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Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - aerelm - 08-08-2013

AI-gonnagetchew has been sanctioned for:

Quote:5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.


Didn't expect to see two reports in a row on two of your characters. You know the deal, your other ship already got hit for the same violation, however, since you've decided to move that ship around and I don't feel like chasing it around your accounts, I just went ahead and silently engaged another ship I found on the same account instead.

Your [ZA] transport is a bit light on cash now, and the Basic Alloy on it magically turned into gold a sanction notice.

If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE

RE: Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - striker - 08-14-2013

SO question is when is my IP ban going to be up? lol Cant blame a man for trying since the whole universe was against us in the first place, so i cheated and played, not no different than most players difference is i don't snitch them out like a wimp, as they do us ZA members must suck real bad to have the advantage and then they have to snitch too, talk about real women tactics oh well , guess that's the way they are, and we will deal with it , as it seems things have calmed down and since the bases are fracked due to your actions of our supreme lord and master of the game we will do with out and take a break from bases to do other things, so waiting for your response to this message oh mighty surpreme lord and ruler of space when shall i fly again? ZA StrikerBig GrinAngel

RE: Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - striker - 08-20-2013

are you going to release my ip ban ?

RE: Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - UK1 - 08-22-2013

As the Current leader and head of the Zoner Alliance Could someone please tell me when your likely to release my
As far as I've been made aware by commander Striker you have seen fit to of banned his IP address on a temp basis...
As far far as I'm aware the 10 days IP ban has now expired.
This has been calculated by the date of the sanction post and the information I have recieved from commander Striker
via Team Speak communication Channels.

As the Current head/leader of the ZA I respectfully request that he now have his IP ban lifted as so he may reconnect and return to the community....

Signed Zoner-Mow

RE: Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - Champ - 08-23-2013

As I'd said earlier and elsewhere, we're currently investigating Striker for cheating. This should be wrapped up by my tonight, that being within 5 hours or so.

This post was more for transparency than for an update.

Edit: It may not be done by tonight.

RE: Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - ProwlerPC - 08-24-2013

The ban for swearing is off now but some speed cheating is being looked at and currently one of your ZA ships got sanctioned for silent engagement in a BS. I'm pushing for opening up this case.

RE: Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - UK1 - 08-25-2013

So does this mean that ZA strikers IP ban has been lifted and he can now return to the server???
Or is he still under investigation for other issues?
To which he can not return until they have been totally resolved...!!!!
I ask because I wasn't aware of any swearing ban.
As far As I was aware his IP ban was for past non RP related attacked like it states at the top of this tread.
Also could I please have some more information about these allegations of speed cheating...

Many thanks
Signed Zoner-Mow current Leader of the Zoner Alliance...

RE: Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - Champ - 08-25-2013

To be clear:

As it happens, Striker has coincidentally run into this ban, which was issued months back for a swearing sanction. The ban was never lifted for one reason or another, although it seems Striker was able to play anyway.

More recently, Striker has been sanctioned under 5.2 twice. While the punishments for these two sanctions did not include bans, Striker has apparently fallen back into the reach of the ban. While investigating why this mysterious ban was in place, Striker admitted they cheated and after that, we found both that they were indeed cheating and also found the old, but still active ban.

For the moment, pending further review, the ban won't be lifted.

RE: Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - UK1 - 08-26-2013

I don't mean to sound out of line here but I must admit that I'm having a little trouble under standing just some of what
you have said or stated...
Could someone please translate just a small amount of what Admin Champ has said please...

How can someone run into a ban!
According to what your saying it was issued months ago for swearing yet some how wasn't put into affect for reasons I find unclear.
Was this an administration error of some kind?
To enforce a ban issued months ago sounds rather harsh.
Don't get me wrong here I'm all for punishing people for the offense of swearing.
Yet if someone from the administration team failed in there duties to properly enforce a ban when it should of been
properly implemented at the time.
Surely that's the administration teams fault and this ban is such so far out of date that it seems rather unfair to
now implemented it after such a long period has pasted...
Now i speak with the up most respect when I say all this as I know its most likely not an easy job to govern the server
and forum with so much to keep track off both on the server and the forum.
So please don't dismiss me as just being argumentative here.
I'm just trying to do what any leader would and thats look out for its people...

Futher more Could you please supply evidence of this act of cheating.
Plus the proof of my college Striker admitting to the act of cheating....

Many thanks signed a loyal long term server/forum user...
Futher more you stated that they were cheating.
Who is this they?
I would be most interested to know who the other party is or was...
To properly control my own people in there speech and actions I require more information on this other party.
Many thanks for your time.

RE: Player Sanctioned: AI-gonnagetchew - Champ - 08-27-2013

Sorry for the figure of speech. When I say that Striker ran into the ban, I mean that Striker encountered the ban. Also when I say "they", I mean Striker - it's a neutral pronoun.

The ban on Striker for swearing was put into effect - Striker just either accidentally or intentionally got around it - that much doesn't matter.

What could have been an administration error was forgetting to unban Striker - but so long as Striker posted in their sanction asking to be unbanned, that would've happened.

The ban for swearing is not being implemented. Look at it this way: the swearing ban is over and lifted. Gone. There is however a new ban in place because Striker has cheated. Striker's confession was in their first post in this thread, as is below.

(08-14-2013, 05:22 PM)striker Wrote: Cant blame a man for trying since the whole universe was against us in the first place, so i cheated and played, not no different than most players difference is i don't snitch them out like a wimp

PM has been sent with the evidence requested.