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TO: Zoner Alliance - ATTN: Tri Udent - Printable Version

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TO: Zoner Alliance - ATTN: Tri Udent - GrnRaptor - 06-19-2013


COMM ID: Vice Admiral Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Zoner Alliance, Attention: Tri Udent
SUBJECT: Vessel "PeaceKeeper"

Greetings, Zoner Alliance.

I have a question I need answered from you. Not more than an hour ago our scanners detected a vessel tagged as [ZA]PeaceKeeper entering the Texas system. I attempted to hail the captain of this vessel three times with no response, even going so far as to broadcast on your own frequency. I became alarmed when I read that the signal had transitioned even deeper into Liberty space by entering the Pennsylvania system. Assembling a small task force I again attempted to reach the captain of this vessel with no results. My task force made distant contact near Bethlehem Station, and while I attempted to reach it a final time, the vessel turned and fled.

Visual: Contact

We ultimately lost the signal somewhere in the Pennsylvania system. What I need to know from you is what class vessel am I dealing with and why did your captain not respond to repeated lawful hails from a Primary Fleet officer? I have had some discussion with a Captain Tri Udent about bringing his crew in via one of your transports, but nothing about this "PeaceKeeper" vessel has crossed my desk.

Comms: Crew Vacation

I need answers, gentlemen, and I need them now.

Vice Admiral Polstari, signing off.


RE: TO: Zoner Alliance - ATTN: Tri Udent - Zen_Mechanics - 06-19-2013

[Image: vpq.png]

ID : David Dvir, Alliance

Shalom, Let me re-assure you there is no reason for panic, The "PeaceKeeper" is an old Imperial carrier that was assigned in Bethlehem before the philadelphia treaty, It has been re-designed and commissioned far away from your space. The vessel has left Liberty from my Intel and it will stay out of it as well. In regards to Tri_udnet, I have had a word with him regarding his vessel, he should be good to go soon.

RE: TO: Zoner Alliance - ATTN: Tri Udent - GrnRaptor - 06-19-2013


COMM ID: Vice Admiral Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Zoner Alliance
SUBJECT: Vessel "PeaceKeeper"

Greetings, Mister Dvir.

I'm afraid you've not really answered either of my questions. I have no idea what an "Imperial Carrier" is, decommissioned or not, and the inquiry into the database yields no returns. You've also not addressed the matter of why your vessel refused communication and fled in the face of a Primary Fleet inquiry. Your assurances of the vessel's departure are hardly worth noting when I cannot get a straight answer out of you concerning my primary questions. Additionally the matter of Captain Tri Udent's vacation is long since settled, and needs no further response. I merely provided it as reference.

I've had plenty of interactions with Zoner groups and individuals who thought they could bring their capital vessels to Bethlehem Station because it's a Zoner facility, fully ignoring stated Liberty Law preventing the presence of said ships within Liberty's borders. This, Mister Dvir, smells exactly of that kind of situation and I am not pleased with it.

You will address my questions fully and truthfully.

Vice Admiral Polstari, signing off.


RE: TO: Zoner Alliance - ATTN: Tri Udent - Zen_Mechanics - 06-19-2013

**Continuing Transmission**

With all due respect, It's not up to you to decide what we do, but perhaps I should mention this again, The vessel was there all along, it never passed or entered your space because it was already in there. It is simply leaving, contrary to what you say, were not entering were leaving, and I care less about pennyslvnia, it used to be a free system until your government decided to grip on it. Oh well, thems the breaks. Have a good day.

RE: TO: Zoner Alliance - ATTN: Tri Udent - GrnRaptor - 06-19-2013


COMM ID: Vice Admiral Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Zoner Alliance
SUBJECT: Vessel "PeaceKeeper"

Greetings, Mister Dvir.

Quote:You will address my questions fully and truthfully.

You obviously have difficulty understanding this. As a Primary Fleet officer in charge of the defense of Liberty and her interests, it is up to me to decide what you do here, especially when I suspect that you have lied to me and brought a foreign capital vessel into our space.

I saw the signal transition from Texas to Pennsylvania, Mister Dvir. I saw the vessel approach, not depart, Bethlehem Station. I saw the vesssel turn tail and refuse communications. And now I see that you have lied to me under the presumption that your Zoner affiliation will give you a free pass to do as you will.

It does not.

A "Kill on Sight" order will be issued for the vessel [ZA]PeaceKeeper to all Liberty Force personnel. Any time it is found to be operating within Liberty's jurisprudence we will find it and we will blast it to pieces. That is the consequence of your dishonesty.

Vice Admiral Polstari, signing off.


RE: TO: Zoner Alliance - ATTN: Tri Udent - Zen_Mechanics - 06-19-2013

**Continuing Transmission**

What signal? you must be mistaken, and before breaking your own accords I would not call me a liar.
Consider this transmission closed.

**Updating Transmission**

Also, I would urge you and your fleet to leave Omicron-Delta at once before they get lost into the shadows, any SFC| LN tagged vessel will not be granted access to Freeport 11. Cheers " Admiral ".

// That's the third time that I catch you meta-game, I don't like that. Chew the p.m

RE: TO: Zoner Alliance - ATTN: Tri Udent - Zoner-Trader - 06-20-2013

[Image: DqLYmYx.jpg?1]

< Zoner Alliance Communications Station Active....Sending Message... >

[Image: 5GaaSWj.jpg?1]

Kallisti Vice Admiral Alan Polstari,

Sorry for a late reply, there was no excuse for the Captain of the [ZA]PeaceKeeper to intrude in house space and the Captain has been dealt with.

All officers have been re-educated in House Laws!

Im sorry that this episode occured, as my personal dealings with yourself and the Liberty Navy has been very positive.

I would hate this to put any bad feelings between us, as i myself visit Bethlehem Station regulary.


Captain Tri Udent

***Transmission Lost***

< Zoner Alliance Communication Station Powering Down....Comms set to passive Alert >