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PvP whore's in NY? nooo - ryoken - 07-10-2008

Anyone find NY to have more PvP whore's then anywhere else in this game?
I took 1 Order ship into NY to do some RP, and suddenly i see 3 people log off and go get the cap's.(please deny it i took screen's),and within 10 minute's i had 7 ship's after me. plus a dread blocking my only way out. Now this is not against LSF/LN as they did have a reason to chase me.IE i was Order.But come on i scanned 4 MERC ship's also chasing me. Is that RP? Is there any money in it for them? I think not. I even offered the MERC's 10 mil each to defend me,and no counter offer's were given by the law, but still i was the target. I went there to have some RP fun, nothing more,and it turn's into a gang bang,with every ship in NY wanting some. Now it is possible the MERC's may have been "hired" but i some how do not think so.
So to sum it all up, if you want to through out RP,and get some PvP in just goto NY. Everyone will jump in and kill you. I can guarantee it.

PS. each MERC in question should never enter minor again.I took name's and screen's for the Bs.

PvP whore's in NY? nooo - n00bl3t - 07-10-2008

I deny it. How can there be PVP-whores/cap-whores/OORP in NY? The idea is pure nonsense.:)

PvP whore's in NY? nooo - Xing - 07-10-2008

You are so funny man, I cant beleive it.

bringing an osiris in new york
complains to see too many liberty forces there
then whine that he wants to RP
all his rp was limited to "where is that blue ship" - note: on liberty group system, it was filled with roleplaying strategic organisation relayed from the Citadelle to other members into organised search, while he was alone "searching a blue ship".
then, when he gets blown up while running away, complains AGAIN.
note that
-he first pm me complaining I bring out my battleship. However, my battleship stood guard at Z 21 and never even encountered it.
-he then extend from complaining only on my BS to complaining on apparently 4 liberty cruiser present in system. There was only one, as I noticed later, Rogue Warrior.
-he changes suddenly in the middle from his stance to liberty chasing him is okay, but mercs are pvp whores
-He then whine about being overpowered 7 to 1 when he is defeated. by bombers mostly if I'm not wrong.

Fellow forum lurkers, your opinion? pvp whore or he got what he deserved and is plain a bad loser?

I say this, because I had it with your attitude Ryoken. You keep whining on Liberty, but stays there. You dont like it, dont get there.

PvP whore's in NY? nooo - n00bl3t - 07-10-2008

What happens if everyone who doesn't like what happens there leaves?

Edit: Xing please read you PM box and reply. I need an amount.

PvP whore's in NY? nooo - Xing - 07-10-2008

then we wouldnt have 90% of the drama about liberty on the forum.
I like this place, because there are many players, and as such, roleplay possibilities are tripled. Yes, there are the pvp whores and the random order capships appearing, but its otherwise very fun. I personally hate pvp, and am incapable in a fighter. I'm not too bad in dreadnaught because my hands doesnt shake so much. and I get called, a pvp whore?
by someone who, entered the middle of enemy space...?
and, say 75M sounds good?

PvP whore's in NY? nooo - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-10-2008

I admit I was begging for 1v1 more than a white girl standing next to Kanye west. Sorry guys.

Although it wasn't me.

PvP whore's in NY? nooo - Spear - 07-10-2008

Ok I was there, I assembled a task force after u refused to report for a scan after violating Z21 and then publicly admillting that you destroyed a Liberty felet on route to Liberty. I called all lawful pilots to assist and warned a hosile BS was in system, eventually we tracked you down and after an extended chase in which you managed to destroy 2 fighters you were destroyed.

Mercs are lawful, unlawful mercs are not permitted in Liberty. You got 2 kills, be happy. If you dont want too get killed dont enter hostile space and taunt the locals. Seriously man, I cant beleive you even made a thread about this.

PvP whore's in NY? nooo - ryoken - 07-10-2008

I have great RP there in some char's. Most of it is with pirate's, and indie's. But i have seen a half dozen navy/police/merc ship's go after 1 smuggler, while 4 pirate's are sitting on tradelane looting, and killing trader's.
I also did not complain liberty was after me. I complained when several player's suddenly switched to cap's just to come kill me.IE your dread. There was already a cruiser/GB/2 bomber's/2 fighter's just from the name's i know on. But yet you still needed 2 more cruiser's log on, and for you to get your dread.
I am sorry if you did not like what little RP i did. after all i only had about 2 minute's before all the cap's poped into NY. I did not even intend to fire on a single player when i first showed up.
But after seeing all the cap's, and you parked in the mine's, it was pretty obvious i was just going to get gangbanged. I was only 20K from the gate you say i never ran to when a cruiser started engine killing to shoot at me,and disrupt me. At which time i died to the seven ship's that were all chasing me.
I tell you what. Just say it, and just for you i will never make another post in forum.Never try to RP my order ship in NY again,or my junker/outcast/BH or any of the other's ship's i have had killed without a word spoken. You want me gone just say it, and i will never enter NY with them again. My outcast will go back to malta.My BH to O-15.My junker to Peurto Rico. order will stay in 100. Hell we should all go to our guard system's, or base's,and just let all the liberty law sit in NY with the noob's. After all, that is what you want.Right? I will be watching, and waiting for you to tell me to just leave. Go ahead,and i will.

PvP whore's in NY? nooo - Xing - 07-10-2008

you wanted to roleplay? go off plane 100k and do your roleplay.
you didnt. so you wanted to... what?

and the hell if I know there were other cruisers? I had Jimmy gunboat, and my armored transport. I know there were two lsf in system. so, great. 2 lsf, 1 gunboat, 1 AT? are you crazy?
and you call me a whore, when you come in with an osiris in NY? wake up!
its like you were an american marine and suddenly decided to pay a visit to kim jong il in North Korea!

PvP whore's in NY? nooo - ryoken - 07-10-2008

' Wrote:Ok I was there, I assembled a task force after u refused to report for a scan after violating Z21 and then publicly admillting that you destroyed a Liberty felet on route to Liberty. I called all lawful pilots to assist and warned a hosile BS was in system, eventually we tracked you down and after an extended chase in which you managed to destroy 2 fighters you were destroyed.

Mercs are lawful, unlawful mercs are not permitted in Liberty. You got 2 kills, be happy. If you dont want too get killed dont enter hostile space and taunt the locals. Seriously man, I cant beleive you even made a thread about this.

I had no problem with the LSF/NAVY already on coming after me. It is all the other's that suddenly appear out of no where.
I have never had a problem with you spear.You play well in your LSF,and xeno's.