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Sigma Junkers reporting local disturbance-Pilot using falsified Yanagi docking codes - Printable Version

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Sigma Junkers reporting local disturbance-Pilot using falsified Yanagi docking codes - AceofSpades - 07-07-2013

***Signal Strength: 37%***
---boosting signal...
Signal Strength: 72%

Aces: Hello there Congressmen. Greetings from the Sigma Junkers.

It is under unfortunate circumstances that we must present to you the following documents. While regularly, diplomatic solutions are found to most problems in the Sigma Borderworlds, this one has fallen through. Guncam and station cameras show the repeated use of Yanagi Depot by a Pilot who has repeatedly attacked Junker interests in the area. We don't know how he got ahold of docking codes, and managed to avoid having them revoked despite hostile actions right outside the Depot, but we want to make damn sure it doesn't happen again.

Here is evidence from guncams and Yanagi station cameras, filmed within the Depot's airspace. We've got intel on both ships, so that both could be readily re-identified as hostile. The Pilot has bragged about his ability to maintain multiple ships on station while carrying out his behavior, and he represents a major security risk. We implore Congress to help take action, and update docking codes on Yanagi Depot to insure that this Pilot can no longer utilize the Junker station to attack brothers in the area.



As you can see, this Pilot has no regard for Junkers, or the Depot, and uses it only to get the drop on local brothers. It would be wise to bar this threat from returning to our home.

Aces signing off.

***End Transmission***