Discovery Gaming Community
TO: Doc Holliday | FROM: Vagrant Raiders - Printable Version

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TO: Doc Holliday | FROM: Vagrant Raiders - Kazinsal - 07-01-2013

=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Get out of here, Garcia ==

[Image: comm-header.png]

I wish I could be cheerier in my introduction, but the news of what has happened in Omega-49 has crossed my debris-cluttered desk today.

You may or may not remember me, Doc. My name is Harold Kane. I run the Vagrant Raiders. Now, don't close this transmission just yet; we do a lot more than raiding these days. The name just stuck, much like how the Temporary Autonomous Zoners don't just operate in a Zoner fashion temporarily.

I would like to offer the assistance of my faction to you and your people in Omega-49 and on Gran Canaria. I am prepared to deliver any assistance -- humanitarian efforts, military reinforcements, shipping, intelligence, whatever -- to your people that you require with the resources I have at my disposal. And trust me, I have a lot of resources.

The sooner a response comes, Doc, the sooner we can help you save more innocent people.

=== Transmission Ended ===
== Partial Trace: VCS Metropolis, unknown system==