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A break from Vierlande holidays (CANCELED) - Printable Version

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A break from Vierlande holidays (CANCELED) - Mercarryn - 06-27-2013


The infamous prison Vierlande in Hamburg system awaits a new delivery of about 300 long time sentenced prisoners.
These convicts will be transported by a Rheinland Federal Polizei prison liner to Vierlande, with escorts as some of them are members of the Red Hessian movement that were hard to catch.

But such an important transport does not go unnoticed. The Red Hessian Army, unable to free their comrades so far, set up a plan to get the prisoners out of the hands of their enemies. The Hessian raiders decide that their best chance will be when the Prison liner is on its final part of the route, heading from Luebeck Border station to Vierlande...

Event Proceeding:

RFP| will start from planet New Berlin through the jumpgate to Hamburg. From there, the Liner + escort fighters will cruise to Vierlande.
As soon as the [RHA] come within visual sight of the Prison liner, a riot will break out on it, which leads to a failure in the cruise engines. Still the normal pulse speed is possible and so the liner captain tries to reach Vierlande.
From time to time, convicts are to able to reach escape pods, so the Hessian freighter is able to fetch them up.
Neither the prison liner nor the Hessian freighter will be attacked, as both escorts are too busy fighting off each other.

Mission Goals:

Winning condition RFP|: The RFP| will have to fend of the Hessian raid and make sure that most of the convicts reach Vierlande. To achieve this they will have to destroy the Hessian fighters first and then either destroy the Hessian freighter.

Winning condition [RHA]:: The RFP| fighter escorts have to be destroyed completely to force the prison liner to stop and let all prisoners flee to the Hessian freighter.

Some sort of draw is reached for this event if neither side's fighter wings is destroyed before the prison liner reaches vierlande and some of the convicts are able to reach escape pods and flee to the nearby Hessian freighter.

Allowed ships:

RFP| will sport fighters and one Prison liner on their side. RHA will come up with an equivalent fighter force and a freighter.

Involved Parties:

Rheinland Federal Polizei RFP|
They try to get that Pirson liner to Vierlande, to make sure that those damned Hessian convicts pose no harm to Rheinland for a long time.
  • RFP| Prison liner: RFP|Saarbruecken (Mercarryn)
  • RFP|Escort:
  • RFP|Escort: RFP|BGS-Goj.P.Schwan (Savi)
  • RFP|Escort: RFP|Det.Jana.Dannenau (Skorak)
  • RFP|Escort

Red Hessian Army [RHA]
The Red Hessians are eager to free their comrades out of the fangs of their enemies. Besides it would give them some public notice if they succeed.
  • [RHA] Freighter: (Blodo)
  • [RHA] Fighter Raider: [RHA]Drache (bloogaL)
  • [RHA] Fighter Raider:
  • [RHA] Fighter Raider:
  • [RHA] Fighter Raider:

Depending on how many people we can get for this event, the slots will be adjusted accordingly

Time table:

Allright, as I did not really get information at all I decided to set the date to next Friday, 12th july, 21:00 GMT

Please sign in for it. Those of you who already signed up, let me know if you can attend or not.

RE: A break from Vierlande holidays (RFP| - [RHA] event WIP) - Blodo - 06-27-2013

Let me add something in about time of event: Something this weekend would be nice hopefully, if people would be up for it. The sooner the better.

RE: A break from Vierlande holidays (RFP| - [RHA] event WIP) - aakopa - 06-27-2013

I want in, RFP|Wach.S.Meister

Edit: For time: 16-19 GMT

RE: A break from Vierlande holidays (RFP| - [RHA] event WIP) - Doria - 06-29-2013

I'm in... Kadett Thomas Müller of the RFP... If it happens after midnight GMT for me is better...

RE: A break from Vierlande holidays (RFP| - [RHA] event WIP) - Savi - 07-01-2013

RFP|BGS-Goj.P.Schwan will be there in a wraith.
Any time is ok for me but mornings.

RE: A break from Vierlande holidays (RFP| - [RHA] event WIP) - Skorak - 07-02-2013

RFP|Det.Jana.Dannenau - Tell me when and I will see what I can do.

RE: A break from Vierlande holidays (RFP| - [RHA] event WIP) - Blodo - 07-03-2013

I will be there as either the freighter or one of the fighters so just put me in one of the slots.

RE: A break from Vierlande holidays (RFP| - [RHA] event WIP) - Mercarryn - 07-05-2013

Okay, as I did not get as much information as I wanted, I have decided to make a final date and time for the event:

Friday, 12th july, 21:00 GMT

If not enough people sign in for the event until Wednesday, 10th July, I will cancel it.

RE: A break from Vierlande holidays (RFP| - [RHA] event WIP) - aakopa - 07-05-2013

(07-05-2013, 07:37 PM)Mercarryn Wrote: Okay, as I did not get as much information as I wanted, I have decided to make a final date and time for the event:

Friday, 12th july, 21:00 GMT

If not enough people sign in for the event until Wednesday, 10th July, I will cancel it.
I cannot come because of time.

RE: A break from Vierlande holidays (RFP| - [RHA] event WIP) - bloogaL - 07-07-2013

Will be there on [RHA]Drache.