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Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - Printable Version

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Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - Enkidu - 07-20-2013

Stationwide notifier

Achille: "Ah, it's good to see that the illustrious Robert has finally possessed the courtesy to set aside a dedicated madhou... space, for our creative mind's to flourish with a sense of parity. Any dedicated members of the Commonwealth Research Division are welcome to utilise this space for whatever course their thirst of knowledge brings them in, so long as it doesn't result in the destruction of the entire lab. This is..." *adopts a serious face"... "serious' science here."

"So... *yawns*, just to recap, feel free to utilise the facilities in the manner to which you are accustomed. Remember, as Commonwealth, our policies of secrecy are assured, but be advised (as Achille) I hearby claim the right to nick... liberate any work of abstract conceptualism which I may find prof... co-mutually benign, or some such rubbish. Also feel free to mingle, and remember all personal comprised of anything more ridged than ether should remain a good ten feet away from the time mac... the none-linear temporal matter transference unit, on the grounds that it (clearly) doesn't work as it should and has a tendency to emit curious, blue fields into which everything vanishes. So if you see a triceratops for whatever reason upending all my vials, please ring the appropriate alarm."

"Feel free to get to work whenever".

Notifier closed

RE: Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - Enkidu - 07-20-2013

________Deck 13 "R'n'D suite overview_________

Dr "Enoch" Durant: "The Commonwealth Research facility upon deck 13 of Freeport Ten is heavily biased towards what Dr Nadeau terms "practical research", meaning that any blue-sky hypothetical theories will eventually end up with a real-world manifestation. Owing to wide range of creative tastes within the Commonwealth Research arm, the deck has been simplified into three open-plan sections; the simulative deck pandering purely to the hypothetical; supercomputers for trajectory simulations, Jump point charting, data analysis and compilation, you name it. Generally the start-and-end point for any idea of anyone's, that being if something's going to violate the laws of physics and prove impractical, they'd find it here."

[Image: Foto+Gambar+Komputer+Super+Tercepat+di+D...g+Buat.jpg]

"The central workspace is dedicated to direct evidence-gathering under (reasonably) controlled conditions, and is divided into a plethora of general workstations, containment tanks, all sorts. Everything from Nox production to behavioural research to jump drive and, ahem, nomad experimentation is carried out here, allegedly."

[Image: mild-steel-tanks-250x250.jpeg]

"The last space is the fabricator's yard, possibly the most likely place to be accidentally dismembered/burnt/drowned-in-molten-steel in the entirety of the Tau systems, as all of the Commonwealth stellar equipment is manufactured here, including replacement engine parts for the Commonwealth's extensive liner, trade and explorer fleet in the absence of a dry-dock. Custom ship designs, custom decals and all manner of interminable gizmos from the other departments are constructed here, but with the huge concentration of industrial machinery (most of it ex-Kruger or GMS) packed clanking together in one space, the area is decidedly hazardous. Enter at your own risk. "

[Image: ga-pasha_smelter.jpg]

That's pretty much all of it. Enjoy the madness."

RE: Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - JaaY - 07-21-2013

When Kenji Sato entered the new Research and Development wing first, he was impressed by it's equipment. He didn't expect it to be of this size and to be provided with such new and excellent equipment, considering it being a relative small station.
However, he was pleased to move out of his improvised laboratory. This place seemed to be perfect to finally begin his experiments with alien technology. The two dead Wilde specimen he brought along from New Tokyo seemed promising, being worth the effort. He was certain that his task will soon yield fruits.

"There will be more comprehension relating the nomads' anatomy and their abilities, including their ability to infect humans."

Kenji always has been showing great interest in seemingly supernatural forces and phenomena, therefore he was fascinated by nomads since he first heard of them. Back then, on New Tokyo, he started a small side project on his own, to set a base for his further work. He gathered information about encounters and sightings with nomads, to make a list of their armoury, their communication abilities and their behaviour.

