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Something about Freelancer's modifying - Printable Version

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Something about Freelancer's modifying - Freeheight - 07-19-2013

Alright now, I'mma introduce myself first. I'm a fan and a modifier — not a offcial modder of Freelancer game. First of all, I heard that Freelancer is based on DX8 and the mod Tides of War puts that into DX9. I'm curious how they can do that ? Can someone tell me how does it work ? Does it relate to programming ? Or can someone provide the orginal file for the further researching ?
Thx in advance !
(if one day I become a modder , I will credit you as one of the man who helped me !)

RE: Something about Freelancer's modifying - Kazinsal - 07-19-2013

The FW:ToW devs said they'd release all their fancy DX9 stuff and never did.

It would be wise to assume either they're never going to release it or they're blowing smoke out their you-know-whats.

RE: Something about Freelancer's modifying - Freeheight - 07-20-2013

(07-19-2013, 08:17 PM)Kazinsal Wrote: The FW:ToW devs said they'd release all their fancy DX9 stuff and never did.

It would be wise to assume either they're never going to release it or they're blowing smoke out their you-know-whats.

Alright ... thx. Maybe I can learn something from the mod itself ...

RE: Something about Freelancer's modifying - Loken - 07-20-2013

(07-19-2013, 08:17 PM)Kazinsal Wrote: The FW:ToW devs said they'd release all their fancy DX9 stuff and never did.

It would be wise to assume either they're never going to release it or they're blowing smoke out their you-know-whats.
They haven't finished yet.

You're probably better off asking w0dk4 about the dx9 pipeline stuff, he's the one that made it. You can probably find him on the starport somewhere.

RE: Something about Freelancer's modifying - Kazinsal - 07-20-2013

Unfortunately, you can't get /anything/ out of him about how it works, even if you have access to some of the restricted forums there.