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TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Communication Channel (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=59) +--- Thread: TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium (/showthread.php?tid=102194) |
TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium - Kazinsal - 07-21-2013 === Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Ironically hidden from Liberty unlawfuls == ![]() Greetings, Admiralty. You probably weren't expecting to hear from me on such matters, but this is a radically different Sirius than the one I fought in years ago. I would like to open talks to negotiate a cessation of hostilities between the Republic of Liberty and Natio Octavarium, including the withdrawal of Vagrant Raiders military vessels from Liberty space and the following of the Treaty of Curacao. Please inform me if you would be willing to negotiate terms of non-aggression. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to view this transmission. Harold A. Kane Taskmaster, Vagrant Raiders Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium === Transmission Ended === == Trace Failed == RE: TO: Liberty Navy High Command | FROM: Natio Octavarium - Kazinsal - 07-21-2013 === Boosting Transmission ===
![]() RE: TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium - Kazinsal - 07-22-2013 === Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Incredible, to say the least == ![]() So I'm guessing my previous transmission, addressed to the Liberty Navy High Command, was not clear enough and was not addressed to the correct recipient. Let me correct this. My name is Harold Angus Kane. For two years I have been a Taskmaster of the Vagrant Raiders. Just recently I have begun the proceedings to open up the Natio Octavarium, an independent house dedicated to the idea of a free society where everyone puts their differences at the door to work together. This sovereign nation has been declared by a number of people of wealth and influence in the Independent Worlds. Natio Octavarium aims to seeks to give fair and equal treatment to all walks of life, regardless of age, race, origin, gender status, religion, sexuality, profession, alignment, employer, disability, or other personal features. The Vagrant Raiders have been known to Liberty for many years as a small but steady group of pirates, thieves, smugglers, and other "undesirables". However, in recent months, we have begun to notice changes in Sirius that have affected every person in the sector, and in return, we are changing our ways for the better. The Raiders, whose name will stick for many reasons, have become the official military of the Natio Octavarium Ministry of Relations, of which I am the head. However, Natio Octavarium wishes to seek peace with Liberty as part of our continuing outreach and diplomatic programs, actions of which include several humanitarian efforts for the Temporary Autonomous Zoners on Planet Gran Canaria after its bombardment by the Corsair fleet. For further clarification, I have opened this transmission up for an addendum by an advisor and close friend of mine. His addendum will be visible within minutes of this transmission being sent. Natio Octavarium wishes to negotiate terms of non-aggression with the Republic of Liberty. We will gladly offer the following up to you as part of our opening of negotiations:
I am open to alterations of and additions to these terms, and once terms have been settled upon, I will personally come out in a diplomatic vessel to a fitting meeting spot and sign all necessary documents. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Harold A. Kane Taskmaster, Vagrant Raiders Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium === Transmission Ended === == Trace Failed == RE: TO: Liberty Navy High Command | FROM: Natio Octavarium - Thexare - 07-22-2013 === Incoming Transmission === == Encryption: Hacker-Tested, Ageira Approved! == I am... well, let's be entirely honest here. I'm Escher. You know me more by that name than my birth name, after all. In fact, buried somewhere in your archives, you have a rather thorough - though out of date - dossier on me. So, that's two criminals. Surely if you haven't yet deleted this, you're wondering what's in it for Liberty and why you should care about us. In times of upheaval, a man's true spirit comes to the fore. Some profit. Some panic. Some go mad with power or grief. But some desire a new beginning, a chance to do things differently. That is what Natio Octavarium is - a place for those cast off by society to begin again. Naturally, such a people would have many criminals among their ranks. People that I'm sure you'd love to lock away in Attica. But... that would be a waste of resources, would it not? Let's be clear here - your war with Rheinland will not end soon. You are currently ahead, but the Rheinwehr continues to make strikes on Texas, and Marinenachrichtendienst vessels have been spotted as far north as New York. Further, Gallia continues its southbound push, and Bretonia's fighting retreat shows no signs of changing direction anytime soon. In addition to Harold's offer, and in exchange for amnesty, we offer our support against Rheinland and Gallia. It's probably best for you that you not ask about the details, but the gist of it is that we will be slowing down their warship production. Liberty and Bretonia will no longer be targeted and the Treaty of Curacao will be upheld, but more than that... well, politics can be a vindictive, short-sighted mistress, as we all know. So perhaps it's best if we just keep quiet.
