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To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - Printable Version

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To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - New Covenant Church - 07-01-2013

---------------------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION--------------------------------------

[Image: r21.png]

Encryption: High
Priority: High
Identification: Magister Yuri Orlov - NCC Foreign Relations Minister
Source: Planet Gran Canaria - Omega 49 System
Subject: Personnel request

[Image: transmissionorlov2.jpg]

Good evening, Señor Comisario:

I'm contacting you again with the intention to make you a request. The NCC has a large villa in Gran Canaria, on the shores of Mediterranean Sea, which, in a few weeks, will become the official residence of His Holiness Paolus LXIV.

The villa has been recently acquired, and only has a few guards, but we had long intended to improve the security, before His Holiness arrives.

I'd like you to give me permission to move to the villa an exact number of 150 Pontifical Guard Marines, and 4 light armored military vehicles, to be used exclusively within the limits of the property.

These Guards will arrive at Gran Canaria in a NCC transport ship, and of course will be no problem in that your Carabineros inspect it, and even accompany my men and their material to the Pontifical Villa, to ensure that they will not leave its limits. They will have very strict orders to obey the orders of your men, and will not create any problem, I assure you.

I'm sure you understand the importance of a good security team on a personality like His Holiness, so I respectfully ask you to give me permission to make the transfer of my men to the villa.

My warmest regards. Deux be with you.

------------------------------------------END OF TRANSMISSION-----------------------------------------

RE: To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - New Covenant Church - 07-02-2013

---------------------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION--------------------------------------

:::::::::::::BOOSTING SIGNAL:::::::::::::

-----------------------------------------END OF TRANSMISSION----------------------------------------

RE: To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - Pepe - 07-02-2013


[Image: aqop.png]

Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron

Gracias senor Magisterio for asking that. It shows really great competence in foreign affairs, senor. And you are doing great job with that refugee camp, as my agents already informed me about. *bows* Sorry for this late reply, I hope OSI's deliberate destruction of my cute little interceptor excuses me. Maybe you could advise them not to be so trigger-happy from now on. They come to the church time to time, I hope. I do.

Now to the subject. Of course you can take care of His Holiness security at Gran Canaria or any other of our planets. In normal times we would even help you with some of the finest Corsair soldatos, but right now we need them to protect the freedom of Omega-49 population.

And there is no need for any inspection from our side. Your security manager at Crete NCC Headquarters is my old hermano, you know. He says you're OK and it's enough for me, si. *makes OK sign* We spent a lot of time there you know, in Elder Sephardi's villa, taking our best to secure Elder's wine cellars.

Eh, senor Magisterio... Something troubles me... May I ask you for a favor back, perfavor? You see... Maintaining civil space-lines is mandatory for our way of life, even in times of war. And there is that regular weekly line from Casablanca Base to Gran Canaria and back. We will escort our liners, of course, but ... for any case ... If that ship gets destroyed by SCRA forces, can we count on you to take standard care of survivors and wounded civilians?

1. Pontifical Guard Marines ........... 150 soldiers
2. Light armored military vehicles ............ 4 pcs

*El Comisario reaches OFF button and transmission ends*

[Image: vnt.png]

RE: To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - McKarnigan - 07-03-2013

---------------------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION--------------------------------------

Encryption: Low
Priority: medium
Identification: Captain Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda, Field Maestre and Minister of defense of the NCC
Source: Magallanes Carrier ship - In Orbit of Gran Canaria
Subject: Personal Arrival

[Image: Duque+de+Alba.jpg]

Señor comisario, we dont have the pleasure to met personaly, Im Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda, Field Maestre of the Pontif Guard.

I want to inform you about the arrival of the permited personal.

I want to say gracias, this men will be perfect to reinforce the Pontif Villa security.
In another vein, I would like to ask permission to bring 400 men more, because the camps begin to amass and safety hazards exist.

Only 80 of these men would be deployed in the field, the rest will remain on board the Magallanes as rapid response team, i only use it to respond to any serius incident occurs in one of the camps.

Mi mas cordial saludo, Deux be with you Comisario.

