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Capital Ships - Horon - 07-09-2008

I posted this about 30 seconds ago in a different topic, but I guess it would be wise to post this in a new thread to prevent jacking of the other one.


I've a suggestion I have thought for a while would be a good solution to help cut down on the capital ships, and that is to require people to register it IN RP on the forums before they buy it. I don't mean a simple post, I mean having a group of people in charge of this, and if you want a battleship, then submit the RP for owning it, to someone in the group. Maybe even do this for battlecruisers, because, every time I go into Rheinland anymore, I see at least 2 different BH BC's outside NB...

ADDITION: This "group" could include the Admins, official faction leaders, and other people who are deemed unbiased enough to handle RP of any faction.

Capital Ships - Athenian - 07-09-2008

Can open. Worms everywhere.

Yeah, how come we never talk about the capship registration thing?

It's being done already - Info at the end of

But appointing one person/two people/fifty people who have to okay every application for a capship? On a voluntary basis? Well, would YOU do it?

Capital Ships - Horon - 07-09-2008

Depends. I MIGHT want to do it... But.. Well hang on I've an idea. If we had a "Mailbox" for people to send the requests to, we could give everyone in charge of the decision access to it. It would basically be like a bulletin board. Anyone in the group could Yay or Nay the request, and or give reasons, or tips. Kinda like the forum, or I guess the PM list page here, the only difference is, that many people are using and have access to it.

Capital Ships - Athenian - 07-09-2008

Well in theory it makes sense to establish some degree of responsibility on the part of people who want to fly one; but it also operates on the assumption that good writing equals good role playing.

Are you talking about making capships not available to people unless they register it first? So the capships aren't freely available to people within the game and have to be added to your account by an admin?

Capital Ships - Raekur - 07-09-2008

I see too many ways to abuse this approach.
Personal issues could be used to deny a good RP request.

Capital Ships - MB52 - 07-09-2008


I'd love to see a RP story as mandatory for ANY capship of cruiser and higher.

I myself made sure to write a story/background before even considering buying the ship. I still haven't bought the ship actually, but working together, in the story right now, the ship is still being constructed.

Capital Ships - ScornStar - 07-09-2008

No. I am here to play. I report those who break rules and I encourage free thought. I encourage this because someone may come up with a truely awesome and new idea, and the more rules to make things harder for the new guys the less life there will be here.

I say this because we dont need more laws. We need to make the ones we have work. Otherwise you end up like America were no one knows all the laws and new ones are added every day. Yet crime stays the same and more people are excluded from accepted society due to increased restrictions and the associated cost of "fitting in"

It is possible in freelancer to have captains with more dallors than sense. It happens in real life just log off if some makes you mad and play something else a little.

It not like this rule would hurt me in anyway, I have 5 caps now of "reviewable size". I'm not going to ask some person who I may not even interact with to approve my ship when he gets a chance. Who approved his ships?

I want the new folk to not have a more difficult time getting accepted here than I. Why make it harder. I want more folks on the server not less. They can all have BS for all I care. I dont even have one battleship, myself.

Capital Ships - Culebra - 07-09-2008

' Wrote:ADDITION: This "group" could include the Admins, official faction leaders, and other people who are deemed unbiased enough to handle RP of any faction.

Hmm unbiased will be hard to decide who is unbiased and who is not.

Capital Ships - DarthCloakedGuy - 07-10-2008

I think rather than forming a committee, a simple yes/no open-to-all poll would do nicely for when someone wants a cap. They post their RP reasons to have one, then people read and choose whether or not they believe the person deserves a cap.

Capital Ships - worldstrider - 07-10-2008

' Wrote:I think rather than forming a committee, a simple yes/no open-to-all poll would do nicely for when someone wants a cap. They post their RP reasons to have one, then people read and choose whether or not they believe the person deserves a cap.

What would be really fun is that poeple pay to vote yes or no. Say every ten million credits equals a vote.

That would really show how people really felt.

(no--I'm not actually proposing we do this)