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How to Respect your Admins - Printable Version

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How to Respect your Admins - Xoria - 07-09-2008

The Admins here are giving up significant portions of their free time (with nothing received in return) for the sole purpose of making the Official Discovery RP 24/7 Server the best Freelancer Server on planet Earth.

You can respect them by the following :

1. Do not ask Admins about factions, ID's, Tags, ships, weapons, trading, or anything else before you have asked the community on these forums and failed to get an answer. Don't ask via PMs on the server or the forums, via Skype, via Xfire, or any other means of communication. Ask the Disco community FIRST about EVERYTHING before you contact an Admin.

2. Do not abuse your personal relationship with an Admin by using it to ask them a question that you wouldn't ask one of the Admins whom you don't know personally.

3. If you have a forum related issue, ask a forum moderator before you ask an Admin, if at all possible.

4. Be patient when making requests of the Admins. We are adults. We have mortgages, jobs, and real life responsibilities. Do not expect less than 24 hours to pass before you get a reply to anything you request of an Admin through PM. Wait at least 3 or 4 days before sending your request again.

5. Do your research before asking an Admin anything. There are threads established for ban appeals, and there is an entire Help Request forum to post requests. Make sure you search the sanction threads thoroughly if your ship/account appears to have been banned or sanctioned.

6. When you do have to ask an Admin something, provide the names of all of your characters on the account that you have an issue with, and as many details as possible about your problem. At the same time, keep your message as brief and to the point as possible.

Follow these guidelines and we will be able to spend our time helping the people who cannot be helped without us.

How to Respect your Admins - Dopamino - 07-09-2008

It's also nice not to yell at your admins.

How to Respect your Admins - Unseelie - 07-09-2008

Xoria, I believe that number one is a fundamental feature of the admins. They not only enforce the rules, but act as beacons for new and old players alike. They decide whether or not something is OORP, and refusing to answer questions, or not being available to answer questions, cripples and twists this community. Once one says we must go back, because the question has been asked before, a situation is created where extreme debates may get out of hand, without an admin every seeing it.

Though it adds to your workload, a final admin decision, or statement, early on in a debate, can spare this comumnity from many situations that could fracture it.

By the time the last avenues of inquiry except for admins have been exhausted, an issue can have easily spiraled out of control.

This community is very large, and there are many opposing viewpoints. I would hope the administrators would step in long before it is fracturing.

How to Respect your Admins - Linkus - 07-09-2008

More Forum Moderators are needed or Admins.

The Admins here already do an outstanding job but the community really is just too big (and too whiney, no offence meant) for the numbers currently.

How to Respect your Admins - kingvaillant - 07-09-2008

nice post, but could you list the moderators and pin the topic please?

And I agree with Unselie

How to Respect your Admins - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-09-2008

' Wrote:The Admins here are giving up significant portions of their free time (with nothing received in return) for the sole purpose of making the Official Discovery RP 24/7 Server the best Freelancer Server on planet Earth.

You can respect them by the following :

1. Do not ask Admins about factions, ID's, Tags, ships, weapons, trading, or anything else before you have asked the community on these forums and failed to get an answer. Don't ask via PMs on the server or the forums, via Skype, via Xfire, or any other means of communication. Ask the Disco community FIRST about EVERYTHING before you contact an Admin.

2. Do not abuse your personal relationship with an Admin by using it to ask them a question that you wouldn't ask one of the Admins whom you don't know personally.

3. If you have a forum related issue, ask a forum moderator before you ask an Admin, if at all possible.

4. Be patient when making requests of the Admins. We are adults. We have mortgages, jobs, and real life responsibilities. Do not expect less than 24 hours to pass before you get a reply to anything you request of an Admin through PM. Wait at least 3 or 4 days before sending your request again.

5. Do your research before asking an Admin anything. There are threads established for ban appeals, and there is an entire Help Request forum to post requests. Make sure you search the sanction threads thoroughly if your ship/account appears to have been banned or sanctioned.

6. When you do have to ask an Admin something, provide the names of all of your characters on the account that you have an issue with, and as many details as possible about your problem. At the same time, keep your message as brief and to the point as possible.

Follow these guidelines and we will be able to spend our time helping the people who cannot be helped without us.

Just don't be an ass in general. Simple.


How to Respect your Admins - Chucc - 07-09-2008

To list the moderators will only help if you get in touch with a moderator for the forum section that person moderates. Often they are the same as an admin. More moderators may be a useful thing, indeed.

However, each group or forum section is listed and the sub forums in that forum, as are the moderators for that section as well. Simply look for the proper person and address your issue to them.

How to Respect your Admins - Seth Karlo - 07-09-2008

Feed your admins, walk them everyday and give them water and they'll love you in return:)

I agree with Linkus, more are needed to help ease up the current admins workload.

How to Respect your Admins - Qunitinius~Verginix - 07-09-2008

The Moderators:



We have control over Rp (Both), factions(Me) and Flood(Virus), if you have issues with the other forums, your going to have to ask an admin.


How to Respect your Admins - Jinx - 07-09-2008

well, one shouldn t be an ass anyway, no matter if its an admin you address or another player. - however, my pov towards the admin job is that its fully voluntarily, and while it is admirable that someone takes it up - i consider it a sparetime activity. - people wouldn t do it if they wouldn t consider it ( and i mean every aspect of it ) to be fun.

if you start considering it to be work - stop doing it and ask someone else to take up the spot. its like - when i voluntarily start to assist in a poor people cuisine, i must not complain that its a waste of my time - cause i do it out of my free will, even if it is a job that is needed to be done. - but i gotto keep in mind that i offered myself to do it - and i can withdraw any time i wish - else i would not have taken the job.

so - yes, admins have my gratitude for a job they gladly do, yes.