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To: Those in O-74 - Printable Version

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To: Those in O-74 - Zoner-Trader - 06-25-2013

[Image: DqLYmYx.jpg?1]

< Zoner Alliance Communications Station Active....Sending Message... >

[Image: 5GaaSWj.jpg?1]

Kallisti Ladies and Gentleman,

*shuffles some paperwork*

Well they have tried to siege us and have now resorted to copying other people's ship names. The people i refer to are the freelancers and zoners who have been supplying our stations through the seige.

Well all's fair in love and war.

*chuckles to himself*

Well once again we will change the tactics we use, to combat this assault on our freedom!

I have also been informed that these ships carry Corsair I.D. so it might be fair to say that they seem to have fallen to an all time low in my opinion...not so honorable people anymore. If its honor and glory they seek well...thats your honor
*scrunch's up paper and throws it into the bin*


Tri Udent
Lord-Commander of the Zoner Alliance

***Transmission Lost***

< Zoner Alliance Communication Station Powering Down....Comms set to passive Alert >

RE: To: Those in O-74 - stormrage - 06-25-2013

SENDER ID: Cino Marquez

Do not try to put your dirt on us.
The Empire has nothing to do with your little "copycats".

[Image: 3ku5f.png]

RE: To: Those in O-74 - Lonely_Ghost - 06-25-2013

[Image: DSAupPh.png]
[Image: o4Udvye.png]

Such loud words, which are based on your...what? Facts? Let us see them. No? Dont have them? Then it's your imagination?
You know amigo, well, you are not amigo, but look here anyway. Such words aren't "just word", you made insult of a Corsairs Nation. I supouse, you will take your words back.

[Image: JrJ2H5P.png]

RE: To: Those in O-74 - Lucas Stone - 06-25-2013

Hola Senor my name Major A'ngel i am with the ECG,

Well without proof Senor, it is pointless to discuss this.

But if what you say is true Senor, we will watch for these so called ships and see if your words are true!

You have not shown us, to be we see...

RE: To: Those in O-74 - hydrolux - 06-26-2013

===== Incoming Transmission =====
<----header msg----
Encryption: none
From: "Aquilon" Zoner Carrier Selenim
To: Omicron-74 and Omicron-Kappa
Object: Omicron-74 safety

----end of header---->

<----msg body----

My name is Trevor Peres and I am an independent zoner, Captain of the Selenim: a Zoner vessel dedicated to scientific research.

While my crew and I are not interested in politics and prefer to remain neutral in conflicts, we are concerned by the Kappa_Defense_Station_MK4 since it affect our security in Omicron-74.

As a matter of fact, we were flying to the Kappa jumphole with a cargo of H-Fuel for Freeport 11 when some of the platforms of the station suddenly fired at us.

I understand the ZA owns Kappa_Defense_Station_MK4. I don't know what ZA wants and honestly I don't mind. However, I must say that the Selenim will keep bombing the Kappa_Defense_Station_MK4 until we can fly safely to Omicron-Kappa.

You know what you have to do if you want we stop. No need to answer and argue about it.

All the best,
Cpt Trevor Peres.

----end of msg body---->
====End of transmission====

RE: To: Those in O-74 - djordje_petrovic - 06-26-2013

~TZR~ Fearless Cruiser Blue Comet communication room

... Captain there are some open transmissions toward various faction present in the system...
**Captain take a look on screen , read it hastily and nod with his head **

... Should we send message to freeport 101 then?

No, nothing new here. When situation change in any important way we will do. This futile negotiating is not worth attention. Ignore it , we have our orders. Lets make a patrol in system.

***commlink closed***