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Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - Tyroflion - 08-11-2013

[Image: 5reu.jpg]

Taira Clan

Synopsis of the Blood Dragons

The modern Blood Dragon movement is descended from the Royal Guards of Shogun Hideyoshi, that decided not to surrender when their master was deposed by Samura backed military elements, during the bloody Sakura Festival coup in 321 A.S.
Instead, the Royal Guards, under the leadership of Kozue Okamura fought their way out of the Palace, rallied those still loyal to the true ruler of Kusari and escaped into the mists of the Crow Nebula.
Today, five centuries later, the Royal Guard, now called the Blood Dragons are a powerful and influential group of 'terrorists', still fighting to overthrow the Kusari government both politically and with precise surgical strikes against corporate and military targets.

Taira Clan

Until recently Taira have lived in seclusion spending their times in meditation, creating fabulous works of art and literature and with their resources allowing them to live in relative comfort they have spent their times by bettering themselves through works of art, be it Haiku, Calligraphy, Ikebana, Kabuki-theater plays, philosophical works about meaning of honor and about the value of sacrifice. They were always famous for a complex system of Ranks and Titles that weren’t seen in any other Blood Dragon clan and that sometimes confused the outsiders, yet any Taira could distinguish other Taira’s experience, knowledge and abilities just by hearing his full name rank and title. The Lords of Taira were also renowned for their expertise in their chosen field of study and it was always expected of members of the clan to be civilised, polite and well-mannered apart from being formidable warriors.

Recently the clan has returned to active duty and Taira ships can once again be seen all across Kusari. There are several versions of why and how it happened but all of them say it was because of the reappearance of the infected in Kusari space and the sudden and unexpected death of former Shogun Hayato Taira. Since then his only son barely of the age to be considered a man had to step up to the challenge put in front of him. However with a well-developed clan structure and abundance of resources, as well as newly rebuilt ties with the Order and Golden Chrysantemums it seems that the Taira clan can face the turmoil that has recently enveloped Kusari and maybe even develop alliances with the other Blood Dragon families.

Basic Information

Naming Convention - BD| (base prefix tag)
Snubcraft: BD|Taira.Surname
Freighters, Transports, and Gunboats: BD|Shipname
Cruisers and Battleships: BD|C-Shipname
Identification Documents - Blood Dragons ID
Identification Friend/Foe Transponder - Dragons -
Legal Status - Unlawful (Revolutionary)

Objectives of Taira

Primary: Assist the Order to keep Kusari safe from the Nomad threat.
Secondary: Overthrow the Kusari Republic, prevent the Exiled Emperor from seizing power.
Tetriary: Build up relations with Interspace Commerce, Red Hessians, Bretonian Crown

System of Ranks

Heads of the Clan - The leadership of the Clan. Shogun who leads the family and strives to represent all the traits of the Taira and White Lotus, his trusted lieutenants who have understood all the concepts of the clan and showed their dominion (on the same level as Lords) in EVERY field of Taira’s study.

Shogun: Head of the Clan. Having two clans, this leads to dual shoguns. Head’s of their respective clan, they share equal power over their clan, but it has been decided that the “Senior” Shogun will be the political leader representing both factions unified political front. He will consult his decisions with the “Younger” Shogun but in the end the decisions rests on his shoulders.
White Lotus: Proven Field Commanders and Advisors to the Shogunate. They have shown full understandings of all the teachings of Taira and are the epitome of a poet-warrior. Courteous, well-mannered, educated in all forms of art, their thoughts and writings of political satire are as deadly as their katanas or their attack crafts. They are well known for reciting Haikus over the burning wreckage of their enemy’s ship just as well as their theatrical-performances and recitals during the frequent celebrations on Ainu and Kyoto.

Lords - Lords are a representation of one aspect of the clan knowledge. A member of Taira Clan can simultaneously hold a title of a Lord of one aspect of the clan yet be a Sage in another. In fact to become a White Lotus one has to understand all and every aspect of Taira doctrine ...