RE: To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - New Covenant Church - 07-03-2013

---------------------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION--------------------------------------

[Image: r21.png]

Encryption: High
Priority: High
Identification: Magister Yuri Orlov - NCC Foreign Relations Minister
Source: Planet Gran Canaria - Omega 49 System
Subject: Personnel request

[Image: transmissionorlov2.jpg]

Señor Comisario:

I want to thank you, the generosity and understanding that you've offered granting us the permission. I regret a lot the loss of your interceptor. Surely there must be some kind of misunderstanding, everyone is very nervous in these unfortunate times of war.

Regarding the request that you make me, the answer is yes, of course. Our Holy Church doesn't leave any human being helpless and hurt. You have all our resources available to assist victims in case of this misfortune happen. Just let me know and I will gather our humanitarian personnel.

My respectful regards, caballero.

Deux be with you.

------------------------------------------END OF TRANSMISSION-----------------------------------------

RE: To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - Pepe - 07-03-2013


[Image: iicw.png]

Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron in his best pajamas

Camps, senor Field Maestre? Hmmm... What camps? *checking his records* There are no camps... NCC reported one camp only and that one is absolutely safe. We have it's coordinates, orbital photos, description... It's safe and... *stops talking*

*checking more records*

*checking bombing timetable*

*his face gets white, than red*


And hurry up...

*whispers* Dios Mio... what a tragedy... maybe no solders would be needed to guard those new camps after all... hurry... hurry...

*he shows you Corsair bombing timetable and covers his face with hands*

[Image: api4.jpg]

*El Comisario reaches OFF button and transmission ends*

[Image: vnt.png]

RE: To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - McKarnigan - 07-04-2013

---------------------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION--------------------------------------

Encryption: Low
Priority: medium
Identification: Captain Juan Felipe de Alba y Espronceda, Field Maestre and Minister of defense of the NCC
Source: Magallanes Carrier ship - In Orbit of Gran Canaria
Subject: Information request

[Image: Duque+de+Alba.jpg]

Señor Comisario. the NCC currently only handles a camp, but that does not stop others and we want to ensure their safety.

Here I give you de info about the camps that we find until now:

File 1#

Camp Name: unknown
Location: Plain Fields village, McDronal Plaza. (Coord: 43°18′03.95″N 2°54′38.19″W)
Under command of: unknown
Estimated Population: 41 (26 refugees, 12 firefighters and 3 local health members)
Additional Information: Estimated distance from the impact zone of a nuclear warhead 49Km.
Security personnel necessary estimated 6-9
Notes: HAZMAT suit imperative, necessary radiation measurements.

File 2#

Camp Name: Santa Barbara.
Location: Pueblo de Santa Barbara, Tenerife archipelago. (Coord: 28°16′07″N 16°36′20″W)
Under command of: Local authorities from Santa Barbara town
Estimated Population: 317 (263 refugees, 17 paramedics, 1 doctor, 19 administrative staff, 17 local security personnel, 1 dog)
Additional Information: The majority of the residents come from the nearby area of "La Gomera" bombed by the SCRA in the first wave, Corsair population.
Security personnel necessary estimate: 35-40.
Notes: None.

File 3#

Camp Name: Willy Pharmacy
Location: Willy Pharmacy Store, 41th speed way station (Coord: 37.00 N, 3.59 W)
Under command of: Willy Stundan IV, owner of the store
Population: 17 (13 refugee, two pharmacists, 1 angry boss, the boss's wife)
Additional Information: The 13 refugees came from brown hills, as they say, an area where unknown elements have a gunfire. Bandits?
Security personnel necessary estimate: 2-3
Notes: low priority area.

File 4#

Camp name: unknown.
Location: Black Marshes, Swamps South Pass of the devil. (Coord: - 33°55′ S 18°27′E)
Under command of: unknown.
Population: unknown.
Additional Information: We has tried to communicate with this camp without success, we recommend extreme caution, possible proximity to zone of impact of toxic weapon, HAZMAT recommended.
Notes: Armed Scout Team recommended.

This is all the information at my disposal, in total will be required 49-52 security members, the remaining will be sent out in 2 patrols in order to clarify what happened with the camp of the Black Marsh.

We have nothing to hide Comisario, you may wish to incorporate to my forces observers in order to check accuracy of my data.

And Porfavor Calm down, do not get paranoid, we all are professionals.

