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Anarchy adores the absence of consequence... - Printable Version

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Anarchy adores the absence of consequence... - Angelfire - 07-04-2008

I was chatting to a noobie yesterday who was insulted by my attempt to get him onto the forums to read the rules and such.

His comment was 'I don't come here to do that RP Sh** - I come here to pvp.'

As much as I tried to convince the fella that his PvP would be a lot more fun if he was actually ON the server instead of permabanned for violating an unknown rule, he would just get offended and say things like 'are u admin? I think not!'.

anyhoo.. we run into these kinds a lot so it was no biggie, but it did get me thinking somewhat about some things.

Although some might not enjoy the continuous posts about how hard the RP community is on the blatantly ooc players and haxxors and such, I believe that their complaints about our harshness on them are great!

It's pointless going to the effort of building such a rich, colorful history for every faction and RP Indy if we are not going to make it clear that this server is for that specific purpose!

I like being a geek. I am proud of it! Although my technical intelligence is a far throw from the majority of this community, hanging with you guys is a breath of fresh air.

Watching you interact at such a great level of role-play is refreshing and inspiring. Reading through posts where you are very seriously discussing the specifications of a ship and the political implications of it's balance is unbelievable!

It truly creates an ulterior universe for us all to escape to for a while every day.

It's effect on me personally is akin to a holiday. I escape for a moment here and there to browse the forums or pop into the game and when I return to my reality, I am in a great mood and highly creatively energetic.

To allow anyone to take this away from us for the sake of pure selfishness would be ludicrous.

The rules on this server protect our haven and the Admins enforce those rules.

Anarchy adores the absence of consequence... so they will complain and nag and flame. But as long as they are flaming, we are winning.

Our community is growing and in the 6 or so months I have been here I have seen awesome additions to our ranks. We cannot determine who we attract, but we can determine who we keep!

So yeah... PvP hoars - We Banz u coz u is da phailz and yor buddiez is da phailz too!
(But if u can playz wiff us we can playz wiff u too:))

Anarchy adores the absence of consequence... - mwerte - 07-04-2008

Nicely put. I also have a mini-theory that I would like to share.

Recently there has been a few "scirmishes" between playergroups going on. And then discussions about those scirmishes.

But you know whats so great about people getting mad at each other over a game? (I know, really looking for that silver lining).

The fact that we care enough to not only get mad at each other over a game, but also the fact that we get mad at each other, express our opinion, and then 99% of the time we go on playing this game.

Anarchy adores the absence of consequence... - Stoat - 07-04-2008

There are some very useful life lessons to be learnt here. They include

Take reponsibility for your actions.
Accept the blame, when it's due.
Death to n00bs. Newbs and newbies are welcome.