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Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - Printable Version

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Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - Corrupt Police Inc - 06-18-2013

The corruption of the Liberty Police Incorporated
With Honour We Serve Ourselves

Short backstory

Wherever there is power, there will be those, who feel they are more equal than others, if given the chance. Liberty; the right of being free from restriction or control, the chance to wield right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. It is no wonder than this form of thinking has slowly strayed out from its original path in the House of Liberty.

Liberty Police Inc, now independent from its obligations to the Government of Liberty from a financial standpoint, has to uphold its laws as it always has, but it is this newfound freedom that would lead some of its officials down a different path, twisting their new rights and privileges for their own gain.

Corruption is such a strong and undefined word, leading an average person to consider it as an inherited and obvious evil, tainting any and all seats of power. But for those given such a luxury, their motivations can be anything. Those, who seek wealth will no doubt find it, but there are others with much nobler causes, and yet as far as we can remember, it is money which makes all those needs and dreams possible and some may just go for the extra mile to get it.


The faction is an attempt to bring something new to the table. A chance to indulge in quasi-lawful to unlawful roleplay within the boundaries of a lawful ID, in this case, the LPI ID. This is something we have tried before and it worked well enough, without any sanctions at least. As such, I think it is time we bring more people into this.

As you can see, the overall RP backstory is very basic. Just copy paste anything you can see on the Liberty Police page on the Wiki, but just add a big dash of independent, self serving actions into it.

Actually, this post is just a very basic writeup. We will be adding to it as things go on, but for now, let us get the obvious info out of the way:

Faction ID: Liberty Police ID
Faction IFF: Liberty Police Inc, Liberty Police Guard
Faction Tag: NONE

Exactly, the faction is tag-less. To evade any metagaming and problems, the faction members are united by a skypechat just for the sake of collaborating on their actions. Also, if someone does screw up, at least the group is not blamed for it. If this works out well enough, we might adopt a tag. For now, there is no need to announce ourselves ingame.

Allowed ships:
Any. If the ID permits it, fly it. The group has no ship restrictions based on rank. It is, however, encouraged to keep a transport. know...''killing'' smugglers and such. You have to ''return these artifacts to Manhattan laboratories for analysis'' somehow.

Ranking System:
*Faction Creator
*Everyone else

That's right. The members of the group are encouraged to build their own ''ranking'' system based on the money they have made on their characters. Apart from overall in-group reputation, you do not have to work for anything. Join, fly, have fun.

Roleplay guidelines:
Okay, now this is where things get interesting. You have your own creative freedom and the actions of the members involved will guide the faction heavily. However, here are a few things you might want to try.

*When it comes to smugglers, you might want to make them bait into paying you to keep your mouth shut. If that fails, feel free to slice them open and take the artifacts or cardamine back to Manhattan for, eh...labaratory testing or something. No lawful ID has the right to demand cargo from you or to kill you if you refuse.

*When it comes to miners, ask them proof of buying the cargo they are carrying. If they cannot provide such, confiscate it, or let them pay a tribute to keep your eyes closed.

*Be on the lookout for people carrying vacationers, refugees, VIPs or passengers in cargo transports. This is inhumane and you must evacuate these people to safety. If the pilot refuses, they must be a slaver. Dispose of them.

*Pilots, who have pitched in for the Policeman's Ball or have said how well the LPI is get special treatment. For those other ingrates, if they are assaulted by pirates, you should not worry about it. It is your day off, after all, someone else will take care of it.

*If someone has annoyed you, message the nearest LNS and tell them how the person involved has smuggled artifacts to Manhattan and you are uploading guncam shots as you speak. Let the battleship teach that yankee a lesson. It is the captain who will get into trouble, not you.

*Someone is onto you? Rename. Simple as that. No need to experience drama, let others handle it.

*Provide bodyguard jobs within the house. If a pirate pays you more than the traders, you can always be called away for a moment, just remember to ask the trader to pay upfront.

*You did not see the guy docking a 5ker full of cardamine on Manhattan. Not unless he refused to pay you to keep your mouth shut.

*Ignore all pirates. You are not getting paid enough to risk your life.

*Target junkers and freelancers. They work with pirates. Always. If they do not work with pirates, make it seem they are.

*Fake guncam shots for reports to the Liberty Navy high command. You know better what happened, you were there after all.

PM this account to join. Or just join...we are tag-less anyway. We just exist.

More to be added later. Feedback is nice.

RE: Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - Fifty. - 06-18-2013

2 weeks. Tops.

RE: Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - Karst - 06-18-2013

Isn't corrupt LPi just.....regular LPi? Hurr hurr.

Anyway, not a bad writeup. In fact, you make me want to make an LPi guy. I think I will.

You might want to mention not to overdo it though.
A lot of potential targets -transports in Liberty- are new players, and if they're routinely asked to drop their cargo or pay fines, they might ragequit.
Keep it sensible.

Say, for example, the part about cargo transports carrying passengers - I've never been a fan of this, and it seems reasonable to ask for a fine for "non-approved passenger accomodation".
But to just ask them to drop them all as a rule, that's a bit much.

Either way, I liek it. Think I'll make an LPi now, play around a bit, might PM you then.

(06-18-2013, 07:34 PM)Fifty. Wrote: 2 weeks. Tops.

Oh, I didn't see this was flood.

RE: Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - Fifty. - 06-18-2013

(06-18-2013, 07:36 PM)Karst Wrote: -valued opinion-

(06-18-2013, 07:34 PM)Fifty. Wrote: 2 weeks. Tops.

Oh, I didn't see this was flood.

Oh, I'm sorry, I can't post an opinion?
I merely stated this is just another experiment that won't exactly outlast the previous experiments we all watched. Especially when it may force new players out. Seems familiar.

RE: Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - aakopa - 06-18-2013

Who is leader of this faction?

RE: Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - Corrupt Police Inc - 06-18-2013

The faction is.

RE: Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - aakopa - 06-18-2013

Hmm, I want join, add me on Skype, you find my Skype ID from my profile.

RE: Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - Omicron - 06-18-2013

About time.

RE: Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - Sabru - 06-18-2013

I want in as well.

Skype is same as my forum name.

RE: Corrupt Liberty Police Inc- Faction writeup, feedback and recruitment! - Corrupt Police Inc - 06-18-2013

We are going to get a skype chat set up as well as guide documents on googledoc. Once that is done, I will invite everyone in. If you want to join, go set up your ships and PM me your skype addy, so I can add you.