Three Seals of Terror: Fear is a weapon just like a sword. Enemies who fight with fear in their hearts have already lost. There are several ways to guard oneself from fear and at the same time induce fear in your enemies. Lord of the Three Seals of Terror understands them all.
Four Seals of Fury: Warriors without equals. Lords of Four Seals of Fury have learned all there is to fighting. As such they represent the epitome of a Warrior. They know how to be ruthless and they know how to be decisive. They are the ones that lead Taira clan into battle.
Five Seals of Buddha: Only a warrior who understands himself can hope to achieve victory in battle. Lord of the five seals of Buddha is such a warrior. He contemplated his goals in life, he meditated on the concepts of truth, honor and sacrifice and he faced his inner fears and emerged victorious. He knows himself and he understands when the victory is possible and where fighting would only waste powers and men of the Dragons.
Six Seals of Bonds: A dragon who has reached the title of Lord of Six Seals of Bonds has shown that he understands the bonds that bring people together in family as well as the clan and may command groups of Taira warriors on extended missions into enemy territory.
Seven Seals of Beauty: This rank signifies that the Taira who achieved it has fully understood the concept of beauty and all it’s different aspects. He knows the philosophical background as well as real application of all things beautiful and he knows
how to live his life with grace and beauty in the harsh environment of Sirius.

Sages - Sages are students who are learning the different Seals so that they may eventually claim a title of a Lord in one of the domains that Taira clan values. As such they have the title according to the seal they are currently learning. E.g. Sage of the Third Seal of Beauty. Once they learn all the Seals they can ask for a trial to become Lords of their chosen field of study. The names and meanings of different Seals are a clan’s secret and are revealed as the Sage progresses in his study and will not be disclosed here.

Younglings - The initiates of the clan who have yet to pass their test of adulthood to become full members of the clan. They are treated as brothers but have yet to earn the titles and respect of full warriors. Once they pass their test they become Sages of their chosen field of study.

Usage of Spacecraft

Younglings: Tanto, Katana, Nodachi, Drone.
Sages: May additionally fly the Bumblebee, Geisha, Big Dragon, Blossom, Orchid, Akegata (with permission), Adouhori (with permission), and Hachiman (with permission).
Lords: May additionally fly the Shukensha, Kagutsuchi, and Togo (with permission)
White Lotus: May additionally fly the Onuris, Nephthys, and Sehkmet.
Shogun: May fly any ship the Blood Dragons have access to.

Usage of Equipment

Younglings: May equip Blood Dragon, Kusari Civilian, and Generic Tech
Sages: May additionally equip Golden Chrysanthemum, Sirius Civilian, and Codenames (with permission)
Lords: May additionally equip Order (with permission)
White Lotus: May additionally equip Kusari Lawful (with permission)
Shogun: May equip any technology the Blood Dragons have access to.

Efficiency of Technology (4.86)

100%: Blood Dragons, GC Guns, Generic Unlawful Transports, Sirius Civilian, Generic Tech
90%: GC Ships, Kusari Civilian, Kusari Lawful Ships
75%: Gas Miners Guild, Order

Zones of Operation

Influence: Kusari, Tau-23, Tau-29, Tau-65, Sigma-13, Sigma-19, Kepler, Galileo
Interest: Tau-31, Tau-37, Sigma-17, Baffin
Restricted: Omicron Alpha, Omicron Eta, Omicron-92, Orkney, Coronado, Colorado, Frankfurt

Diplomatic Relations

Allied: Golden Chrysanthemums, Order
Friendly: Gas Miners Guild
Neutral: Outcasts, Bundschuh, Red Hessians, Bretonia Military, Bretonia Corporations, Mollys, IMG, Colonial Republic, Council, Maquis, Cryer, Interspace Commerce, and Orbital Spa & Cruise.
Unfriendly: Kishiro Technologies, Corsairs, BHG, Red Hessians, Gallic Military, Gallic Corporations, Liberty Military, Liberty Corporations, Rheinland Corporations, Junkers, Gaians, Gallic Junkers, Gallic Brigands, Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues, and Unioners.
Hostile: Samura Heavy Industries, Hogosha, Farmers Alliance, Kusari Military, Rheinland Military, Xenos, Wilde, Aoi Iseijin, and Nomads
Undefined: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, Artificial Intelligence of Gammu, Reapers of Sirius, Unione Corse, Hellfire Legion, and LWB.

RE: Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - Tyroflion - 08-21-2013

[Image: 5reu.jpg]

Still awaiting your spam, flame,whining, opinions of any kind, gifts, torches, pitchforks and nuclear mines with no return adress. Also the experiences you had/want to have with us. GC's list of: "What I want to do with my Blood Dragon man-slave" will be heard then rejected.

Taira over&out

RE: Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - Enkidu - 08-21-2013

Question: Why are you guys not getting recruits? I haven't read anything negative about you guys yet. Your lore and faction document seems fairly well developed, along with your graphical work, so why is nobody signing up? Admittedly, Kusari is kind of a backwater for activity of any kind, but that shouldn't be stopping you.

