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What do you do in these situations? - Printable Version

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What do you do in these situations? - Fletcher - 07-05-2008

All right, I wish to see your opinions in the following scenarios that you guys may or not have had the pleasure of encountering...
  1. You are a 101st pilot. An Outcast independent Battleship is in a House Capital System. You ask if that Battleship is registered in the 101st register. The Battleship doesn't reply and rampages through the system and blanks you. What do you as a 101st pilot do?
  2. You are the police officer. A Trader ID ship full of contraband (e.g. cardimine, slaves) is caught by House police. Do you RP this or if you get 'annoyed' would you file a sanction report for wrong ID?
  3. You are a lawful Bounty Hunter pilot. You take a bounty mission from a lawful player, say a police officer, you find your target. He claims he has been taken down by bounties all week. What do you do?
  4. You an ordinary player A level 60 Whale transport flies by with a Civilian ID and a hold full of Diamonds. What do you do?
  5. You are a Trader, in an advanced train. You are going through Sigma 13, hold full of cargo, you have two competent Hunter escorts. You get stopped by a Pirate Gunboat. He demands tax, what do you do?
  6. You are a LSF pilot. You are patrolling around NY, you notice someone in Alaska. You have authorization to enter Alaska. What do you do?
  7. You are an ordinary player You see pilots in NY screaming ooRP chatter over system comms without appropriate tags. What do you do?

I am curious to your opinions.
I want to see what you guys would do in situations like these. Here is my list:

  1. As a 101st, I'd report the guy to Epyon or other 101st leaders.
  2. I would bring the ID to their attention and take their cargo. But if they already knew, I may report.
  3. I'd ask my client what to do, if they wish him dead still, I'd attack.
  4. I would message them in game, but if they are part of a player faction, I'd file a report.
  5. I would leg it for the nearest lane, since my escorts would try to keep the gunboat busy.
  6. I would contact fellow LSF, and organize a hunting party.
  7. I'd leave NY

What do you do in these situations? - Klaw117 - 07-05-2008

1. Make a note of this, since there is an Outcast Battleship restriction (I think), and report it.
2. Take the cargo, tell him to pay a fine and to get a Smuggler ID.
3. Tell my client that he has already been taken down by others. If he still wants me to kill him, I kill him.
4. Tell him to get a Trader, Universal Shipping, Interspace Commerce, etc. ID and DON'T sell those diamonds at Planet Kyushu (due to problems with the anti-cheat right now).
5. Tell the escorts to engage while I make it to safety.
6. Find and tell the player in Alaska that he is in restricted space and to turn around at once. If he refuses, shoot him down.
7. Tell people to type // for OOC chat. If they don't do it, I just don't listen to them.

What do you do in these situations? - Unseelie - 07-05-2008

[*]You are a 101st pilot. An Outcast independent Battleship is in a House Capital System. You ask if that Battleship is registered in the 101st register. The Battleship doesn't reply and rampages through the system and blanks you. What do you as a 101st pilot do?
skype eppy and/or roust a bomber crew, depending on where the bs is...prolly tell the house authorities, too
[*]You are the police officer. A Trader ID ship full of contraband (e.g. cardimine, slaves) is caught by House police. Do you RP this or if you get 'annoyed' would you file a sanction report for wrong ID?
You can sanction people for that? Wow. Seems to be ridiculous rules lawyering. I'd RP them. To death.
[*]You are a lawful Bounty Hunter pilot. You take a bounty mission from a lawful player, say a police officer, you find your target. He claims he has been taken down by bounties all week. What do you do?
Thats an OORP statement. I will probably tell him his comms are broken...but, remembering what I did to the RM, and what it cost, I may try to come to an arrangement with this guy. Depends on his attitude.
[*]You an ordinary player A level 60 Whale transport flies by with a Civilian ID and a hold full of Diamonds. What do you do?
Probably wouldn't notice. If I did, I'll probably pm him and explain.
[*]You are a Trader, in an advanced train. You are going through Sigma 13, hold full of cargo, you have two competent Hunter escorts. You get stopped by a Pirate Gunboat. He demands tax, what do you do?
KEEP MOVING. I've two escorts. Of course, I'm substituting in two MK escorts here, so they'll absolutely rape the thing, but whatever.
[*]You are a LSF pilot. You are patrolling around NY, you notice someone in Alaska. You have authorization to enter Alaska. What do you do?
Seems like something to do. Go investigate.
[*]You are an ordinary player You see pilots in NY screaming ooRP chatter over system comms without appropriate tags. What do you do?
Get out of NY. Its a cesspit, always has been. Honestly, and this may just be me avoiding doesn't seem any different from the days when the pvp was off.

