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Beam guns - Omicron - 06-28-2013

We already know that as of 4.87, Solaris and Battle Razors turn into beam-style turrets which to my happiness will light up battlefields across all Sirius.

However in my opinion this concept still lacks anti-cap equivalent. Who else would want to see beam guns slashing and piercing each other for a change instead of using still classy plasma-style guns? This would be some challenge to balance right however we should give it a chance.

In my opinion (I could be wrong) there are 2 ways of introducing such to disco.
1. Heavy-slot, fast speed, very high energy consuming (to make up for fact it could hit and deal damage more reliably than regular blob gun). Ideal anti-cruiser/gunboat?
2. Medium-slot, alternative to already present primaries and pulse guns. Balance between low but reliable DPS delivered over bigger distance (projectile speed) or sheer DPS-energy combo of primary guns? I believe such deal will already exist between Solaris and Secondary guns with next update in light-BS guns grade.

RE: Beam guns - Zen_Mechanics - 06-28-2013

Beam as in Lazers? or just a portion of light bolts, either way should be a balance in lv8 class weapons.

RE: Beam guns - Kiith - 06-28-2013

Hum. When thinking of anti-cap Beam weapons as a heavy variant, I actually have something like fixed devices, in the Liberty Siege Cruiser style. So there could be the development of cruisers with this as kind of a main weapon, as well as Cruisers dedicated for long range support. However, that's just what came into my mind right now.

RE: Beam guns - JIVA - 06-28-2013

From what was written, they are not beam weapons; but they are beam effects. Some weapons simply get a cosmetic look but not stats like instant or continous damage.

They do not need anti-cap equivalents, because those effects work best on large, slow moving platforms and not so well on small and fast ones.

It does not even work on every battleship very well. Ships like the Osiris are just too small for example. So it is rather a toy for the big, heavy ships. Rheinland turtle, Nephilim, Valor etc.

RE: Beam guns - Omicron - 06-28-2013

Beam as continuous (at least visually) laser. See Aet's dev thread for details on how he handled new beam guns.


Solaris are dealing damage over intervals (refire rate) as it is now already, however everyone sees it as beam gun slashing through space to match running snub.

Battle Razors are what I like to call "Lance beam" - beam gun as Solaris, however unlike it beam will be very brief and you have wait for refire counter to kick in to engage beam again.

RE: Beam guns - Zen_Mechanics - 06-28-2013

Caps in anycase should be enhanced to deal with bombers/snubs, I was thinking about a radiation field, same effect as you see with the neutron star, to inflict damage. My reckoning is to atleast allow a battleship handle a few bombers, not too many i'd say 3.

RE: Beam guns - Jinx - 06-28-2013

we do not have any beam lances. every beam is just an effect. basicly it is a trick to create an illusion of a beam. - battlerazors are still projectiles that just look like beams. and they are not cutting beams or anthing else.

they got their stats adjusted - but not so much to match the beam but cause they suck atm and no one in their right mind mounts a battleship battlerazor.

so - yea... just cosmetics, nothing else - and still - doeesn t look very good on fast vessels - at least not the .ale effect we use atm.

RE: Beam guns - schlurbi - 06-28-2013

Just have it shoot so fast that it looks like a cutting beam. Kinda like Sammaels, just faster.

RE: Beam guns - Narcotic - 06-28-2013

More like those.

However, I can imagine that fast firing projectiles will cause more server lag.

RE: Beam guns - Govedo13 - 06-28-2013

Ye one more gun that need be replaced client-side with normal projective np.
As far as I understand it this cosmetic would only reduce the aim hitrate because it would show that your beam is constant while the sent damage would be burst. With witch refire rate this things are planned 16.67? ?
Can someone link the AD explanation?
This ?:

I also want to +1 the lagg effect and the 0 improve of the game play due to fake aim feel and lagg.