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SHATTERED WORLDS - Comic Book Series - Printable Version

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SHATTERED WORLDS - Comic Book Series - |Scarecrow| - 08-16-2013


So, firstly, hi to everyone. I've post a few bits on here before, most recently the thread for my short film 'The Sanctuary'. My name is Chris and I'm a writer trying to get a few projects off the ground.

I'd like to introduce you all to this thread. SHATTERED WORLDS; a graphic comic / novels that my colleague and I are currently working on. The name is taken from the Freelancer SW mod, although it has no other relation. I have the permission of the mod admins to do this.

A little about the project - It is our ultimate goal to release it as an internet series; either a page a day or three or four a week. Very much like the Ctrl-Alt-Del format. The project is essentially a grand science fiction opera following a series of characters across a number of dramatic events. These events range from the more low key who-dunnit murder stories set deep within the lower spires of ancient 'Commonwealth ' colony worlds to the epic space fought battles of a galaxy-changing war. The series draws influence from the aesthetics, design and character building techniques of authors the likes of Peter F. Hamilton, Ben Bova and Neal Asher; all favourites of mine.

The content is essentially a world created by myself and my colleague, but the characters and factions throughout are derived from all of the fan-fiction and RP stories I wrote years ago for 'Freelancer' and its numerous mods.

The two main characters are Marcus 'Scarecrow' Scarman (My leading role) and Alex 'Haze' Hayes (My colleague's lead role). Over our planned comic series, we take these characters over three volumes of action and adventure, some storylines dealing with a pirate organisation called the Black Flag Corsairs and their threat on the independent systems. Other stories bring the characters into conflict with a group of religious zealots that believe humanity should have never left Earth.

The world we are in the process of building will be very in-depth and have a whole stack of lore unto its own. There are also stories and plots hinted at in the comic that happened thirty years or so in 'the past', where we see the younger selves of our characters experiencing life changing events that sets them into the molds we see them in during the comics. I will be filling in the gaps with other forms of fiction; short stories, other comics and short films. One such story I am currently writing as a three part novelette, which I will start posting on here for your enjoyment shortly.

As I mentioned, the ultimate goal for this project is to release as a web series. We will be designing a website for the project as soon as we have a more solid bank of content.

But for now, I hope you enjoy my installments of the concept design. As the project develops, I will use this thread to post updates. And eventually, the first few pages of Volume 1, Issue 1! I do have some concept designs that our illustrator has been working on. I'll release them a group at a time with some insights into what they are and how they reflect in the progression of the series.

Hope you all like the sound of it anyway, I've added a main poll at the top of the post and it would be great for you to give me your honest opinion of what you think of the project. Feedback is how I mold myself for future projects, and you could influence where we take this comic!

Also, feel free to post your thoughts in the thread. I don't like to hog a topic with just crap loads of content.

Thanks for reading!

Chris. 8)

RE: SHATTERED WORLDS - Comic Book Series - |Scarecrow| - 08-16-2013

As a little teaser to get things going, I'd like to introduce you to my main character -

Marcus "Scarecrow" Scarman

[Image: ax7s.jpg]

All images copyright Vincent Vyce 2013