What do you do in these situations? - timmychen - 07-05-2008

1. You are a 101st pilot. An Outcast independent Battleship is in a House Capital System. You ask if that Battleship is registered in the 101st register. The Battleship doesn't reply and rampages through the system and blanks you. What do you as a 101st pilot do?

-Try to reason with them, then log to another char. If it doesn't work, take SSes, make an MD post about it.

2. You are the police officer. A Trader ID ship full of contraband (e.g. cardimine, slaves) is caught by House police. Do you RP this or if you get 'annoyed' would you file a sanction report for wrong ID?

-Just RP along, then when finished, make a quick side note about the ID.

3. You are a lawful Bounty Hunter pilot. You take a bounty mission from a lawful player, say a police officer, you find your target. He claims he has been taken down by bounties all week. What do you do?

-He must've done something to piss that many people off. Take him down yet again. You get paid, you're happy.

4. You an ordinary player A level 60 Whale transport flies by with a Civilian ID and a hold full of Diamonds. What do you do?

-Take SSes of his ID and level, mention to him that he needs an proper ID. If you seem him trading again with a civilian ID, report.

5. You are a Trader, in an advanced train. You are going through Sigma 13, hold full of cargo, you have two competent Hunter escorts. You get stopped by a Pirate Gunboat. He demands tax, what do you do?

-Open up the trade session, then order the BHs to attack. You get the element of surprise. It may be a dirty trick, but hey, it works.

6. You are a LSF pilot. You are patrolling around NY, you notice someone in Alaska. You have authorization to enter Alaska. What do you do?

-Head to Norfolk, and then to the hole in the minefield. No point in going into Alaska just to chase someone, especially if you don't know which direction that player is going in.

7. You are an ordinary player You see pilots in NY screaming ooRP chatter over system comms without appropriate tags. What do you do?

-It's happens every once in a while. RP in NY always fluctuates, we have our good and bad moments. I'd just invite whoever I can into the group, then politely explain it there.

What do you do in these situations? - Praetyre - 07-05-2008

' Wrote:
  1. You are a 101st pilot. An Outcast independent Battleship is in a House Capital System. You ask if that Battleship is registered in the 101st register. The Battleship doesn't reply and rampages through the system and blanks you. What do you as a 101st pilot do?

Call for backup over Skype or Teamspeak, to people who possess bombers.

' Wrote:
  • You are the police officer. A Trader ID ship full of contraband (e.g. cardimine, slaves) is caught by House police. Do you RP this or if you get 'annoyed' would you file a sanction report for wrong ID?

  • I consider Smuggler IDs a bad idea in the first place. I would RP this.

    ' Wrote:
  • You are a lawful Bounty Hunter pilot. You take a bounty mission from a lawful player, say a police officer, you find your target. He claims he has been taken down by bounties all week. What do you do?

  • Either get scared (because he survived his ship being blown up multiple times) or mock him and attack him anyway.

    ' Wrote:
  • You an ordinary player A level 60 Whale transport flies by with a Civilian ID and a hold full of Diamonds. What do you do?

  • PM him over private chat, and if he doesn't respond/responds negatively, SS and report him.

    ' Wrote:
  • You are a Trader, in an advanced train. You are going through Sigma 13, hold full of cargo, you have two competent Hunter escorts. You get stopped by a Pirate Gunboat. He demands tax, what do you do?

  • Order the escorts to shoot him and flee ahead of the pirate.

    ' Wrote:
  • You are a LSF pilot. You are patrolling around NY, you notice someone in Alaska. You have authorization to enter Alaska. What do you do?

  • Check their authorization with my superiors/on the forums. If they aren't authorized, kill them. Immediately. No questions asked whatsoever. Only exception is underlevel/Neutral/admin people, who aren't part of RP.

    ' Wrote:
  • You are an ordinary player You see pilots in NY screaming ooRP chatter over system comms without appropriate tags. What do you do?

