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Liberty Navy Database Entry 117 - Printable Version

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Liberty Navy Database Entry 117 - Jane Hartman - 07-30-2013

Liberty Navy Capital Ship Database...ONLINE.

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File 117 - Liberty Navy Ship IRON PEAK- selected.
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[Image: IronPeakPatch75_zpsde4d4358.png]
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Communications ID: LNS-Iron Peak
Class: Vigil
Role: Heavy Picket
Status: Undergoing Field Testing
CO: Captain Harry Tucker
XO: Commander Bradley Thompson

Primary Weaponry:
1 x Battleship Missile (Li-LR/HE-7B Anti-ship Missile [Capacity: 128 Warheads])
5 x Battleship Primary Turret (Li-SPG-86L Laser-Plasma Artillery Cannon)

Auxiliary Weaponry:
2 x Battleship Flak Turret (Li-PDS-12H Anti-Material Shrapnel Burst)
4 x Secondary Turrets (Li-MPG-12 Laser-Plasma Medium Range Cannon)

Type IV "Hades" Modified double hull design. Significant gaps in armor coverage generated by expansion of port and starboard fuel bays.

Primary Propulsion System:
DSE-IX-3-5-2 "Boomer II" Duel High-Grade H-Fuel/Mox Reactors

Auxiliary Propulsion System:
A-H-23 "Poseidon" Fusion Maneuvering Engines

Defensive Systems:
1 x Heavy Countermeasure Dropper (Li-CM-14H 'Squawker' Disposable EM Radiation Package)

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'Vigil' Class History and Summary:
Originally designed to meet Navy requirements specified in Congress' 784AS Defence budget for a light battleship to replace the aging Overlord-Class, the design that was to become the Vigil-Class met delays and errors from the outset. Delivered two years overdue and one hundred and twenty million credits over-budget, the prototype ship, christened Osiris, fell behind older Dreadnought designs in both firepower and armor ratings. Aside from a marked increase in maneuverability, expected with the reduced armor plating installed aboard and the subsequent decrease in the warship's mass, the new ship's sole advantage was a revolutionary reactor array, capable of exceeding the output of the Overlord-Class. Originally utilized to power an advanced sensor system, intended to avoid the navigation difficulties that had plagued Navy ships in Kepler following the dark matter storm in 784, any speculation as to further applications for the new reactor was put to rest with the theft of the prototype Osiris by Order Operatives in 794A.S.

Following the theft of Osiris active work on the Vigil project was placed on indefinite hold while Navy systems were re-evaluated. Ultimately, the decision was made to integrate elements of Osiris' reactor design in to existing Navy craft which, with further refitting, could have their service life extended to meet future operational demands. However; while active testing had ceased, the Vigil project remained open. When multiple Osiris-Class warships began to appear in Order Fleets work recommenced on Vigil, with the intention of discovering more efficient ways to combat the now hostile warships.

Though lacking in armor and firepower, the new Osiris-Class ships further improved on the strides made in power supply and maneuverability first demonstrated in the original prototype. While the ships were deemed inferior to updated Overlord-Class Dreadnoughts, they bestowed upon the Order a long range reconnaissance and fire support craft that efficiently filled the role typically assigned to the Navy's ponderous carrier groups.

With the appearance of the Gallic Royal Navy in Bretonian space and the majority of the Republic's Navy engaged in operations against Rheinland and frontline operations in Leeds, the responsibility for long-range reconnaissance was handed off to general fighter and freighter wings, placing already over-tasked units under additional strain.

Following the Fleet Review of 817A.S, Congress identified a need for a new craft to fill the capability gap generated by the Gallic front. The result was the Vigil class, with the first of the class, LNS-Iron Peak christened in late 818A.S. Almost impossible to reconcile with her battleship roots Iron Peak features expanded port and starboard fuel tanks for long-range missions, giving the ship its distinctive 'pear' shape. Limited stealth features have been integrated into the hull, allowing the ship to remain hidden from hostile target acquisition systems at range, though the design provides no concealment from the energy discharge generated by inter-system jumps.

Mounting limited battleship-class armament, Iron Peak poses a significant threat to lighter enemy craft; however, the class' expanded fuel tanks left weaknesses in the superstructure not found in Overlord-Class Dreadnoughts. Thus, though Iron Peak maintains an advantage over other large warships in terms of maneuvering, it is not suited to Fleet engagements and is better utilized in a reconnaissance, monitoring, or force insertion role.

The existence of Vigil-Class warships is not currently known to the enemy. Indeed, it is this lack of knowledge, more then any other factor, that is expected to contribute to the success of the ship. Consequently, any mention of Iron Peak, or the Vigil-Class in internal or external media releases to be avoided. Crew are to be assigned leave within Naval facilities until such a time as the Admiralty issues orders otherwise.

Service notes:
Iron Peak is currently undergoing field testing in the Alaska system, under the Command of CAPT. Harry Tucker, LN. Reverse-engineering of captured Order hardware has increased original power supply by 25%; however, the system still lags behind the larger reactor installed in the Overlord-Class.

Further testing required.

Warship currently out of direct contact. Relay all messages through JUNEAU SHIPYARD.
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Crew Details:
70 Engineers
30 Flightdeck Personnel
10 Strikecraft Pilots
15 Strikecraft Maintenance Personnel
80 Gunnery Crew
60 System and Weapon Maintenance Personnel
190 General Crew
70 Auxiliary Crew
70 Reserve Crew
25 Bridge / CIC Crew
12 Command Officers
1 XO
1 Captain
85 Marines
4 Marine Officers
724 Crew Total
End of file.