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Offensive PoB attack idea - Printable Version

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Offensive PoB attack idea - Hell Hunter - 06-26-2013

Another attack option would be to...
Release neurotoxins/viruses!
Base suppliers can help combat it by getting more water (clean water, some water gets 'infected' by toxins, or some food.)

Buy pharmacutacles/medicine whatever (I can't spell) to cure Space Crew?
Infected ones are converted to the cargo type 'Infected space Crew' and can't be deleted or something? OR make it so it says 6 out of 100 of your crew have been diagnosed with Type 3 diseases! (and still stay the same cargo) - Or install medical bays on your station to help prevent further diseases?

If you're going to completely cure it, it will be tricky, deleting all water, space crew will leave your base open to attack.

Problem is, attackers! These special viruses are only developed on player bases with some sort of science or medical addon and cost a lot, or not? Something different from shooting. Gives medical things a use. And cryer, etc, can get jobs.


Also another thing, add a shield meter (which is calculated by amount of fuel to determin the 'shield health') to bases? (like how you select ships and see a blue bar)

Just a thought.

RE: Offensive PoB attack idea - Zen_Mechanics - 06-26-2013

Or an easier way is to make the crews "die" every so often, like mox, unless you provide pharmacutacles and stuff ( regarldess of the basic stuff you currently feed your base, such as water food oxy.

RE: Offensive PoB attack idea - Yber - 06-28-2013

That's a pretty cool idea, but can organisms actually survive in empty space? Surely you can just drop them on some sort of projectiles, however wouldn't this have some sort of countermeasure?

RE: Offensive PoB attack idea - Cris - 06-28-2013

(06-28-2013, 01:03 AM)Yber Wrote: That's a pretty cool idea, but can organisms actually survive in empty space? Surely you can just drop them on some sort of projectiles, however wouldn't this have some sort of countermeasure?

Tardigrades can. So you could pick a bunch of them, genetically modify them and produce the Evil Tardigrade Warhead ™. We already have mosquito missiles, so why not tardigrade ones too? Just in a more literal sense.

The idea is cool, but too complex to code I think.

RE: Offensive PoB attack idea - Veygaar - 06-28-2013

If weapons can be modified to damage shields at different efficiency levels. Make a weapon that does a CRAP ton of damage to shields but not to anything else in the game. Make them buildable by bases, make them cost alot. Make them destructible on ship loss.

RE: Offensive PoB attack idea - Jack_Henderson - 06-28-2013

Quote:Release neurotoxins/viruses!
Base suppliers can help combat it by getting more water (clean water, some water gets 'infected' by toxins, or some food.)

Buy pharmacutacles/medicine whatever (I can't spell) to cure Space Crew?
Infected ones are converted to the cargo type 'Infected space Crew' and can't be deleted or something? OR make it so it says 6 out of 100 of your crew have been diagnosed with Type 3 diseases! (and still stay the same cargo) - Or install medical bays on your station to help prevent further diseases?

I am not in favour of aimless acts of violence against civilians. Because that is what the 800 people on board of a base are in my eyes. They are no combattants and thus I'd rather keep the fighting "clean", and not introduce the dirtiest types of warfare in a game.

RE: Offensive PoB attack idea - Yber - 06-28-2013

When you shoot an outcast slaver 5ker, 2k people die instantly, and the rest are left floating around.

Adding them ingame is okay, especifically not using them due to morals is also okay. Denying their addition because of morals is hypocrisy,

RE: Offensive PoB attack idea - Omicron - 06-28-2013

There is likely a lot of individuals and factions keen to use any means neccesary to accomplish their goals. While such thing would be illegal in the houses... who will guard that in border worlds?

RE: Offensive PoB attack idea - Highland Laddie - 06-28-2013

Here's an idea: make PoBs capturable.

Here's one idea how: make a special class of asssult transport that can always dock on PoBs, but is also always shot at by defense turrets.

The idea is if you get the shield down, the transport is filled with marines, who can then capture the station. Capture can be prevented by having marines already stationed on the base, or by having small arms aboard for the spaceship crew to repel the attackers.

Basically, these numbers keep offsetting each other until the small arms/defending marines run out, or until the attacking marines run out.

Thoughts? I know its probably way more complicated to program than how I made it sound, but I think it would be awesome if it could be done.

RE: Offensive PoB attack idea - Trail - 06-28-2013

(06-28-2013, 04:25 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: Here's an idea: make PoBs capturable.

Here's one idea how: make a special class of asssult transport that can always dock on PoBs, but is also always shot at by defense turrets.

The idea is if you get the shield down, the transport is filled with marines, who can then capture the station. Capture can be prevented by having marines already stationed on the base, or by having small arms aboard for the spaceship crew to repel the attackers.

Basically, these numbers keep offsetting each other until the small arms/defending marines run out, or until the attacking marines run out.

Thoughts? I know its probably way more complicated to program than how I made it sound, but I think it would be awesome if it could be done.

would be unfair for POB owners unless the costs of capturing a base are the same as constructing one. (Somehow)