  • The question is wrong, since it implies OOC in system chat is allowed if tagged (the rules state, unilaterally, that it is not allowed in system chat). I hit the Windows key/click out (if my game is windowed) and tell an admin about it over Skype.

    What do you do in these situations? - Dusty Lens - 07-05-2008

    ' Wrote:
    1. You are a 101st pilot. An Outcast independent Battleship is in a House Capital System. You ask if that Battleship is registered in the 101st register. The Battleship doesn't reply and rampages through the system and blanks you. What do you as a 101st pilot do?

    Shake my head and PM the fellow to see if perhaps he can be recalled back to the glorious world of RP. If that particular trick can't be pulled, shrug my shoulders and carry on having good times on my own program. He'll likely eventually end up in sanctionville and harassing him isn't going to stop the problem.

    ' Wrote:
  • You are the police officer. A Trader ID ship full of contraband (e.g. cardimine, slaves) is caught by House police. Do you RP this or if you get 'annoyed' would you file a sanction report for wrong ID?

  • You mean with a trader ID? That happens all the time. I'm going to carry on with busting his head or taking a bri... Seeing that the law is met.

    ' Wrote:
  • You are a lawful Bounty Hunter pilot. You take a bounty mission from a lawful player, say a police officer, you find your target. He claims he has been taken down by bounties all week. What do you do?

  • Assume that's because the fellow putting a bounty on his head is either very rich (good for me) or that this fellow sure has gathered a lot of attention to himself (good for me). I wonder these things while I'm slowly reducing his ship to its base components to get to the yummy money filled center.

    ' Wrote:
  • You an ordinary player A level 60 Whale transport flies by with a Civilian ID and a hold full of Diamonds. What do you do?

  • PM him to drop the good word that he's messed up and needs to secure a new ID. His reply following that will entirely dictate what happens next. Sometimes I've experienced that they go wide eyed and pick up a trader ID at once, sometimes they tell me to bite them. The latter is met with bad times.

    ' Wrote:
  • You are a Trader, in an advanced train. You are going through Sigma 13, hold full of cargo, you have two competent Hunter escorts. You get stopped by a Pirate Gunboat. He demands tax, what do you do?

  • I sick my lawdogs on him and proceed to try and stay alive while they do their magic. Hopefully I brought bombers.

    ' Wrote:
  • You are a LSF pilot. You are patrolling around NY, you notice someone in Alaska. You have authorization to enter Alaska. What do you do?

  • I eat icecream. Then, uh, investigate I suppose. If things look fishy, could be that it's time to warm up the shooters.

    ' Wrote:
  • You are an ordinary player You see pilots in NY screaming ooRP chatter over system comms without appropriate tags. What do you do?

  • PM him, telling him to fix himself. If he declines, bad things happen in the form o' the sanction monster.

    Hahaha, though honestly Unselie's answer wins.

    What do you do in these situations? - Xoria - 07-05-2008

    Traders are not violating any server rule for smuggling contraband without a smuggler ID. And they won't be sanctioned for it. And you shouldn't waste your time reporting it as a rule violation.
    In fact, I would much rather see an Interspace Commerce Tagged and ID'd ship smuggling a little contraband in with their other cargo than a Trader ID or a Smuggler ID. But that's just my personal opinion.
    'Course, when Caylith smuggles, she just goes all out with the contraband...

    What do you do in these situations? - Dusty Lens - 07-05-2008

    ' Wrote:Traders are not violating any server rule for smuggling contraband without a smuggler ID. And they won't be sanctioned for it. And you shouldn't waste your time reporting it as a rule violation.
    In fact, I would much rather see an Interspace Commerce Tagged and ID'd ship smuggling a little contraband in with their other cargo than a Trader ID or a Smuggler ID. But that's just my personal opinion.

    A brilliant Junker from the .:j:. had a great mixture of cargo to cover his contraband. While 30-50 units of each wasn't enough to be elusive, nor the fact that he came through Alaska, nor the fact that he came through with Cruiser escort really helped him evade the attention of my LPI; it's a really good way to sneak by folks making casual scans!

    What do you do in these situations? - Blodo - 07-05-2008

    ' Wrote:You are a 101st pilot. An Outcast independent Battleship is in a House Capital System. You ask if that Battleship is registered in the 101st register. The Battleship doesn't reply and rampages through the system and blanks you. What do you as a 101st pilot do?
    Contact the lawfuls, the unlawfuls, all allies and all enemies in the vicinity of the capship. The allies will listen because they are allies, and the enemies will jump at the opportunity to wreck the ship. Failing that, I would gather some Outcasts and go forcibly return it to Malta.

