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How do you? - Grimtooth - 07-09-2008

I am confused on how you can smuggle illegal goods to lawful planets without getting sanctioned. I understand why some have been sanctioned for smuggling with a trader ID and a hostile IFF. But from what i am getting from some others i have talked to about it is there is no way to do this without getting sanctioned.
If a smuggler cannot run illegal goods to a planet be it lawful or unlawful then whats the point of having the smuggler ID? If you are hostile with a base you may not dock there but if the base allows you to dock then it seems reasonable that a smuggler could sell his cargo there. The customer doesn't have to be his best friend but as long as they are not shooting and pay the price for the cargo then why not allow them to sell it there?

How do you? - Vero - 07-09-2008


I've wondered the same thing myself.

How do you? - timmychen - 07-09-2008

Smuggler ID, Junker IFF. Or Smuggler ID, no IFF.

Just don't land on any Hogosha bases.

How do you? - MB52 - 07-09-2008

Oh and if the local authorities demand you stop, don't speed dock and then taunt them from the surface...

In all likely scenarios, the authorities would call their counterparts on the surface and have your ship surrounded before it could land.

How do you? - ScornStar - 07-09-2008

You can be totally lawful to the NPCs and still be smuggleing. IE: trade lane parts to Bonn and military vehicles to Rio Grande. Just watch for the elite pilots our scann spoofers dont work on the elite pilots //Players//gear.

How do you? - Xoria - 07-09-2008

If you are referring to Stang's sanction, he was sanctioned because he had an Outcast Tag, which in roleplay is an IFF Transponder that identifies him as an Outcast, and thus not permitted to dock on Liberty lawful bases. If he had no IFF, then he would not have been sanctioned.
The bottom line is that if you have an IFF, then you cannot land on bases that belong to factions that are hostile to your IFF's faction.
Trust me, smuggling is easy, I do it all the time, and I don't get caught.

How do you? - Grimtooth - 07-10-2008

Well now that clears up the rule on it for me.
But Now i foresee many many more sanctions coming not so much on the unlawful but on the Lawful players who are going to a world/base that should be hostile to get their cargo. this happens all the time and i say if an unlawful cannot sell on a lawful world or base then the lawful's cannot get their cargo from an unlawful world if they should be hostile with it. Or at least this is how the rule looks to be set up to me.

How do you? - chovynz - 07-10-2008

A trader or Smuggler need not be restricted.
As far as I understand it, a Trader can go to any nonhostile planet and get any goods. Same for a smuggler.

However if you have a tag, then you should not go to in RP hostile planets.

Easiest way to do this the right way is just dont have a tag!

How do you? - Grimtooth - 07-10-2008

Ok then explain this one. A friend today bought a luxury liner with a spa and cruise ID. Paid one bribe to spa and cruise to get the ID, did no missions and has not done anything at all since buying it. On the reputation list nothing is flashing and yet the ship is tagged as a junker?
It is not easy to remain untagged to do so you cannot pay any bribes or fire on anything or even take a mission.
Also the way the rule reads as a trader you may NOT pick up or deliver cargo on a world that should be hostile to your tag in RP OR do anything unlawful including smuggling. in fact the trader ID states that the trader "may not participate in ANY unlawful action".
Smugglers that are tagged cannot pick up or deliver cargo to any world that is hostile per RP and the smuggler ID says "indicates good standing among the Sirius unlawful community and is commonly used to carry smuggled goods to and from pirate bases.
As this stands a smuggler can ONLY carry goods to and from a pirate base unless you are tagged as a junker?
This severely restricts BOTH in what they can do and how they can role play.

How do you? - n00bl3t - 07-10-2008

' Wrote:If you are referring to Stang's sanction, he was sanctioned because he had an Outcast Tag, which in roleplay is an IFF Transponder that identifies him as an Outcast, and thus not permitted to dock on Liberty lawful bases. If he had no IFF, then he would not have been sanctioned.
The bottom line is that if you have an IFF, then you cannot land on bases that belong to factions that are hostile to your IFF's faction.
Trust me, smuggling is easy, I do it all the time, and I don't get caught.

That's only because you don't sanction yourself. :P

Umm, land on Beaumont base/Buffalo base/Rochester base to sell cardamine instead of NY.

Any other contraband routes?