=== Transmission Ended ===
== Trace Failed== RE: TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium - The Republic Of Liberty - 07-25-2013 Harold Kane; The Government chooses not to recognise Natio Octavarium as a fully-fledged House at this point in time. We do, however, acknowledge the existence of Natio Octavarium as a structured institution, currently inhabiting the Independent Systems; and that the Vagrant Raiders are acting as a military force on behalf of the institution. We will now address the terms for non-aggression between Natio Octavarium and its subsidiary entities (including but not limited to the Vagrant Raiders) and the Republic of Liberty. Quote:The Vagrant Raiders and other Natio Octavarium military forces will completely pull out of Liberty systems, including but not limited to California, Ontario, Texas, Colorado, New York, Pennsylvania, and Alberta. The Republic accepts your offer of withdrawal and will not intervene with any withdrawal-related operations, provided that Natio and VR agents travel directly to their intended destination and do not engage in any acts contradictory to the Laws of Liberty. (Note that you have failed to list the inhabited system of Minnesota, and the systems of Quebec and New Hampshire, both under Navy jurisdiction due to the current state of war with Rheinland.) Quote:Natio Octavarium will become a signatory of the Treaty of Curacao, and ratify it as law and prohibition of the Vagrant Raiders military. Your recognition of the Treaty of Curacao, including respecting the definitions of lawful and unlawful actions within that region, is appreciated. However, this does not grant you any territorial rights within the systems of Cortez and Magellan. Your choice to enforce the laws discussed in the Treaty will be treated as vigilante efforts, and thus will not warrant any intentional interference from the Forces of Liberty, unless it should compromise the personnel, legal residents, intellectual or physical assets of the four original signatory parties. Quote:The Vagrant Raiders military forces will assist any Liberty corporations in Natio Octavarium space and as immediately cease all operations against them and their pilots. The Republic notes your offer of assistance as an act of generosity, but any actions taken which may endanger civilians of the Republic will warrant an immediate military response from the forces of Liberty. Quote:No Vagrant Raiders vessel will linger in Liberty core space without escort or permission from a vessel of the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet or the Liberty Security Force Department of Homeland Security. No Vagrant Raiders vessel will enter New York without direct escort from the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet or the Liberty Security Force Department of Homeland Security. Natio Octavarium will abide by Liberty's rule against unescorted foreign capital ships in its space. The Republic finds this term agreeable. Note that members of the Liberty Police Incorporated Primary Department are authorised to provide conditional escort through Republic space. Prior permission to enter the Republic should be sought by the Natio and its subsidiary parties for any ongoing matters (eg. repeated entrance for the purpose of trade). This message is intended to provide a general response indicating the Government's attitude towards your communique. Formal recognition of this non-aggression pact has not yet been finalised. - Robert McKay, Secretary of State for Defense.
RE: TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium - Kazinsal - 07-25-2013 === Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: It's a secret to everybody == ![]() Greetings, It is entirely understandable that Natio Octavarium is not yet recognized as a house by the Republic -- we are not recognized as even existing by many, and by recognizing us as it stands is much appreciated by the Ministers. I apologize for not listing those systems -- however I will happily add them to the no-go list. Including, but not limited to, after all. Regarding the Treaty of Curacao, we acknowledge the lack of rights granted to us by being a signatory. It is our intent to only act with military force in the systems affected by the Treaty if allied assets come under attack. In no way shall Natio Octavarium nor its agents in the Vagrant Raiders act in a way that could at all compromise the Republic of Liberty, its government forces, agents, or civilians. Any military actions by Natio Octavarium in defense of either Libertonian or Natio corporations and civilians will only occur if it has been ascertained that any Natio Octavarium military actions will not cause harm to any civilians directly or indirectly affected. Under the authority of myself as Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium fully agrees to the negotiated terms. Once the Government of Liberty has finalized its formal recognition of the pact, I will personally come out to neutral space to sign any and all required documents. Best regards, Harold A. Kane Taskmaster, Vagrant Raiders Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium === Transmission Ended === == Trace Failed == == Addendum: This message open to viewing by Liberty Navy personnel. == RE: TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium - The Republic Of Liberty - 08-03-2013 Harold Kane; Prior to the signing of any treaties or acknowledgements by the Republic, we must first request the total withdrawal of all Vagrant Raiders vessels, operatives, and associated assets from Liberty space. Until such time as our cease-fire agreement is signed, which will stipulate the VR's conditions of entry to the Republic, consider yourselves barred from our House. At this stage, I am led to believe that you will comply with this request of your own accord and without requiring the intervention of Liberty forces. We propose Planet Curacao as a suitable location for the confirmation of the cease-fire negotiation. - Robert McKay, Secretary of State for Defense.
RE: TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium - Kazinsal - 08-03-2013 === Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Convents are less secure == ![]() Secretary McKay, As far as my knowledge, goes, all Vagrant Raiders vessels have already been withdrawn from Liberty house space into the Independent Worlds, Border Worlds, and Natio Octavarium territory. The bulk of our vessels are operating in our own claimed space as they should be, and the remainder are certainly not in Liberty, I assure you. We have one additional stipulation we would like to add to the treaty: Natio Octavarium would like to reserve the right to handle base licensure in the Kansas system due to the system being one of our core systems. In return we will offer a sum to be settled upon later. Curacao is a fitting location for the signing. I would like to know if it would be acceptable to bring along one single Vagrant Raiders vessel of sub-capital size in case anyone shows up uninvited as I remember happening at the signing of the Treaty of Curacao. If you would prefer this not happen, I will come alone in a diplomatic vessel. Yours, Harold A. Kane Taskmaster, Vagrant Raiders Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium === Transmission Ended === == Trace Failed == RE: TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium - The Republic Of Liberty - 08-18-2013 Harold Kane; The private island Elysium Fields on Planet Curacao has been prepared for the arrival of a delegation from the Natio. One of our Secretaries of State for Foreign Affairs is already planetside and awaiting your arrival. We assume that you will present a more comprehensive draft treaty to be negotiated. Let me offer you a piece of advice before formal treaty negotiations begin. Liberty is not, by any stretch of the imagination, capitulating to any perceived military threat posed by the Vagrant Raiders. We are offering you all a chance at redemption and a more peaceful future, as it is the spirit in which you have approached us by offering the metaphorical olive branch. - Robert McKay, Secretary of State for Defense.
RE: TO: Liberty Government | FROM: Natio Octavarium - Kazinsal - 08-18-2013 === Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: == ![]() Secretary McKay, I will finish preparing our draft as a whole and bring my closest advisers with me to the island. We are aware of Liberty's standpoint and we are definitely on the same page about it. To our nation, this is not a surrender by either side, but merely the starting point of a bright, cooperative future between our two houses. I look forward to meeting your delegation. With much gratitude, Harold A. Kane Taskmaster, Vagrant Raiders Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium === Transmission Ended === == Trace Failed == |