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My ill-fated application to the Kusari State Police, along with what followed... - Printable Version

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My ill-fated application to the Kusari State Police, along with what followed... - Dipicacyx - 07-15-2013

鎖警察庁の申請者面接の弐零弐壱ベ漆 (Kusari State Police Applicant Interview 2021B7)
面接官は森山剛 (Interviewer: Takeshi Moriyama)
通訳中... (Translating...)
通訳中... (Translating...)

Thank for seeing me, Corporal Moriyama, for I know you are a busy man. It is an honour. You asked me to start by sharing about myself. I think I can condense it down to just two minutes.

...Oh, you would rather have more details than that? Well, I will oblige, certainly, but it will take a while.

...Very well sir. As I’m sure you saw in my files, I was born on Cambridge in 803. My father, Oda Shintani, fought against the infested Rheinlanders during the war. After it was over, he eventually ended up there, and we lived there until 815; yes, we were still on Cambridge for the first years of the war, but eventually, it was too difficult. Back to my childhood: I went to school with all the other nearby military children, and I can say that I did quite well. However, it was my father who was my real teacher. Each evening he would sit down with my sister and I, to tell us of the history of Sirius, the role our forefathers played and the ways of our Kusari brothers. He also went to great lengths to ensure our non-mental education was complete: Often he would teach us the martial arts of our ancestors, take us out flying, and teach us the ways of honour, respect and courage. There was no distinction because my sister was a girl. I think that’s why I still feel quite close to her, even though we haven’t met since...anyway, sir, my father taught me everything that makes me the man I am today. Is that going too far back, sir? No, well then I will continue.

Admittedly, school was hard at times. Most of the teachers were a little more...hard... on us, and some of the nearby families would not speak to my family. Now, I simply count it as a lesson of life. Of course, once the war began, things changed. Suddenly, even my good friends developed a hardness in their eyes and a coldness in their manner. Some families would still welcome us, but for the two years we remained on Cambridge, we would spend months at a stretch only interacting with the other Kusari families. I was lonely then, but I still focused on my studies and my flying. After the years of isolation, my mother could no longer handle being shunned by her own countrymen, so we moved back out to the Tau systems, as my parents were no longer welcome here. However, my sister and I were offered solace on New Tokyo. She...did not take that well. I can understand her reaction, while unfortunate. She...well, she declared her intention to be free of all governments, after using some choice words about Kusari as well as Bretonia. We all stopped in Tau-29, but my sister said her goodbyes a year later, leaving for the other border systems. I haven’t seen her since then, but I feel...somehow...that we will meet again. I pray we are on the same side.

My life on Shinkaku station was certainly a big change, but my parents made sure to continue my education as best as they could. I learned further about the history of Kusari, it’s leadership, the corporations, the criminals, and the places where my father believed things had gone wrong. Please, do not misunderstand - he was not a bitter man. He recognised that we all make mistakes and he wished me to learn from the mistakes of others, knowing that I may have an opportunity to make things better. Anyway, sir, I learned a lot on that station in those three years. Further mastery of my body and my ship. I joined my father a few times in defending our home from pirate attacks, which I admit were rather tame, but I learned how to fight as a team and how to stay alive. Respect for our enemies was another precept my father taught, though it was a tough lesson to learn. He told me it would keep me from becoming like them, and I believe him now.

Well, sir, I am getting close the present. After those three years, I felt a growing sense of unease, and I knew I needed to get away. Then, Gallia appeared. I knew I had to go somewhere else, to make a difference in the lives of ordinary citizens. I know I was helping before, but it was always as a part of my family. I needed to forge my own path. My parents were sad to see their oldest leave, but they understood. I expected my parents to move again, but, to be honest, I have not heard from them in the past year. As an inheritance gift, I suppose you could call it, my father gave me one of his older ships and enough credits to last me until New Tokyo. That, sir, is how I ended up here. The journey from Tau-29 has been interesting, as it is the first extended period of solace I have ever really had. I have learned even more about myself these past few weeks, and I know I have made the right choice in coming here and applying for the honourable Kusari State Police.

...You would like to know more about my parents? Of course, sir. After the war was over, my father simply decided his soldiering days were done. He never said more to me than that, but afterwards he moved through the Tau systems, hopping towards Bretonia, where he met my mother and got married. His military reputation and accolades allowed him to settle on Cambridge. There he taught me many things, about Kusari, about honour, and about teaching myself after he was gone. My mother was born and raised on Cambridge; I don’t believe she left that planet until we headed back out for Tau-29. Her parents were lecturers at the local research institute, and they often traveled for work. I only saw my maternal grandparents half-a-dozen times.

[Moriyama-san searches for Kai’s father in the military records]

...Yes sir, he was decorated for his part in the war. He shot down eight fighters himself, as well moving into harms way to save his squadron’s bombers at least once. I can assure you that there is no hint of dishonour in my father’s records. He retired with distinction, through his own free will.

[Moriyama-san nods thoughtfully and sits thinking for a little while]

Thank you for taking the time to come to our office, Shintani-kun. We always appreciate capable recruits here in the police. I will consult with my superiors and we will contact you in a few days. Until, stay safe, and please don’t go too far away.

You don’t want to know anything else about me sir? My skills, what I can add to the force? Any psychological testing?

No, thank you. We are finished for now. If need be, at a later stage in the application process, we can find out any necessary information. Thank you, and good day.

[They both stand, bow to each other - Kai making sure to hold his longer - then leave the room]

End Transcript

(Later that day, Corporal Moriyama is talking with his squadron chief)

Moriyama-san, I cannot accept this boy’s application. I am getting pressure from higher up - it’s not really my choice.

