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Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - Printable Version

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Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - RickJames - 07-10-2008


Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - Lohingren - 07-10-2008

exagurating on the numbers also

was me, silent, joe, che, flagg, Diavolo,2 BLS

1 keeper and 2 nomads that came in for 10 mins killed 2 LSF and left, tell whole story please toodle oo.

Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - Unseelie - 07-10-2008

Oh dear. Seriously, take it up with the faction leaders....this is going to be a horrible mess...

Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - Praetyre - 07-10-2008

[Image: aw_jeez.jpg]

Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - Jihadjoe - 07-10-2008

May I just say I though the RP for that is fine. Keepers in NY is quite a common occurence, and they have their reasons for being there.

The keeper involved, I'm sure didn't come in just for the fight. However it is in the Keepers interests to weaken liberty, the RoS raid (of which I was part) seems like quite an opportunity, don't you think?

Thank you both Patrick and Unselie. (wait... you agree?)

Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - Zeltak - 07-10-2008

I was a liberty navy independent pilot flying and attacking the RoS. Even tho I died and lost, I don't get so angry that I feel the need to start a flame thread. Geez man... seriously.

And that "keeper" isn't a keeper if hes using a Pirate ID. That means hes a independent nomad trying to roleplay, I don't blame him/her to see the opportunity to do so when alot of attention is on New York (due to Outcast invading.) Hes simply saw a good shot to do it.

Also you just sound like a sore looser who just can't stand that you lost.

Now that is "so lame".

Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - Zero755 - 07-10-2008

Someone lock this thread before this gets way out of hand

Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - Eppy - 07-10-2008

Honestly, I'd rather not see any Outcast invasions of New York, but it isn't my faction. However, I do know that the Outcasts are largely the Keeper's puppets, and, indeed, the 101st is sponsoring research (courtesy of our own Dennis Jameson) to establish a better communications line with the Nomads and, indeed, turn them into a bioweapon...they've already done the same to us. So, as far as I'm concerned, ignoring my distaste for full-scale assaults on New York, everything they've done is completely within acceptable paramaters.

Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - ryoken - 07-10-2008

Keeper's, and nomad's can kill all,and any they encounter. Outcast's worship nomad's, so they woul be "less" hostile.
Interesting though. 7 jump my 1 ship in liberty.OK
Liberty force's get jumped by many.NOT OK.

can you say double standard?

Keepers and Outcast Assault on New York - kindred - 07-10-2008

Since this is simply a flame rehash of a attack on a hostile house faction i have no words.
Instead i post a picture worth more than i could ever type:
[Image: AwJeez.jpg]

edit: Praetyre posted the same while i was posting, i'm so slow... :sleep: