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One steely-eyed recruit fresh off the boat... - Printable Version

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One steely-eyed recruit fresh off the boat... - Dipicacyx - 07-05-2013

To the admirable members of this board,

Well, here I am. I've always loved flying, but it's been a while since I last put my hand to it. I was looking for a new adventure, and a Discovery was made... I look forward to seeing you all in space.

Kai Shintani

//I used to play on GetOnIt years ago, and recently I thought it would be fun to boot up FL again and try the online play. This is the most active server, so here I am. I've read most of the rules, and am enjoying poring through the Wiki. It's very impressive.

Still working on my character's story, but I've got this so far:
Kai Shintai was born of a Kusari father and Bretonnian mother. He was raised in Bretonnia, but due to his appearance, after the war broke out they all had to leave. Starting his own life in Kusari space is something he has always looked forward to, but he is a little torn between his two heritages. He really wants to make his corner of the system a better place.

Look out for a more thorough bio in the near future!

RE: One steely-eyed recruit fresh off the boat... - Hone - 07-05-2013

Yo welcome, Bret can always use more people! If your just starting dont forget to try the /restarts, you can do /restart bretonia or /restart kusari to get the bret/kus upgrades.

Aswel as the rules, youl probly find the INRP laws helpful:

RE: One steely-eyed recruit fresh off the boat... - Di'taraAlpha - 07-05-2013

Yo! Duncan here, always nice to see new people. Smile

Happy flying, pretty much everything of importance has pretty much already been pre-stated. Stick to your ID restrictions, have fun and RP well, and you'll love it here. Don't worry too much about those though, they're quick to pick up and the Angels are always eager to help new players learn the lie of the land. Checking up on forum Rp is also a good source point.

RE: One steely-eyed recruit fresh off the boat... - Johnathan Nox Carter - 07-05-2013

Well, seems like notices and suggestions (regarding rules/etc) have been made already, so i'll simply give you another warm Welcome to Disco!

Then again, if you have any questions or need any help, feel free to ask and most of us (especially the Angels) will gladly give you a hand.

Good luck and have fun!