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Why did Valor get remodeled? - Printable Version

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Why did Valor get remodeled? - Flashâ„¢ - 07-08-2013

Ok, just a random question. I see Valors with Black painting in some places which looks very very cool. Is that just a mod to make them look like that, or were they made with grey/black on them?

I hope you know what I mean. Big Grin

EDIT: I know this is 4.85, but imo, Valor with black paint is alot better looking then plastic light grey Big Grin

Heres another vid

RE: Why did Valor get remodeled? - Sarawr!? - 07-08-2013

It was likely remodeled at the behest of the GRN|, though I can't say I know for sure.

That's -usually- how that sort of thing goes though.

RE: Why did Valor get remodeled? - Remilia Scarlet - 07-08-2013

mb because the GRN wanted to have an actual MK-2 model which will look different from Council rusty caps. In RP the GRN once were always the later models then Council caps.

RE: Why did Valor get remodeled? - Durandal - 07-08-2013

Hey I'm in that video.

Anyway it got remodeled and reskinned along with the cruiser and gunboat because the quality of them was poor as I believe they were somewhat rushed. The colors being different is a matter of opinion, not a quantifiable better or worse thing.

RE: Why did Valor get remodeled? - Reid - 07-08-2013

Because reasons, most likely what Durandal said

RE: Why did Valor get remodeled? - belarusich - 07-09-2013

At these videos valor is without FG, and devs need valor with FG it seems