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GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - Printable Version

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GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - Guyton - 07-14-2008

.......Incoming Transmission
..........Identification - Hattori Hanzo
.............Secured Transmission to: Planet New Tokyo
.............Subject: Rogue Cruiser

Today in the Crow Nebula at the Sigma-13 mining operations, a naval forces cruiser commander by the name of Hakudo.Maru, questioned the actions of the GMG in the turn around of a Samura transport. This cruiser commander took it upon himself to open fire on GMG forces attempting to sabotage Gas Miner Naha. After taking serious damage and failing to break through the strength of our patrols, Maru fled to Kusari but not before one of our officers hacked into its database and command logs. We have come to the conclusion this vessel acted under the influence of the Farmers Alliance to damage relations between the GMG and the homeland. Samura has also played its role in aiding the Farmers Alliance in the capture of the naval forces cruiser from a decommissioning facility which we believe is the shipyard located in Honshu. Thanks to our allies in Kishiro who has reported to us this shipyard is indeed ran by the Samura company. It is obvious Samura has allowed this vessel to be captured by the Farmers Alliance. Kishiro has claimed Samura is attempting to increase its profits by eliminating its competition with the GMG. Kishiro has also urged the GMG to submit payment for the Samura shipment ordered to return to Kusari by GMG forces, and increase the flow of Plutonium, Military Vehicles, and H-fuel for the war effort. Once determined by the council these shipments will be submitted to the emperor as a sign of good faith. I am waiting a response from the Naval Forces once this secure transmission is received.

Proof of engagement will be submitted to the leadership of the Naval Forces.
....Transmission Terminated

GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - Telbasta - 07-14-2008

...incoming message...
From: Kusari Naval Forces Patrolship Kimono

I was aware of this destroyer's intent to attack GMG forces today, but refused to help him due to implications such an attack could have against the kusari government.

I do not believe it is the custom of the farmer's alliance to coerce other captains into doing their dirty work for them. The FA are an honorable group with kusari's best interests in mind, and if they felt that a threat from the GMG was imminent they would intercept it themselves, not indirectly through the use of a kusari naval vessel.

Tensions are rising between kusari and the GMG, however. Both sides are becoming increasingly hostile towards one another, and little can be done to stop it.


...incoming message...
From: Samura Transport Neko Maru

The GMG took the initial stance against samura when they refused to allow samura commerce access to rheinland through sigma 13. This act of hostility is a clear sign of the GMG's arrogance in their seperation from kusari.

The GMG has grown overconfident in their wealth. There is no competition with Samura, as we have our own h-fuel mining operations beginning in hokkaido and can provide more than enough fuel to meet kusari's needs. If the GMG continues to act in a hostile manner towards kusari corporations and military forces, they will be cut off from our nation completely.

GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - Guyton - 07-14-2008

.....Incoming Transmission
.......Identification - Hattori Hanzo
.........To: Patrol ship Kimono

Does a patrol ship speak the leadership of the Kusari Naval Forces? or does its Taishō and Emperor? You sir are proof there is conspiracy or even treason against the Kusari Emperor! No, I do not expect a gunboat captain to understand the delicate relationship between the Gas Miners Guild and Kusari. The greed of Samura and the Farmers Alliance are putting all kusarian blood alike endanger. Why is it the Farmers Alliance shows hostility from a single Samura transport ordered to return to its home for it was not safe to cross through GMG space due to piracy? Why is it a gunboat captain is speaking for the Kusari government? I call on the leadership of the Kusari government and nothing less to speak as true kusarians. Any body that is willing to separate the GMG from the homeland, to prevent war supplies to aid Kusari from being shipped in from the nebula, and attempt to speak for the wisdom of the emperor carries the title of dishonor and is not a true kusarian! It is obvious this is a plan to force Kusari against the GMG so it may be surrounded by enemies. The homeland is of wiser leadership than you believe, it will see through this childs plays.

-Guild Master Hanzo

....Transmission Disconnected

GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - Telbasta - 07-14-2008

...incoming message...
From: Samura Transport Neko Maru

You keep saying that you refused passage to my ship because of 'safety' concerns and 'piracy' here, but when I encountered your GMG forces in sigma 13 at the time they called samura traitors and threatened to fire on my ship if I did not turn back to kusari space!

