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To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - Printable Version

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To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - Shizune - 06-27-2013

...::: Sending :-: Transmission Linked :::...
....::: Sender :-: Solar Runner Ashley X. Harper :::....

Good day Commanders. The Solar Runners recently have just brought two of our "Juggernaut" class research and colony ships into operation however we lack the necessary fire-power for our recent project.

what we are requesting two sets of IMG Battleship Turrets for both our ships the Ares and the Avant seeing as the IMG have the fire-power to deal with any "enemy" they come across. this channel will remain open and we await your response

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RE: To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - Exploration - 06-28-2013

Signal Origin: Solar Runners Flagship Avant
Systems shutting down...

RE: To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - SummerMcLovin - 06-28-2013

[Image: EricPearce.png]

Ms. Harper,

Well this request is a little bigger that the Judges' one... Looking for that quick defensive punch for your homeships I guess. I doubt there'll be any diplomatic trouble for us given that (most) Zoners don't cause that kind of thing, not sure how it'd be on your own end. Guess you get by with that Saga one of your boys purchased, so probably not a lot. I would have suggested the Colonials' tech which packs an even bigger punch but there'd be more chance of trouble.

As you can see in our Licensing Database, Battleship tech is restricted use unless someone like me grants you it. Before I do that, I'd need to know specifically what you want - Primaries, Secondaries or both?

For the Guild,
Eric Pearce

RE: To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - Shizune - 06-28-2013

...::: Sending :-: Transmission Linked :::...
....::: Sender :-: Silvia M. Harper :::....

Both if possible, however if it remains that one set is possible, i will speak to the captains on such matters. of course the two captains are open to be asked questions in the process of gaining the the weapons

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RE: To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - SummerMcLovin - 06-28-2013

[Image: EricPearce.png]

I'm not sure on the exact numbers you're putting on these homeships of yours so we'll just price it per set. 10 million for each ship's set of Primaries, and the same for Secondaries; making 40 million to IMG|Pangaea if you could. After that, you're free to pick them up from our stocks, which would be easiest in Tau-39 for you. Conditions... no shooting any house 'entities' or the Colonials, but like I said there shouldn't be a problem given these are Zoner ships.

For the Guild,
Eric Pearce

RE: To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - Shizune - 06-28-2013

...::: Sending :-: Transmission Linked :::...
....::: Sender :-: Silvia M. Harper :::....

The money as been sent and time stamped.
hope this is the correct amount

Money and T-Stamp

...::: Link Lost :-: Closing :::...
....::: Relay Link Lost :-: Closing Transmission :::....

RE: To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - SummerMcLovin - 06-29-2013

[Image: EricPearce.png]

Third time's the charm eh? We've set aside enough weapons to be fitted onto your ships at Jakarta, just head out of the Flores cloud towards the sun and you should see it.

For the Guild,
Eric Pearce

RE: To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - Exploration - 06-29-2013

Incoming message...
ID: Leam Smith
Location: Solar Runners Flagship Avant


I am the commander of the Avant, and would like to personally thank you for allowing us use to these weapons. You wouldn't believe the difference in the defensive capabilities of this ship. Its simply amazing.

I hope we can continue such arrangements in the future with such ease and trust.

With thanks

Leam Smith of the Avant.

RE: To: IMG Leadership | From: SolarR - Exploration - 07-01-2013

Incoming Message
Sender: Flagship Titania

I thought it would be general courtesy to inform you the Avant has been christened Titania, the Vessel Avant was an old Carrier which we transferred the name from while we waited for paperwork to go through. The Avant is a current decommissioned Carrier that is now in control of the AI Consensus representative, in other words, the Weaponry we were permitted to use is on the Titania, our Flagship.

Please amend your records accordingly and thank you for your time.

Titania Out.

Transmission Ended