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Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Printable Version

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Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Kazinsal - 08-22-2013

* Kazinsal dons a flame-retardant suit

Your average Zoner does not need a capital warship. They're in tight with the Order in case something goes horribly wrong in the Omicrons. They can go hide in Baffin if things get pants-soilingly bad in the Taus. The Sigmas are pretty close to the Omicrons. Same with the Omegas.

Now, add in the question of "who really wants to kill Zoners?" and you've led to the question, "do random Zoners really need battleships?"

No. They don't.

Of course, there are a couple official Zoner factions that could use one or two -- Phoenix and TAZ for example. Thankfully, TAZ already has an ID of their own. Phoenix doesn't, but they could get a SRP one if they wanted to.

"But what about the mobile Freeports, Kaz?"

The Jinkusu Juggernaut was designed as one. The Nephilim Dreadnought is not. Check the infocards. I think I remember one usage, maybe two, of the Jinkusu as a "mobile freeport". That's it. Everyone else used them for waving around like male-exclusive extremities or pewing nomads in the Omicrons even though they're not supposed to according to the ID.

Just remove them from the ID. A destroyer is plenty for your average Zoner.


RE: Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Sabru - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 02:07 AM)Kazinsal Wrote: * Kazinsal dons a flame-retardant suit

Your average Zoner does not need a capital warship. They're in tight with the Order in case something goes horribly wrong in the Omicrons. They can go hide in Baffin if things get pants-soilingly bad in the Taus. The Sigmas are pretty close to the Omicrons. Same with the Omegas.

Now, add in the question of "who really wants to kill Zoners?" and you've led to the question, "do random Zoners really need battleships?"

No. They don't.

Of course, there are a couple official Zoner factions that could use one or two -- Phoenix and TAZ for example. Thankfully, TAZ already has an ID of their own. Phoenix doesn't, but they could get a SRP one if they wanted to.

"But what about the mobile Freeports, Kaz?"

The Jinkusu Juggernaut was designed as one. The Nephilim Dreadnought is not. Check the infocards. I think I remember one usage, maybe two, of the Jinkusu as a "mobile freeport". That's it. Everyone else used them for waving around like male-exclusive extremities or pewing nomads in the Omicrons even though they're not supposed to according to the ID.

Just remove them from the ID. A destroyer is plenty for your average Zoner.


* Sabru hugs the TAZ ID

Edit: I totally agree with Kaz. he makes a lot of sense.

RE: Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Helium3GMGYI - 08-22-2013

I have an opinion bad idea. I say with this being a strong RP server the zoner battleship is needed. Last paragraph in Zoner descrip says it best "Today the Zoners and their reputation are famous throughout Sirius. Some might even say infamous, depending on their point of view. Zoners are still struggling to reconcile their political neutrality with their desire for individual freedoms, but their answers to this struggle are embodied in groups like the Temporary Autonomous Zoners and new organizations, the Omicron Supply Industries and the Zoners Trading Consortium, as well as the uncounted free-spirited individuals of the Zoner Union of Independents journeying under the Zoners flag, all together organized in the Zoner Alliance. Things are still changing in Sirius of course.The competition for resources is continuing, and the Houses are engaged in power plays with each other. The great war between Corsairs and Outcasts lasts, while the descendants of the long lost colonial ship Gallia have been found again. Almost forgotten is the alien threat, but even Nomads have learned from their defeat preparing their retaliation. It seems that Sirius is subjected to strong emotions that today's Zoners cannot ignore, but they are well prepared to face new challenges. " With a nomad threat and the houses engaged in power plays with each other,even a neutral party can get pulled in unwanted. Might was will say take the houses BS away too.

RE: Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Sabru - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 02:24 AM)Helium3GMGYI Wrote: I have an opinion bad idea. I say with this being a strong RP server the zoner battleship is needed. Last paragraph in Zoner descrip says it best "Today the Zoners and their reputation are famous throughout Sirius. Some might even say infamous, depending on their point of view. Zoners are still struggling to reconcile their political neutrality with their desire for individual freedoms, but their answers to this struggle are embodied in groups like the Temporary Autonomous Zoners and new organizations, the Omicron Supply Industries and the Zoners Trading Consortium, as well as the uncounted free-spirited individuals of the Zoner Union of Independents journeying under the Zoners flag, all together organized in the Zoner Alliance. Things are still changing in Sirius of course.The competition for resources is continuing, and the Houses are engaged in power plays with each other. The great war between Corsairs and Outcasts lasts, while the descendants of the long lost colonial ship Gallia have been found again. Almost forgotten is the alien threat, but even Nomads have learned from their defeat preparing their retaliation. It seems that Sirius is subjected to strong emotions that today's Zoners cannot ignore, but they are well prepared to face new challenges. " With a nomad threat and the houses engaged in power plays with each other,even a neutral party can get pulled in unwanted. Might was will say take the houses BS away too.

you do realise that is quite outdated.
ZTC, ZUI and the original zoner alliance dont exist, and havent for a while.
if you really need a BS to RP, then join a house military or one of the groups that actually have proper use for them.

RE: Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Omicron - 08-22-2013

Unlikely to happen but I approve of this proposition.

Zoners are too insignificant (locally in comparison to neighbourhood) to get well on their own only, something that certain people tend to forget or even outright go against it.

RE: Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Black Widow - 08-22-2013

I disagree looking purely from the Lore of Vanilla Freelancer which was then molded into the Lore of Discovery Freelancer as it is today, the whole nomad war started with scenes showing Freeport 7, a zoner base in Sigma 17 being destroyed by Nomad Battleships: .

Thus given the state of zoner settlements all over sirius today and the sheer numbers of people and zoner bases there are to protect, there has never been a greater need for Zoners to have access to the kind of weaponry required to defend against such threats i.e. Battleships. Remember what the Nomads did to the Order in Omicron Minor and how they wiped out Toledo, well Freeport XV in Delta is sitting right on the nomads doorstep and whose to say inRP the nomads wont attack them again.

It is for that reason alone zoners need capital ships like the Zoner Juggy as a Dessy wont stand up to a Marduk!

RE: Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Kazinsal - 08-22-2013

So use a wing of bombers then.

I know what Freeport 7 was. That was 20 years ago. There have always been several freeport settlements scattered around Sirius in dangerous places. They've never needed battleship defense.

RE: Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Omicron - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 02:42 AM)Black Widow Wrote: It is for that reason alone zoners need capital ships like the Zoner Juggy as a Dessy wont stand up to a Marduk!

Obviously you never heard that in current state cruisers can solo battleships and corvo (Zoner one) is most OP of them all.

RE: Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Black Widow - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 02:44 AM)Kazinsal Wrote: So use a wing of bombers then.

I know what Freeport 7 was. That was 20 years ago. There have always been several freeport settlements scattered around Sirius in dangerous places. They've never needed battleship defense.

But inRP you cant say that, just because discovery lore hasnt allowed another incident like FP7 to occur does not mean inRP it cannot happen.

A fleet of bombers wont do squat against marauding nomad death squads.

Even the zoners inRP cant stand upto the might of Nomads they are just too powerful, but Battleships give the zoners some hope.

RE: Proposal: Remove Battleships from the Zoner ID. - Kazinsal - 08-22-2013

Disagree. A wing of well-trained bomber pilots can definitely take out a Marduk. Throw a Corvo in there with cerbs and that Marduk is toast.