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Player Tempbanned: belarusich - Printable Version

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Player Tempbanned: belarusich - Jansen - 08-04-2013

Account name: belarusich
Duration: 24h

Quote:1.3 Not allowed on Discovery forums:

- Posting abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, racist materials;
- Advertising, especially commercial advertising, except (1) advertising your own gaming websites or forums or (2) your own game servers;
- Adult content or links to adult content; This includes any anime that is in any way slightly graphic or pornographic;
- Posting libel, defamatory, threatening materials and any law-violating materials;
- Posting copyrighted material that does not belong to you and redistribution of which was not allowed by the owner;
- Seizure-inducing pictures may be removed without warning.

Comments: You pretty much asked for it.

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RE: Player Tempbanned: belarusich - Champ - 08-05-2013

You seem to have missed the point of the ban, so now your alt has a pretty name tag and you're being issued with another holiday starting now.

RE: Player Tempbanned: belarusich - belarusich - 08-05-2013

I am a bit confused.

RE: Player Tempbanned: belarusich - aerelm - 08-05-2013

Now you're not.

When you get a tempban it means you should take a break from forums. When you use an alt to go around posting while your main account is banned it generally means you're gonna get another vacation of the same duration the moment your original ban ends. Don't do it again.