Sir, with all due respect, I believe he would make fine recruit. He has everything we need, the skills, the attitude, the loyalty.

Be that as it may, there are reasons. All I will say is that some in our organisation do not appreciate officers who leave to marry and live in Bretonia. There is something about his father’s story...I will do some more digging. I don’t want to hear any questions. My decision is final.

Yes, sir. Understood.

[Moriyama-san bows low and excuses himself]

RE: My ill-fated application to the Kusari State Police, along with what followed... - Dipicacyx - 08-15-2013

個人的な日記のエントリ番号弐零壱参零八壱五 (Personal Journal Entry 20130815)
本人は新谷海 (Individual: Kai Shintani)
通訳中... (Translating...)
通訳中... (Translating...)

I was in the Tea Room, still nervously talking to Sensei Shin about the Navy, when I received the transmission. It was from my parents, saying they had heard some news about my sister Ayumi, and it was bad. This was their first communication since I had left Tau-29, so I knew it must be very important. The fact that I hadn't seen my sister in years added to my worry. I apologised and swiftly left the room, heading back to my quarters. I knew that I would probably be going somehow, so I packed my things, and prepared a message for High Command, informing them of my absence. I headed out to my ship, and as I thought, there was a more detailed, encrypted message from my father. He said sister had been caught smuggling Cardamine in the Tau systems by the Bretonian Police, but after her arrest she managed to kill an officer and escape. She was now a wanted criminal, with both Bretonian and Kusari officers on the lookout. He wanted me to try to talk to her, to convince her to turn away before she got herself killed.

I knew that, as an officer, it was my duty to arrest her, and even execute her if she resisted, but my ties to my family are strong. I agonised for only a short while, but I decided. I was going to find her, and I was going to help. I left a few minutes later, after submitted my message to High Command.

Clearly, flying around in a Navy ship with a Navy transponder would not be helpful in finding an on-the-run criminal, so I brought along a little something with me. When I reached the edge of Kusari space, I paid to have my ship stored securely for a couple of weeks, rented a slightly-dented civilian craft, making sure to leave behind anything identifying me as Navy. I headed out to Tau-31, where she was last seen. As I would be searching lawful and unlawful space, I used a trick I picked up during my days working in the machine shops. I hooked up the Outcast transponder I had brought, so that, with the push of a button, I could be a civilian to the police and a criminal to the other criminals, affording me some measure of protection. I hoped it would be enough.

I spent days flying around the border systems, searching for any sign. I talk to a lot of Zoners, passing traders and a few officers, using whatever charm and intimidation I could bring to bear, and finally I picked up some leads. Though this journal is private, I am still fearful of writing down exactly where I went or where she was, so I will just say it was not quite where I expected. We managed to talk in person. I've recorded out conversation as best as I can remember it:


“Sister. It’s been a few years. How are you?”

“Kai? What are you doing here? You know I’m a wanted criminal now.” *she sneers a little* “I’m not worth your time”

“Of course you are. Blood is thicker than water, sis. I’m not going to stop caring about you, which is why I’m here”

“Here to arrest me, are you? I s’pose you did end up joining the police?”

“No. Now, I am here as a civilian, and your brother. I’m here to help you back from this brink you teeter on! An officer dead is not something to take lightly”

“What do you care about it? Why are you here? I’m not ashamed of what I did. Those pigs are working for the very people who treated so badly when we were kids. If you can’t see that, then you are blind”

“You’re the one who’s been blinded. Your emotions carry you too far. Please, come back. Turn yourself in. I am in the Navy, not the police, and I can help make sure you’re treated better. Better that than you being executed or tortured for bringing in these drugs”

“Hah! You think such words will convince me? You don’t know the things I've seen these years. Good people, oppressed by the so-called lawfuls. Corruption everywhere. Supposedly upright citizens, yet they slaver for these illicitly substances. I’m just doing my part to reveal human’s true nature. You’ll realise it before long, too. Even the vaunted Kusari Navy has a rotten heart”

“Of course there is wrong-doing everywhere. That’s why my organisation exists. How can you think what you’re doing is helping things? Please, come back, and contribute good to society. Rebuild, help bring out the best in people, rather than the worst”

“Older brother, your ideals are sweet, but so far from the truth. There is nothing that would convince me to come with you. I've chosen this path, and I am loyal, if nothing else. You’re the one who should come with me. I’ll show you things you’ll never see from your pretty offices and sleek Navy ships.”

“You know I cannot, Ayu. The loyalty of our father runs in both our veins’. I will not abandon the principles of justice.”

*Kai waits for a while, looking at Ayumi rather intently. She stares back defiantly. After a while, Kai sighs and look sad*

“I see that I cannot change your mind. You break my heart, sister. Next time we meet, I will be the officer, and you will be the criminal. I will do my duty”

“Don’t worry, brother. There won’t be a next time.”

*Her expression softens a little*

“I know you care, and I’m touched that you came out here, Kai, but we are not the same. Farewell.”

*With that, Ayumi turns and walks away. Kai stay for a little while, looking pensive. After a few minutes, he turns back and walks to his ship*


I won’t pretend I wasn't greatly saddened. I had hoped to convince her at least a little of the error of her ways. I was telling the truth, too. Next time we meet, I will be placing her under arrest. I hope it doesn't come to that. I made to send a message to my parents before I returned to Kusari, letting them know in a roundabout way that I was not successful.

Now, command is not going to like what I've done this fortnight, so I can’t tell them the whole truth. It pains me to lie, but I care about Ayu-chan enough....