"From a technical point of view, they are defnitly superior to us. Their understanding of matter is exceeding the human one. But even if they appear to be so mighty, there is still a thing they lack of: a free will. According to my observations, I suppose that they are not able to disrupt their connection to the "mind"; that is what make them vulnerable. "

He took a keen look at Dr. Durant's notifier and was eager to begin his task.

RE: Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - Enkidu - 07-23-2013

Achille, somewhere within the bowls of the research deck, relaxed. There'd been no problems transporting Dennis Arlston's cryocrate through security; "why would there be anyway?" He murmured, quashing the wisps of paranoia that circulated his head. "After all, this is the Commonwealth, there are no laws. I could have murdered someone directly in front of them for little return". Besides, the entire arrangement was legitimate anyway. Arlston himself had consented to this; five million credits and Cambridge citzenship in return for being the Commonwealth gaining unlimited access to his insides; most notably through human testing. Achille wondered if Arlston realised he'd be tested to destruction, and then shrugged. You get what you pay for; Achille an uninsured, unidentifiable research subject, Arlston a new life or quite possibly a grave; It didn't really seem to matter to the man when they had conversed over the neural net. Besides; he'd be unconscious for most of it.

He nodded as he past Kenji, exchanging a silent, unphysical handshake as there eyes locked momentarily. Kenji was relatively new, but his characteristics; his coldness, his devotion to nomad research, all admirable to Achille. For a moment he wondered exactly what the little Kusarian twit was contemplating now, before turning away and watching the passage of the crate as the distant loading cranes slotted it into position. The rest would be intriguing.

RE: Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - JaaY - 07-23-2013

When Achille passed him, Kenji glanced up and looked him in the eye. Achille was a cold and calculating man who - despite his narcisstic appearence - was fully commited to his fraternity. Kenji knew only little about the other scientists or their projects, but he didn't mind that because he prefered to work alone.
Two days ago he started the first phase of his project. He brought one of the two dead Wilde pilots carefully into a surgical suite and turned it around, so the body laid with it's face down on the table. Kenji cut slowly the skin of the specimen, from it's upper neck to his upper back. He was fascinated deeply by what he saw; a bluish lifeform was clinged to the spine and it seemed to be connected to the brain.
Upon closer examination Kenji noticed that it was indeed connected to the nervous system. It seemed to act as a parasite, which infiltrates the host's body by oral or surgey delivery. These small incubi seem to work as some kind of control station; all electrical impulses from the brain have to pass the incubi first to be able to reach the body in the end.

"I wonder how long these things live. Will they look for a new host, after their former died if they are left unharmed? Are they even able to survive the death of their host? This thing right here is definitly dead."

Kenji sewed the body together and dragged it away, back to the security container. He branched off the dead infectee and entered the laboratory to record his results and observations.

RE: Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - Remnant - 07-23-2013

Susan McCarthy enters the lab building slowly, glancing around the spacious lobby, pulling out the ID card she received when she finished the sign-ups for the Commonwealth.

She slowly sets back into the actual laboratory spaces in the back, a little surprised just as everyone else by the size. Making her way around the area, she finds a space surrounded by walls which was currently not being used, a large space that could be used for whatever the scientists making use of the lab could think up of.

"Ahh.. This will do nicely.."

Walking into the building area, she grabs an empty notebook that was against the wall, for those who liked using paper instead of writing electronically all the time.

She quickly jots down some information, ripping out the page, leaving the area and spots Achillies office. She knocks a few times, noticing that he was out for the moment.

She quietly enters the room, placing the paper she had down on his desk, looking it over again.

"Perhaps it may be overkill in some areas.. Well, what fun is it without overkill I suppose, the more materials, the better. I suppose he will come to me for payment.. I'll talk to him then."

Leaving his office, closing the door, continuing to look around the labs.

RE: Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - Remnant - 07-24-2013

Standing in the entrance of the storehouses, Susan takes a look around and sighs.

"Ah.. So there are more materials than I thought.. I feel rather stupid now.."

Quickly putting in an order for a specific sets to be moved to a warehouse, heading out to grab something to eat in the morning as everything is moved.

