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Internal Matters - Catbert - 08-09-2013

Start recording...
Record #0808819-RWD
Agent A1014, Norman O'Connor
Location: Prison Station Mitchell

It all began when I got an emergency signal from one of our agents. Apparently, agent Robert Wood went rogue and attacked our own operatives. When I arrived, I saw callsign Beta engaging Wood. Under the circumstances I had nothing to do but to declare Code Omega. It took some persuasion for both of them to stand down. As well as chasing Wood to Texas and then getting him back to Mitchell. At least we didn't have to destroy his ship.

Wood seemed quite cooperative when I got on the scene and when I offered him to surrender, but that doesn't help to understand this at all. Witnesses claim that he destroyed one of our AiT's ships, and I did see him fighting Beta. I informed the Internal Affairs, so they'll be taking over that case from now on.

O'Connor out
End recording.

In the meantime...

The cell was just an isolated dimly lit room with a bed, a table, two chairs and some basic conveniences. Three times a day food would appear in the door window. Standard LSF food allowance, but was still better than one could expect. Especially considering the violations supposedly commited by the inmate.

After a while the door opened and a man entered the room. He was wearing LSF uniform, but otherwise there was nothing remarkable about him. He sat on one of the chairs and invited the inmate to sit on the other chair.

- Agent Robert Wood, - he began. - My name is Edwin Randall, LSF Internal Affairs. I assume you know why we're having this conversation. You are suspected of violating Paragraph III, Section I of the Liberty Code, as well as Section V of the LSF Protocol. I have already seen some reports. What I want to hear is your version of the story.

RE: Internal Matters - Gooches - 08-10-2013

Robert, while in a sulking position with his head hanging down, fixedly staring down to the floor, looked up to Edwin only after he finished talking. An expression bordering light annoyance and desperation struck across his face as he pondered about the accusations laid before him, while accurate as they may be, only disgruntled him more as they put emphasis on the severity of the situation, which forced him to think through every kind of grim scenario he might end up in, at least until he realised he hadn't said a word yet.

"Of course I know why I'm here... It's crystal clear what I did, to some extend. I haven't a clue why I did it, at least."

Robert looked away from Edwin, as if he tried to recollect what happened the day he shot down two LSF vessels in what seemed to be cold blood. His gaze locked back to his questioner.

"The thing that unsettles me most is that I know I was fully conscious through all of it. I haven't gone insane, have I?"

RE: Internal Matters - Catbert - 08-11-2013

After hearing what Robert said the IA agent thought for a minute before replying.

I am not a psychiatrist, agent Wood. My job here is simple: to determine what kind of liability you are and whether you're fit for duty. As you can see, if you were insane, it'd give me all the answers I need. And if you did what you did in full conscience and for some reason you're not telling me, it'd be even worse for your carreer and possibly even life expectance. So, it's not a matter of your sanity.

Randall took a short break before continuing, to let the agent give some thought to these words. Then he carried on.

You do know that this conversation is being recorded, agent. For a start, I'd need to hear the recounting of the events that brought you here. It's mostly for the record, but it keeps things in order. In the meantime your recent actions are being reviewed by a few other agents. Just so that you know where you stand now.

RE: Internal Matters - Gooches - 08-12-2013

Robert scratched his head, his nervousness clearly increasing, although with no specific reason; it was probably just the general situation he found himself him. He was convinced that he'd still make it out in one piece, much to the obliviousness of his captor.

"If I'm deemed insane, then no doubt what I did will be linked to it by whoever controls my fate, which means they'll be convinced I can do it again without any indication..."

He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his nerves.

"Yes, I was fully conscious throughout the events that took place that caused my arrest. I don't think it was my pure consciousness, though. I could see and feel everything I was doing, but I know what I was doing was something I would never do. It was as if someone squirmed himself into my mind and started pulling some wires and strings to control me."

He paused mid-explanation and looked at Edwin.

