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The Bass Hunters? - Bootsiuv - 07-04-2013

So, after reading the thread about the bass hunters [sic] in the news and commerce channel, I'm left wondering if this is valid rp for destroying a pob.

Basically, they're saying their entire existence is to find and destroy pobs.

It would appear ZoI or base IFF has no bearing. They have agents "all over Sirius", which leaves me wondering what ID they use.

It would appear this groups entire existence is to find and destroy pobs no matter where they are or what they're doing.

From an rp standpoint, why? Is this all that is required to get a group of friends and fly around and start blowing things up? Just choosing zoner or freelancer id and saying "we don't like pobs" so we'll scour sirius and blow up any core 1s we come across.

Seems like having oorp fun at the expense of others, with no real rp to back it up other than "allied with ZA".

For reference:Bass Hunters

2 days, 6 pobs blown up in 3 different sectors of the map....hard to tell how all of these bases relate to each other. It's obvious that few if any are blocking any jumpholes or gates, so I don't see the reasoning behind it other than to go " derp pob go boom lulz".

Again, I fail to see the rp connection between these six bases and why they were destroyed. If someone could enlighten me, that would be nice.

Kthx. Smile

RE: The Bass Hunters? - Hone - 07-04-2013

Trial By Forum?

Im not sure, but PoB destruction rules need to be clearly stated in the official rules, before we start throwing around accusations.

RE: The Bass Hunters? - Bootsiuv - 07-04-2013's possibly a tbf, but it's hard to ask if this is ok without referencing it.

If it is, they can close it, I just don't see the point of this groups existence other than to blow up pobs that they find, no matter where they are.

I'm simply asking why. What is the rp reason for going to Kusari, Liberty, Rheinland and Gallia and blowing up various pobs? The ZA conflict is centered around O-74, and the parties involved in that conflict are probably not building bases in house territory, let alone Gallia.

RE: The Bass Hunters? - Duvelske - 07-04-2013

(07-04-2013, 07:27 PM)Bootsiuv Wrote: 2 days, 6 pobs blown up in 3 different sectors of the map....hard to tell how all of these bases relate to each other. It's obvious that few if any are blocking any jumpholes or gates, so I don't see the reasoning behind it other than to go " derp pob go boom lulz".

2 days? damn they are better then many guys shooting a base on this server then. Look how long people shot at those bases of ZA. Do not forget they are still there

RE: The Bass Hunters? - Bootsiuv - 07-04-2013

That's because these were probably core 1's which they randomly found.

That is my point...

What is the point?

RE: The Bass Hunters? - Hone - 07-04-2013

No, all the bases were out of regens and dying. Many were high cores, such as the GMG jumphole blocking base and Port Talbot, which they would have destroyed as well if I hadnt called in reinforcements.

RE: The Bass Hunters? - Duvelske - 07-04-2013

Well if they are willing enough to shoot at a base for so long time its up to them. I cannot be bothered with it. And maybe in a way they bring activity too. As if there would come base defenders there would be a fight to defend the base.

RE: The Bass Hunters? - Bootsiuv - 07-04-2013

Fair enough....that really isn't the point I'm making.

I'm asking if it's viable rp to say "we blow up bases", and then look for every base in sirius that you can take out and start doing so.

I understand the rules are muddled, and I'm not accusing them of breaking any, as there aren't really any to break, aside from the small quote we had from Cannon on the subject, which is rather broad and open to quite some interpretation.

RE: The Bass Hunters? - Sava - 07-05-2013

Trade ships have become an ultimate PvP weapon lately; it's good that someone tries to challenge them.
I wanted to make such a group myself some time ago. Don't see any problems with corsairs blowing up lawful stuff.

RE: The Bass Hunters? - Echo 7-7 - 07-05-2013

(07-04-2013, 07:48 PM)Bootsiuv Wrote: Fair enough....that really isn't the point I'm making.

I'm asking if it's viable rp to say "we blow up bases", and then look for every base in sirius that you can take out and start doing so.

I understand the rules are muddled, and I'm not accusing them of breaking any, as there aren't really any to break, aside from the small quote we had from Cannon on the subject, which is rather broad and open to quite some interpretation.

This is blatant metagaming, as this particular player group has come together on an oorp basis. There are no groups in Sirius that exist inrp who can travel anywhere and blow up any base. The pictures even demonstrate the presence of completely hostile faction ships being used (GRN, Corsairs, LN).