - 06-18-2013

I think multiple computers are allowed as long as there are multiple people on them. I mean I don't think anyone is gonna buy an extra computer just for the sake of multiboxing, so I think the rules only apply to instances of disco running on a single computer

Quote:2.1 Following actions are considered cheating on server:

- Single player having more than one instance of Discovery open to fly their own characters;

the only way to detect multiboxing on multiple computers is to ask the two chars to pvp. but meh it isn't that big a deal- it's not like the server's ever overcrowded anyways.

still it's hella annoying since without multiboxing its almost impossible, transferring cargo from one ship to another. but yuh gotta respect the rulez yo

RE: Multiple People on Same IP - Spike Seadra - 06-19-2013

The rules restrict "Single Player" not multiple players from playing.
This means if you alone play on multiple computers then its restricted but not for whole family.

EDIT : see this thread for more information