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What's wrong with my font? - Printable Version

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What's wrong with my font? - Hell Hunter - 07-20-2013

My chat font, system list font, server preview and the font when you mouse over something in nav map is stupidly big for no reason now. But the other fonts such as the scanner and the weapon display etc is fine.

I've been deleting steam games and other stuff but nothing microsoft related (apart from rise of legends) - it happened AFTER I deleted some of the stuff.

How do fix this? It's unbearable

and no, /set chatfont default default doesn't work

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Echelon - 07-20-2013

I had the same issue awhile back, just download the font: Agency FB. it will fix it.

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Hell Hunter - 07-20-2013

Where? Most sites I find want to BUY it. fff.
Scratch that
I already have Agency FB installed.
"Agency FB Regular " "Agency FB Bold" is in the font family folder.

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Echelon - 07-20-2013

i'll find a link.

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Echelon - 07-20-2013 here you go this will work too

Edit: Bad links

RE: What's wrong with my font? - aerelm - 07-20-2013

Freelancer uses 3 font files which sometimes don't install properly.

You just have to open the FONTS folder in your freelancer disk and install them manually. That'll solve the problem.

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Hell Hunter - 07-20-2013

I put the 2 into the freelancer font folder.
Didn't work.
So I deleted from that folder, will try redownloading them from Echil's link

Edit: just tried it, doesn't work. (Not using the first link though, not installing some random exe thing)

Also what are the names of the said 3 fonts?

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Hell Hunter - 07-20-2013

Okay from what I can tell is that my agency FB's fonts are fine.
I just need that unknown missing third one.
I missed the edit button, whoops, but anyway, I think its Arial Unicode MS? or something - So new problem, I need a non-virusy/non buy-ie link of that.

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Echelon - 07-20-2013

Ignore bad link ill upload mine somewhere for you

RE: What's wrong with my font? - Echelon - 07-20-2013 there thats my font file This will work you may have to rename it Agency FB Regular

EDIT: oh nevermind looks like your looking for some Arial font whoops