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Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - Printable Version

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Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - Llama - 07-08-2013

Currently I have the shetland.
I am a fan or large ships, their grace and size is one of the great joys I see while flying one.

Now- I've come to the conclusion that 'ONE' of the biggest, Is the shetland- It's a mini barge in my eyes. Yet, I grow Tired of looking at the ship to which i loved so much.

I want a bigger one.
Chunky. Fat. And holds appealing beauty and grace.

Is the ALG mover bigger in game?
Come on lads- Shoot. What other massive titans are there.

((P.s- I am aware the Renzu is huge, Yet i am looking for 4.6k+ cargo))

RE: Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - Bootsiuv - 07-08-2013

The Titanic is decent sized, especially when your flying next to a Rhino or Mammoth.

RE: Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - Alt - 07-08-2013

What do you think about "Colossus"? I am not sure about in-game size but i will never be tired to look at this ship. I think it has fascinating features.

RE: Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - Llama - 07-08-2013

Again. True- Yes. Titanic is nice- however i've had such a ship before.

The Colossus is a decent ship- Yet the shetland is larger.
I'm wondering if there's anything bigger then the shetland. I've heard the ALG Mover is chunky as all hell- and massive.

RE: Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - Thunderer - 07-08-2013

The Shetland is bigger than the ALG mover. As for the answer of your question - I have no idea. Only the Barge.

RE: Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - Llama - 07-09-2013

Hmmmm. Perhaps I made the perfect choice when I picked my ship...
Perhaps there's no grander ship then a Shetland after all.

RE: Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - AeternusDoleo - 07-09-2013

I think the Mastodon is probably the largest one in game. It'll definately be the longest transport when Jinx' model is put into service.

RE: Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - Narcotic - 07-09-2013

The "Shukensha" Renzu Luxury Liner is damn big. And expensive.
Though, has only 4k cargo.

RE: Biggest 4.6k+ cargo (Hitbox wise/ Size in-game) - Connor - 07-09-2013

Im suprised no on has said this. Your look for 4.6k+ transports that are huge. BARGE!

But nah. Back to being serious. There is a transport called the Akegata looks huge. Its the kusari container transport