The GMG are trying to manipulate the kusari government against itself, there is no other explanation. They say one thing, then turn around and say another. The guild has become nothing more than another group of honorless gaijin concerned with nothing but their monopoly on h-fuel.

You dishonor your own name, hattori.

GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - BaconSoda - 07-14-2008

To: Hattori Hanzo
From: Sousuke Patro, Nouka Sempai of the Artisan Farmer's Alliance
Re: Accusations


There is no proof to your accusations. Nothing here that you have said has any solid evidence. If anything, all you have done is slandered the name of a Samurai, which, if you were unaware, is punishable by Kusari Legal Code.

Now before acting further, I will wait for my superiors and for the Cruiser Commander to speak.

~Souka Nampai Sousuke Patro

GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - Muleo - 07-14-2008

Comms ID: Hakudo Maru
To: Open frequency

This is Asano Yoshinaka, I served as Saito-samas XO aboard the Hakudo Maru.

It is to my great displeasure that I report that the Hakudo Maru did indeed engage a GMG battleship in Sigma 13, lost the engagement, and fled. The shame of this engagement was too much for the captain, to put it bluntly, he committed seppuku to atone for his momentary cowardice.

He does not regret the engagement, the dishonor and shame would have been worse had he allowed the GMG to go unchallenged, who insulted Saito-samas honor, by refusing to answer his questions, belittling him with threats to report him to the Kusari, he would not bear to hear such things from a gaijin.

He wrote a jisei before the act, which I will take the liberty of sharing with you.

With the autumn breeze
The sakura falls, between
The clashing of swords.

It will be long before the
Dust from its great fall settles.

I served as the late Saito Takeshis XO, and served him one last time as his kaishaku. His last act was to put me in command of the Hakudo Maru and I will honor his memory by continuing to serve Kusari.

Asano out.

GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - BaconSoda - 07-14-2008

To: Hattori Hanzo
From: Sousuke Patro, Nouka Sempai of the Artisan Farmer's Alliance
Re: Accusations


By the account of the Hakudo Maru, it appears that you have shown your true intentions. By blatantly disregarding the questions of a ranking Kusari officer, you have shown true disregard for Kusari laws and culture. This only confirms the hostile intent reported by the Samura ship Neko Maru. You have cost Kusari not only millions of credits lost from both trade and damages, but also a fine Cruiser Commander.

It is time to stop this charade, Hattori. Cease your path of disregard for Kusari. Allow Samura free trade in the Sigmas and publicly apologize for your misdemeanors. Stop now before anymore blood will be spilled. Accept this olive branch, we implore you. All that may come of this is pain for your organization.

~Nouka Sempai Sousuke Patro

GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - Telbasta - 07-14-2008

Earlier today two GMG fighters in honshu opened fire on kusari ships present at the time, most notably an AFA vessel.

The Kimono gave numerous warnings to the GMG ships to cease fire and depart kusari space - the warnings were ignored. One GMG fighter was destroyed and the other ran, but not before sending a transmission to sigma 13 to request reinforcements.

Shortly after, two more GMG ships invaded honshu - hattori hanzo here in a taiidan bomber, along with another flying - of all things - a rheinland cruiser. Both ships proceeded to attack a Hogosha vessel in the area, and once again the Kimono was forced to warn the ships and then engage. Both ships fled back to sigma 19, with hattori's bomber sustaining heavy damage.

This will not go on any longer. As of now, the GMG is declared an enemy of kusari.

GMG to Kusari Naval Forces - song - 07-14-2008

How is it that the GMG feels they are now an "empire" who can order Kusari vessels about and command its military officers to leave open space?

These acts alone show their foreign seduction as they arm the Dragons and allow contraband into Kusari but none of its legal goods to pass. They have declared economic war on the Empire and as such have presented themselves as an equal to the Emperor and superior to His servants by ordering them about. Surely now they should be put down like the dogs they are lest they offer complete submission to the Empire!

The Hogosha have always warned of the treachery of these serpents--now they show their fangs and venom.