Anyway, kudos for thinking this through as well as you have and construing one of the best unofficial expo doc's I've seen for a long while. Stick to it because right now I can't find much to criticise as of yet.

RE: Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - Tyroflion - 08-21-2013

[Image: 5reu.jpg]

The reason is quite simple, really. Discovery is based on buddies. Trying to do something new? Nobody cares if you don't have xy friends among admins/veteran players. Want to join an event? Tough luck we made it with friends no place for you random newbie. Don't belive me?
Look here:

We asked why can't we join? The answer? Because they organized it with buddies. Tough luck try next time....maybe.

It's part of Discovery that I hate the most. Nobody cares how good you are. Nobody cares how much time you invest in creating original content, how well developed your lore, documents, politics and recruitment are. The only thing Discovery cares about? How many veterans do you personally know and how many mods/admins/devs/whatever will join you. You don't have any? Tough luck then I'm not interested in joining.

It's quite simple, really, new recruits are either people who have played Discovery for a long time and want to try something new as a faction but will not join you if you don't have enough admins/veterans for them to care about you. Then there are new players, many of which are brought to Discovery by veteran players. Which leads to the first problem. Veterans won't join you and they won't advise new players to join you. Angels won't advise for new players to join you. Essentially your only recruits will be the people who accidentally come to the forum find your faction info and THEN are impressed enough to join. As you can see to pass all these conditions is pretty hard.

Still it isn't necesarilly a bad thing. It gives us time to develop our faction the way we want to and it gives us the chance to focus on the important parts. RP, training our new players in PvP skills and creating Taira based events and fun. Plus as an unofficial faction we are less constrained by rules and can enjoy greater variety of members and crafts that our pilots fly. Also we did get some new recruits from Drakes| who realized that their way of playing is wrong and joined us so we have some recruits who are learning the game, the rules, PvP and all.

Since recently we have been mostly engaging Iseijin it's a tough school and I'm pleased to see that after playing catch a nuke and dodge a Nomad gunfire for a while, our week-old recruits are doing pretty well in Connecticut getting some victories to boost their confidence and realizing that maybe dying over and over to the infected scum may be the best school of PvP there is.

Overall it's a sad thing but it isn't gonna change. We can either accept it or we can cry about it. In a true Taira fashion we can do both and still look fabulously doing it. After all there is nothing as sexy as a manly warrior writing sad haiku with one tear slowly falling from his face on a sheet of rice-paper.

Taira over&out

RE: Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - AlphaWolf215 - 08-30-2013

Please change your tag. That is the property of the Hojo clan blood dragon group, and was never yours to take. Good luck with what you choose to do though.

RE: Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - sindroms - 08-30-2013

I do not see why they should. BD is an abbreviation of Blood Dragons. The old faction do not have any rights on preventing anyone from using such a name. Especially as a dead faction.

RE: Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - Connor - 08-30-2013

(08-30-2013, 11:10 AM)sindroms Wrote: I do not see why they should. BD is an abbreviation of Blood Dragons. The old faction do not have any rights on preventing anyone from using such a name. Especially as a dead faction.

The faction is still about, there for it gets to use the tag

RE: Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - Tyroflion - 08-30-2013

[Image: 5reu.jpg]

What faction are you talking about? I've searched the Forum up and down and haven't found a single mention of a faction (official or unofficial) using BD| tag. Also since I was able to secure the tag and password it, that wouldn't be possible if any faction owned said tag. Right? I'm not sure what this is about but I do not see any reason to change my tag just because someone with 0 rights to it under Freelancer Discovery 24/7 RP server rules tells me it's "theirs." Untill you show me the faction information post belonging to the active faction (official or otherwise) that would use such tag and provide a suitable explanation how come I was able to secure that tag by normal means of securing a tag (e.g. buying it for 50 millions and setting up a password) there is no discussion to be had.

Kazuto Taira over&out!

RE: Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - Connor - 08-30-2013

Here is a communication post from the hojo to the order. Read the title.

Wasn't that hard to find, I just searched hojo in the search bar

So, my point still stands

RE: Taira Clan of Blood Dragons - Tyroflion - 08-30-2013

Quote:Untill you show me the faction information post belonging to the active faction (official or otherwise) that would use such tag and provide a suitable explanation how come I was able to secure that tag by normal means of securing a tag (e.g. buying it for 50 millions and setting up a password) there is no discussion to be had.