Buenos dias comisario, and may Deux guard you

------------------------------------------END OF TRANSMISSION-----------------------------------------

RE: To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - Pepe - 07-04-2013


[Image: iicw.png]

Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron in his best pajamas

It's not the time or the place to advise me about getting paranoid, senor Maestre. Many innocent lives were in danger and you were somehow... cold about it. Like you were waiting for something terrible to happen *his eyes gets darker*.

Actually, I wonder how could it happen you didn't inform us about those camps before regular time for bombing? Looks like you had pretty accurate data gathered by NCC on time. Man of your experience should know that every camp looks the same from orbit, no matter if it's full of refugees or soldiers. Or both...

However... our cooperation and my nimble reaction saved at least 400 lives tonight. I have to finish my beauty sleep and I will think about you and your reinforcements tomorrow. You know what happens next if you are trying to frame up brave Corsair generals for genocide.

I guess I'll check all this with senor Magisterio Orlov too, as he seems to be only one we can trust so far.

*there is a document on the table, maybe deliberately left there. Maybe not*

[Image: 3oq5.jpg]

*El Comisario reaches OFF button and transmission ends*

[Image: vnt.png]

RE: To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - Pepe - 07-05-2013


[Image: aqop.png]

Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron

Senor Field Maestre, it's my pleasure to inform you that your reinforcements request was processed urgently this morning by Council of Elders. Unfortunately, we can't grant clearance to so many soldiers. But, we can grant clearance for three camps out of four initially requested. Not so bad, si?

So, to make things right and people safe, we took the responsibility of securing that new refuge camp in Santa Barbara. Your data was 100% accurate, all refuges there are of Corsair origin. They welcomed us with tears in their eyes and... ehmm... empty plates. I must thank you for your kind cooperation. Without you, this would never happen. Gracias again.

However, there's handful of NCC light armed guards in rather bad shape. Their rations were stolen (by some evil personas unknown) and now we can't help about it in any way. I must humbly ask you to pick them up ASAP. They can't wait much longer with no food. And three more camps are not protected yet, so I'm sure they'd prefer to be there instead of here.

I'm very happy all the issues are solved in so friendly fashion! We would be all glad if you come to be our guest for fiesta when all this war finally finishes! I'm sure it will be soon, as last night my brave Carabineros won another space fight against SCRA.

1. NCC Marines ........... 15 soldiers

*El Comisario reaches OFF button and transmission ends*

[Image: vnt.png]

RE: To: Señor Pepe "El Comisario"; From: NCC; - New Covenant Church - 07-05-2013

---------------------------------------INCOMING TRANSMISSION--------------------------------------

[Image: r21.png]

Encryption: High
Priority: High
Identification: Magister Yuri Orlov - NCC Foreign Relations Minister
Source: NCC refugee camp, Planet Gran Canaria - Omega 49 System
Subject: NCC camp expansion

[Image: transmissionorlov2.jpg]

Good morning, Señor Comisario:

Another misunderstanding, it seems. The confusion that exists today is quite remarkable, so it don't surprise me. I'm glad everything has been clarified already. I don't wish that you might have some reason to think that our humble Church doesn't play fair.

In the same way I want to apologize for the harsh and cold manners of our Field Maestre. He is not a diplomat, but a soldier, accustomed to command and military life. The noble house of Alba is not one of the most important in Crete, but its origins are ancient and has always served with its blood to Corsair Empire loyally. Our Church is very proud that one of our most faithful devotees is an honorable member of that familia.

In another vein, I have to proceed to inform you of something about our humanitarian deployment:

As the Maestre de Alba noted, and as you know, the NCC has only a refugee camp on the outskirts of the capital, in which we have currently housed 721 people. Besides 60-70 people daily come to be decontaminated, receive religious assistance, or to make them heals and medical care.

The 50 tents that we have are overcrowded, so we need to make an extension of the camp. We intend to raise 30 tents more, located in the south of perimeter, to accommodate 360 more people, potentially.

The materials have been brought this morning by an NCC transport and are now in the dock 2 waiting to be downloaded. I guess there is no problem to carry out this operation, but I've believed important that you knew about it.

Deux be with you, caballero.

------------------------------------------END OF TRANSMISSION-----------------------------------------