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Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Printable Version

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Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

First I would like to say thank you to whoever developed this mod and who runs the servers. I heard about this game through Star Citizen. Every day I play I feel like I learn something new. A whole lot of friendly players too. I'm a leading officer in a clan that plays Mount and Blade Warband and have since mitigated a lot of my players to this game. Were hooked, lol. I have nearly 150 people in my clan and have got about 50 of them to download this game.

You might have noticed us in game, usually were flying with a trade convey of about 10-12 ships when we play. A few large transports, fighters ect.

Anyway we have been playing about 2 weeks now and I wanted to learn the game, the politics of the community, and amass a small fortune before we got involved. We've managed to amass about 7 trillion with a fleet of large transports and fighter escorts.

Anyway we usually have trouble in Rhineland for some reason so I decided to get us involved in Liberty. I made a post in their forum section about 36 hours ago and have yet to receive a response......Is the faction still active?

I would think a nation would jump at the opportunity. To bring that much money and that many players on board.

Are there more active factions? Forgive me I am very new to the game and this community.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Where can I donate to help out with the server? I would like to show my appreciation and support to the people who run this server.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - sindroms - 06-21-2013

In connecticut.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Reid - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 05:04 PM)sindroms Wrote: In connecticut.

No, it's Leeds now

@OP: The [LN] is active ingame, but the leaders aren't. Sarah will take a few days before she sees the thread and replies

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

I'm confused.

Alright thanks, are there any factions with more active leadership who you think might be interested in adding 30-40 more active players to their roster?

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Stolt. - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 05:06 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: Edit:
Alright thanks, are there any factions with more active leadership who you think might be interested in adding 30-40 more active players to their roster?

Any faction in Gallia or Kusari could use some more people right now. I'd recommend Gallia though since you guys are new and Kusari RP is quite complicated.

I also hope the people you asked to join this game have played the original freelancer campaign? It helps understanding Disco to SOME extent.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Reid - 06-21-2013

The Outcasts and Corsairs could always use new people

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Karst - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 05:06 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: I'm confused.

Alright thanks, are there any factions with more active leadership who you think might be interested in adding 30-40 more active players to their roster?

The answer to your question, as well as any question that's a variant of "which faction do I join?" is, of course, ALG.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

We actually all just joined and started playing Discovery. The first few days while learning the ropes were extremely interesting. To be honest I still have a lot to learn.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Knjaz - 06-21-2013

Rheinland needs more RMBS'es.


RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013
