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Announcing Before you attack... - Printable Version

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Announcing Before you attack... - Walker - 07-07-2008

For some reason I was under the impression that you should ALWAYS Announce before you attack...

However there isn't a rule for it where I can, so its pretty much just considered a courtesy right?

Announcing Before you attack... - DBoy1612 - 07-07-2008

Quote:6.6 PvP combat is allowed only on roleplay basis. The pilot who is attacking must scan for an ID prior to the attack. Relying on general reputation status (red/neutral/green) without scanning for the ID is not allowed.

Non-RP attacks are considered PvP abuse and are sanctioned accordingly.

So ok, it isn't really black and white there, but it's still implied. Though there used to be a direct rule about it, not sure where it went.

Announcing Before you attack... - Walker - 07-07-2008

I see, thanks a bundle Dboy.
Anyone else have comments?

Announcing Before you attack... - Fletcher - 07-07-2008

I thought it was considered gentlemanly to announce an attack, man my knowledge is a bit off.

But I always announce before attacks. Fair play an all.

Announcing Before you attack... - Geisha_Maiko - 07-07-2008

This subject has been covered before.

See: Shoot, shoot and shoot somemore.

Announcing Before you attack... - Praetyre - 07-07-2008

' Wrote:I thought it was considered gentlemanly to announce an attack, man my knowledge is a bit off.

But I always announce before attacks. Fair play an all.

Frankly, to me, these concepts are foreign to a setting where you can RP secret policemen, inquisitors, religious cults, drug cartels and terrorist groups.

Announcing Before you attack... - Jihadjoe - 07-07-2008

I largely like to annouce my attack in some way shape or form. The reasons for that are I like to hear what people say before they feel the heat of my laser blasts. Also, it is generally considered a decent thing to do (realism aside for a second here) as I have been thoroughly annoyed when apparently neutral IFF'd ships have blown me up while I am sat still without a word said.

There are occasions wher you are maintaining radio silence and therefore you don't say anything, however in situations like that it is pretty clear cut before a shot is fire who you are.

Announcing Before you attack... - Horon - 07-07-2008

Very few groups are allowed to attack without first announcing it. As far as I know, only Terrorists and Phantoms are allowed.

Announcing Before you attack... - mwerte - 07-07-2008

A corsair and an outcast can attack each other without saying anything, a Rouge can attack an LPI and not get sanctioned. But step aside from RP for a minute and think about the person on the other side of the computer. if the person is flying toward you in an evasive pattern, it's safe to say they've seen you. if they're sitting in front of a, give them some warning.

Announcing Before you attack... - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-07-2008

I was attacked several times by OC and Hessians just as I was leaving the dock no announcement or nothing.