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Hey - Telbasta - 07-05-2008

ok, just started up here a couple days ago, finally got my account activated and been waiting all day for it so I can find some factions.

Some of you might have seen me around liberty, my character's name is Neko. Got a short bio I've written up for him:

name - Neko Bastile
gender - male
born on - planet manhattan
age - 24

Neko is the younger brother of Thomas Bastile, a bounty hunter working in the borderworlds. Thomas signed on with the bounty hunter's guild several years ago to support his brother and sister on manhattan, sending credits over the nueral net every month. Neko worked as a bartender on Manhattan until this week, when he struck it rich at a private poker game. The loser of the match had no money to pay him with, but had a rusty old starflier he offered up.

Neko had always dreamed of going into space and following his brother's footsteps, but it ended up being harder than he thought it would be. After leaving the manhattan atmosphere, he started taking jobs from newark station hunting down smalltime criminals around new york. The pay wasnt great, but it got him by. Still, he could not find any representatives of the bounty hunter's guild who could tell him how to get out to where his brother was.

Recently Neko started doing volunteer work for the liberty police. At fort bush he traded in his starflier for a dusty old patriot light fighter, and moved on to Pittsburgh to help patrol the area and hunt down rogues attacking freighters along the trade lanes. He hopes to become an official liberty police pilot soon, but until then continues with volunteer flying.

Hey - Boss - 07-06-2008

Nice to see ya made it. I was Jeff. Nice talking with you in Conn. Keep your nose clean.

Hey - Telbasta - 07-06-2008

well i went ahead and got to new london for a pirahna fighter, once i realized that the LPI had closed recruiting...

Guess ill stick to this for a while and build up some money.

Hey - Leo - 07-06-2008

Awesome post, well written Bio as well, nicely done.

Welcome to the madhouse, make sure you read the rules here.

If you find your account banned, please check here.

If you see someone breaking any rules, report them here.

If you want to see a faction list, please check the post here.

However, maybe you're one of the people that likes to lead instead of follow. If you wish to start a faction please post here. However, don't forget to get the 500 million credit tax first!

Got the Roleplay bug? check the Roleplay Hub located here

And finally, for all announcements for the 24/7 Discovery RPG Server, check here for new posts on new info for the server and mod!

That's all that should help you get started. Enjoy your stay, and watch out for the cabbage king!!!