"Am I making any sense at all?"

RE: Internal Matters - Catbert - 08-12-2013

Edwin listened to what the prisoner had to say. What Wood described did sound like Nomad infestation... except for the part that it can't have been Nomad infestation. After all, the new detectors developed by RD&A can put an end to the Incubi masquerade. And regardless of his claims, Wood will have to go through a lot more scanning to determine whether he's infested or not. The initial scans showed nothing.

"Just carry on and tell me what that "someone" did once he took control. In details, preferably."

He could've been influenced somehow. But by whom? The Nomads are the most obvious answer, but who knows? There're a lot of people in Sirius interested in mind control techniques, and some of them may've made some progress. In that case agent Wood is definitely an unpredictable individual. Who knows when that "someone" can assume control again? Yes, I'm inclined to sending him for more RD&A checks at this point.

"Just to reiterate: I need every single detail of what you or your "controller" did, told by yourself here and now."

RE: Internal Matters - Gooches - 08-14-2013

For the first time, Robert braced for recalling every detail that could be of use in the investigation, sitting in silence for a while to find the right moment of where it started.

"The first I can remember about all of this was back in California, maybe two hours before the incident in Alaska. Razor and I were trying to track down a smuggler in the system after receiving a tip, which proved to be very time consuming. As I was in position at a presumed point where the smuggler would pass, something strange happened..."

He placed two fingers on his chin, rubbing it, as if he was trying to pull the memories out of his mind.

"It was like my conscious duplicated, with on one side myself, and on the other a more sinister evil twin. One more dominant than my own conscious. It was as if I was having a conversation with a part of myself I didn't know existed until then, until the moment it took over everything but my own consciousness, which was put on the sidelines to spectate what happened next."

His fingers traced down to his other hand, with Robert now simply focussing on his thoughts.

"I remember it starting to talk about Razor after a few minutes, talking about how I should kill him, because it would be fun. Just like that. But... I guess to the core I still wanted to complete my current directive, the smuggler. So I hesitated, up until it became obvious the smuggler had been long gone, and instead, I ran into some generic pirate. A female one. It was at that point where I think I lost every part of myself and could only witness lustful and sadistic desires, fueled by those sinister thoughts."

Robert closed his eyes, sighing with a clearly audible tremble in his exhaling.

"Luckily, after I shot down the pilot, I couldn't find an escape pod anywhere. I don't know what I would've done if I did find it, but I'm sure they come along the lines of common practice for Rogues and Phantoms, not LSF agents."

He returned to his more stable state of mind, looking back at his questioner.

"Anyway, after that, Razor and I were called back by Beta 2 for something in Alaska. Apparently, my corrupted conscious figured it would be a great moment to ambush multiple LSF ships. You can guess the rest. We arrived at Alaska, I shot down Razor, then Beta 2 and Jack Harkness tried to put me down, only for agent Harkness to also get shot down by me. It was at the moment of Razor's ship being in blazes when my split conciousness suddenly became one again, with the other half departing with something along the lines of... "I have a death wish."

At that moment, I wasn't very stable yet, and just acted on impulse to defend myself from Harkness and Beta 2. When Norman O'connor and an LSF Gunboat arrived to assist Beta 2, I made run for it."

As if he was just interrupted from a long speech, his prolonged silence made his interrogator realise that was all he had to say about what happened.

"And that's all I can accurately say about it."

RE: Internal Matters - Catbert - 08-19-2013

Login: ERand
Password: ********

Greetings, agent Randall.
Access to the Liberty Security Force database granted.

Search completed.
Your request:
Personal Data/Agents/Robert Wood

Editing record...
Status changed to:
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Search completed
Your request:
Mitchell Prison Station/Inmates/Prisoner Y-3-J-0-D

Editing record...
Adding a new marker:
Further checks and medical procedures advised.
Permission for invasive procedures granted.
Saving changes...

Logging you out.