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[Closed] The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - Printable Version

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[Closed] The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - Timmy - 06-28-2013

Since no one wanna do this as a usual raids, let's at least make it as a little event. Both sides have a few factions, and all factions have members that won't mind to have a good pew. For this I suggest to set this event.

RP background? Not much, just this war.

Place: Omicron Eta should do it. B6 sector will be perfect, in my opinion:

[Image: USQYfQc.png]

Time: 18:00 GMT, 7th July, Sunday.

Teams: Everyone can join on any ship. To help with balance a bit I will just make a following list of registred players:

Outcasts - 6 players
Corsairs - 9 players
Balance - 2 players


-No reengagement or other server rules violations.
-No bot feeding at all. You should rely on your ammount only.
-No resuppling from bases. If you ran from battlefield, you can't return in the fight. (If you laged out or something, you may rejoin fight only in case if you didn't resupplied)
-Don't mess the team chat, listen to your leaders (Those should be decided before fight begins)

That's pretty much it. Suggestions and ideas will be considered. Questions - answered. I am doing this spontaneously, so your support for this cause will be great. Also, I am rellying on the factions from both sides mostly, so I'd be appreciated if they give their opinion in here somewhere.

Oh ye, to register, just state the side you gonna join. Every other information is not necessary.

Sorry for my grammar.

RE: The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - Rodnas - 06-28-2013

Sign me up, i hope the Zoner madness is over by then and normal people can log into the server Big Grin

For the Corsair side, by the way Wink

RE: The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - cata77 - 06-28-2013

I sugest all leave cloacks home .
We hade some pews and cloacks just destroyed them all .

I'll try be there on the sair side with my Legate .

RE: The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - Narcotic - 06-28-2013

I might either join with a Ranseur or Bomber.

/edit: Or Scimitar.

RE: The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - Zen_Mechanics - 06-28-2013

my titan is going to be there with zeus. Count me in as corsair.

RE: The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - belarusich - 06-28-2013

May be I will can join as Outcast.

RE: The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - Timmy - 06-28-2013

Updated. We're even for now Tongue

RE: The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - Timmy - 06-28-2013

Bumping it to main page for a short while. No need to register right now, a lot can change till the next sunday. For now I only want people to see that such offer stands.

RE: The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - Luke. - 06-28-2013

I will most likely be there. Outcast side.

RE: The Omicron wars (Corsairs/Outcasts) - Madvillain - 06-28-2013

I'd like to join if there's still room.