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Jumpship for HIRE, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - Printable Version

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Jumpship for HIRE, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - Black Widow - 07-31-2013

[Image: MCJS.png]

Hello, my fellow Sirians. I am Simon Cowell of Magic Carpet Jumping Services.

a new conglomerate of Zoner affiliated jumpships expanding throughout the Sirius sector; our aim is to quite simply make long-haul large volume shipping of materials a thing of the past.

No more slugging too and fro across pirate infested systems to get the large amounts of materials you may need to build your base, construct a new module etc.

With the click of your fingers a ride on the Magic Carpet can have you half way across Sirius and back again before Queen Carina has had a chance to scratch her a$$.


'Aquilon' class Zoner Carrier equipped with a Series IV Jumpdrive

[Image: 254px-Bsg.png]

How it works

Convoy of X amount of transports can be jumped to any part of Sirius you choose, all factions catered too! So no one is turned away.

You pay the Jumpship 5 Million Credits for each jump made, there is also a finders fee of 5 Million Credits if the jumpship is required to cruise to the start location.

All fuel costs are not covered by the jumpship and must be met by the client!

So for e.g. if a group of 6 transports wanted to jump to Gallia and back in order to get Cryocubes, the client would only have to pay 10 Mill for the whole trip to the jumpship.

Jump Coordinates can be provided if they are not already in the Magic Carpet Database.

Please fill out any possible contracts for hire below.

Simon Cowell signing off........

RE: Magic Carpet Jumpship at your service, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - Black Widow - 08-02-2013

There must be at least one captain out there crazy enough or desperate enough to want to try jump trading whether to make loads of money or to just get a base supplied faster.

Step right this way and prepare to jump with me!

RE: Magic Carpet Jumpship at your service, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - Black Widow - 08-02-2013


RE: Jumpship for HIRE, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - Black Widow - 08-03-2013


RE: Jumpship for HIRE, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - Black Widow - 08-05-2013


p.s. Licensed to jump in 50 countries

RE: Jumpship for HIRE, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - US| - 08-15-2013

-Incomming Transmission-

-Sender: Universal Shipping Inc.

- I.D: Mr James Miller.

**Message Reads**

Mr Cromwell,

It would appear we at Universal Shipping would require your services, We have a transport of considerable size known only as 'The Barge'. A colossal 40K Cargo ship, it's location is in New York, specific locations within New York will be kept confidential for the time being. We need to jumped into the Dublin system, specific location: As close to the Dunkirk Class Battleship, The 'Essex'.

But of course, might we discuss the financial particulars? How much would you charge for this use of your services?

We can supply fuel and transports for the operation of your Jump Drive.

Look forward to hearing from you soon,

James Miller,
-Universal Shipping Inc. Vice President.

RE: Jumpship for HIRE, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - Black Widow - 08-15-2013

[Image: MCJS.png]

Hello Mr Miller, I thank you for your reply to my advertisement!

Before we discuss this trip further some more particulars about your trip are required, firstly will it be a return trip to NY from Dublin or one-way?

Required Coordinates for the trip can be generated once these particulars are cleared and a price agreed.

Price Quote Guide:
The standard bus fare is 5 mill per trip, so two jumps would cost you 10 Mill plus a one-time 5 mill Finders Fee is applicable to generate the relevant coordinates for your trip, however this fee is only payable once as these coords can be used again and again!

Simon Cowell signing off........

RE: Jumpship for HIRE, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - US| - 08-15-2013

[Image: USI_Logo.png]

Simon Cowell

I refer to our latest correspondence.

The Jump will be made from New York to Dublin and it will be only one way,

Universal Shipping accepts the 10,000,000 fee which includes the "Finders Fee & 1 Single Jump"

Please find an access route located near Battleship Essex.

This job is to be completed as soon as possible.


Charles.Bell -
Universal Shipping Inc

RE: Jumpship for HIRE, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - Black Widow - 08-15-2013

[Image: MCJS.png]

Hello Charles Bell, the path for your jump NY-Dublin (1-WAY) has been sequenced and the Jump Ship is ready for immediate dust off!

Contact via Private Comms to confirm last minute details.

Simon Cowell signing off........

RE: Jumpship for HIRE, taking contracts from all groups now!!! - US| - 08-15-2013

[Image: USI_Logo.png]


Details sent

Charles Signing Off