As she returns, she comes back to a large amount of materials stacked outside the door, as well as four people looking around confused on what to do next. She quickly approaches the people, pointing to one of the Super Alloy sheets.

"Melt it and mold it to a tube shape, I need a small curve which will allow it to encompass the room."

Pointing to the Iridium

"I need that shaped into two smaller tubes, half the size of the super alloy one, that can run inside the first one. I'll get your measurements in a second."

Sighing, looking at the remainder of things, turning her gaze to the cryocubes.

"Magnetic field.. I don't know this place well enough, find one and place three of these on them. Open them up, rip out the cores and place them seperatly.. Oh.. Keep the field on rather high, they will self-destruct if they are not nullified right."

Taking a look at the rest of the materials, sighing quietly.

"Put the rest in the corner, i'll deal with them later."

Watching as the paid men start to do as they were told, she steps inside the workspace and sits down with a sigh, glancing at the room specifications and scrawls down some measurements, handing it to one of the men.

"This may take a while.."

RE: Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - Remnant - 07-25-2013

Slowly but surely a large thick metal tube starts to circle the room as it is fabricated and created. Slowly, the shell is divided into ten parts where she could service the ones inside, slowly rolling out some pre-made particle sensors in the form of a flat band which is bolted on, eight of these spread apart and stretched across the entire tubing network which connects right back into each other, as well as a converter and a computer terminal at the side of the room.

"This is going to be extremely crude.."

Slowly, the cryocube cores are placed and fixed at certain points of the inside of the two tubes, where she finishes up the last one herself to be sure, taking a step back and looking at it curiously. "Right, right.. Now we need.."

"High Powered lasers. One short.." Sighing quietly. "Looks like I have to wait for the shipment in a few hours"

Stepping out of the labs to go grab something to eat at the lounge.

RE: Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - Remnant - 07-26-2013

The shipments were made, Susan sits back and rubs her eyes, looking over all the parts before rubbing her eyes, getting on her knees, tinkering around with a section of one of the large metal tubes at an incision point.

"Silane gas.." attaching and latching on a tube into an empty chamber, which acts as a separator of the mirror-coated super-alloy interior, motioning for a tank of the gas to be moved over next to her in the corner of the room (Between the pipeline and the wall) screwing the attachment onto the tank, where an optronic was applied which was pre-programed to act as a gas regulator, hooked up to the mainframe as well.

She gives the system a puff for a test, the chamber is quickly filled with the gas, which she quickly vents as she doesn't accidentally want to ignite the gas.

"Excellent.." Glancing in the tubes, making sure the mirrors where in the correct placement to send lasers down the pipeline.

She calmly walks over to the other end, where where was two small chambers, these ones accessible through a small opening in the side which could be sealed and unsealed. She places a piece of lead in both of these chambers, quickly sealing them, glancing over all the electronics and wires connecting to each sensor band running through the entire pipeline.

"Too much work.. I'll finish this tomorrow.." Stepping over to the door, yawning quietly and shutting off the lights to get some sleep.

RE: Freeport 10's Research Deck: Commonwealth Research and Development Wing. - Remnant - 07-27-2013

She slowly returns the next day after being in space a little, rubbing her head having a slight headache.

Flipping on the lights, she takes a look at the large contraption circling the room that she has created over the past week.

"I wonder if now is the best time of ever to test it.." She slowly walks over to the computer console, starting its power-up sequence, sitting back in the comfortable chair she had put in as she idly watches text scroll across the screen.

She briefly gets up and checks the main chamber of the pipeline, making sure the lead was in place, she gets back up, moving back to the computer console and starts typing on some commands.

The system flickers to life, the sub-chambers are filled with Silane gas, and a quiet 'pang' is heard though the systems. The cryocubes flicker to high power, cooling down the super-alloy and turning it into a superconductor at the same moment of ignition, in result she gets a huge load of text going across her screen as well as a graph of collisions.

"Thats.. wrong.. I believe I may have put too much gas in one of the chambers, the collision was off-balance.." Sighing. "Well, it worked for the first time which was rather surprising. Hmm."

Shutting down the systems slowly, getting up to do some tweaking.