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To: The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army || Stance - Printable Version

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To: The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army || Stance - Soul Reaper - 07-13-2013

[Image: CharlesXanthiasTbar.png]

Target ID: SCRA Command
Specification: To whomever it may concern

Evening ladies, gentlemen.

I am Charles Xanthias, an Administrator for Legion. As you undoubtedly have heard of the..misunderstanding we had with your forces starting in Omega 52. Even with the bad start we had finished the misunderstanding with rational thought at the end, and my operatives were requested to contact the Sirius Coalition afterwards. I know it has been some time since the incident but we've only just finished the processing and planning.

Before anything though, I'd like to give a little insight on Legion. We are a group or...corporation of people that work closely on technology, specifically information technology. Right now we're looking to expand, hence our "scavenging" of resources, but of course, we all know that no one can get anywhere alone, we're also looking for friends.

Either way, just so we don't get off on the wrong foot, as my operatives have told your officers before, the location and initial scan of the system entry point hasn't been given out to anyone and still remains within our secure database. As asked, I've contacted you via diplomatic channels. Although it might seem difficult, our groups might be of some assistance to each other, however first I'd like to know the Sirius Coalition's stance on us, and if that small misunderstanding will continue or not.

My regards,

Charles Xanthias,
Legion Administrator

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RE: To: The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army || Stance - Aphil - 07-14-2013

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From: General Joseph Garcia
To: Administrator Charles Xanthias
Priority: HIGH

[Image: xxvnuZn.png]
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I am General Joseph Garcia, representative of the SCRA and by extension the Coalition. I am the one that encountered your operatives in Omega-52. Before we can make a decision we will need to know several things.

First of all, and perhaps most importantly, we need to know the extent of the information that you have gathered on Omega-52 and anything within.

Secondly, I noticed your vessels were using some sort of Artificial Intelligence to assist the pilots. If this is true, then we would like to know just how sophisticated these AI are and how you have managed to construct them.

Finally, and this may seem odd, but does your group have any information regarding the use of cybernetics?

Should you answer these questions to my satisfaction, perhaps we can be persuaded to leave the past behind us, which would open up doors for diplomatic relations.

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RE: To: The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army || Stance - Soul Reaper - 07-14-2013

[Image: CharlesXanthiasTbar.png]

Target ID: General Joseph Garcia


Thank you for getting back to me, my operative in the field had also mentioned your ability to see beyond just black and white, I can respect that.

As for the information, the only thing my operatives got was the location of the hole within Omega 52 solar system as well as a physical scan on a capital class ship stationed near the hole, broadcasting your Coalition IFF as well as the name "Kurt Eisner". My operatives didn't have much time before your patrols and yourself intercepted them and had them turn back to Omega 5, before engaging them. And as a note, as you were told in the field, we will not be erasing any data at all, however as said before we will respect your secrecy and request by keeping the information classified as long as we're clear.

As for our AI technology, we are both assisted by and work with artificial constructs. Some are more advanced than others but the specifics on them as well as their "construction" are classified.

We do have some information regarding the manufacturing and usage of Cybernetic technology, as for the details, well, it's a rather large branch of technology so you'd have to be specific.

And with that, I'll be awaiting your reply, and hopefully we will come to a "peaceful" outcome.

My regards,

Charles Xanthias,
Legion Administrator

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RE: To: The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army || Stance - Aphil - 07-15-2013

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From: General Joseph Garcia
To: Administrator Charles Xanthias
Priority: HIGH

[Image: xxvnuZn.png]
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While I am certainly not pleased that you refuse to delete the data, I suppose that what you have scanned does not pose a significant security risk to us at the present time.

It is interesting that your group possesses such advanced technology in the fields of Artificial Intelligences and Cybernetics. We would be most interested in a military application of these technologies in order to give our Soldiers and Pilots the edge they need against our more numerous enemies.

I'm sure you can use your creativity in order to find a mutually beneficial arrangement for both of our organizations. I am certain that, given the right circumstances, we have the potential to help each other out.

I look forward to your reply.

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RE: To: The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army || Stance - Soul Reaper - 07-15-2013

[Image: CharlesXanthiasTbar.png]

Target ID: General Joseph Garcia


I must say I wasn't really expecting such request, even if it was just implied. However, we obviously just can't be giving out our "edge" -as well as our possible stock in trade- away to people we don't know at all.

But yes, if you are indeed willing to start any non-hostile negotiations then I can of course find a few things for us to cooperate under, we would just need some time. We like to plan everything in detail before starting on something, it's slow, but effective.

Your response, General?

Charles Xanthias,
Legion Administrator

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RE: To: The Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army || Stance - Aphil - 07-15-2013

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From: General Joseph Garcia
To: Administrator Charles Xanthias
Priority: MEDIUM

[Image: xxvnuZn.png]
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Do excuse me for being so direct, I tend to get ahead of myself when the lives of my soldiers can be saved.

We are willing to continue non-hostile negotiations in order to improve relations between our two organizations. Inform us if there is anything that the SCRA can reasonably provide and I will see if it is possible.

That is all for now, I look forward to cooperating with your group in the future.

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