    Quote:You are the police officer. A Trader ID ship full of contraband (e.g. cardimine, slaves) is caught by House police. Do you RP this or if you get 'annoyed' would you file a sanction report for wrong ID?
    I would RP this, but I wouldn't omit to tell the guy by PM OOC that he should equip a Smuggler or Junker ID if he wants to ferry contraband around.

    Quote:You are a lawful Bounty Hunter pilot. You take a bounty mission from a lawful player, say a police officer, you find your target. He claims he has been taken down by bounties all week. What do you do?
    Such is the way the dice roll. I got paid for this, so I do the job.

    Quote:You an ordinary player A level 60 Whale transport flies by with a Civilian ID and a hold full of Diamonds. What do you do?
    Point it out by PM. Depending on the response I either report or leave the guy be.

    Quote:You are a Trader, in an advanced train. You are going through Sigma 13, hold full of cargo, you have two competent Hunter escorts. You get stopped by a Pirate Gunboat. He demands tax, what do you do?
    Attack the gunboat. It's three against one, I try and provide fire support with the advanced train for as long as possible. If the situation gets bad for me, I would try to go in cruise.

    Quote:You are a LSF pilot. You are patrolling around NY, you notice someone in Alaska. You have authorization to enter Alaska. What do you do?
    Raiding party into Alaska!

    Quote:You are an ordinary player You see pilots in NY screaming ooRP chatter over system comms without appropriate tags. What do you do?
    I ignore it. Nothing anybody will say is going to stop them from doing it, in fact nothing short of kicking them from the server will make it stop. NY is like a sewer, sometimes there is a plague of rats that you can only deal with by calling an exterminator.

    What do you do in these situations? - frozen - 07-05-2008

    You are a 101st pilot. An Outcast independent Battleship is in a House Capital System. You ask if that Battleship is registered in the 101st register. The Battleship doesn't reply and rampages through the system and blanks you. What do you as a 101st pilot do?

    got skype. get a bomber wing up. take screens. kill him. report to eppy do to whatever he has to do.

    You are the police officer. A Trader ID ship full of contraband (e.g. cardimine, slaves) is caught by House police. Do you RP this or if you get 'annoyed' would you file a sanction report for wrong ID?

    RP it out. but, not let him run either. either he drops and pays, or he tries to runs and eats my supernova. (usually the latter)

    You are a lawful Bounty Hunter pilot. You take a bounty mission from a lawful player, say a police officer, you find your target. He claims he has been taken down by bounties all week. What do you do?

    depends. never had that, so i continue to hunt. but i guess it wont hurt to give the victim a bit of a breather- after all, hes human like us too.

    You an ordinary player A level 60 Whale transport flies by with a Civilian ID and a hold full of Diamonds. What do you do?

    using PM chat, i explain whats wrong, what needs to be done. usually, i get results this way. when i dont, i get the screenshot button active. everyone deserves a chance, no matter who they are.

    You are a Trader, in an advanced train. You are going through Sigma 13, hold full of cargo, you have two competent Hunter escorts. You get stopped by a Pirate Gunboat. He demands tax, what do you do?

    if i got 2 hunter escorts, i try to obviously escape, and let the hunters deal with the menace. if the menace is too much, i might just pay the pirate a lil to not die, and still have the escorts. but there again, i dont trade, so my answer is null there.

    You are a LSF pilot. You are patrolling around NY, you notice someone in Alaska. You have authorization to enter Alaska. What do you do?

    depending on ship size, id either try and get further support, or head in and try and convince the person to leave for whatever reason, or fight. though, there are points where i wouldnt bother at all, since regardless of what i do, the flow of people into alaska will -not= stop.

    You are an ordinary player You see pilots in NY screaming ooRP chatter over system comms without appropriate tags. What do you do?

    leave system, but take a couple of noobs with me to help em out if they are willing to learn (ive helped 8 noobs setup their first trader/fighter chars, and no, they are not transports, but CSVs/Rhinos/defenders in the past 2 weeks. make em learn. dunno if they on the forums now or not :/ ).