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Player Sanctioned: Hitler - Printable Version

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Player Sanctioned: Hitler - SummerMcLovin - 08-30-2013

Hitler has been sanctioned for:

Quote:3.5 Names of new characters should be set up with role-playing nature of our server in mind. This means that:

- Names should contain no swear words.
- Country of player origin must not be used in character names.
- Names with excessive use of random symbols, capital letters, numbers, symbols, leet speak, emoticons should not be used.
- For further information about character names read

5.2 All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. "Engaging" is not sufficient. An attack is any hostile action that drains shields to less than 50%. Being hit with a CD is not considered an attack. If a player is attacked he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking.

6.9 You must follow the restrictions/allowances of your ID, as well as the diplomacy of the NPC faction it represents. If your ID does not represent an NPC faction (generic IDs), then your reputation and conduct must match the actions of your character. You must not dock at bases that your NPC faction is hostile to, or attack allies of your NPC faction.


Shooting people out of your ZoI and without RP usually makes your guns fall off, but with a name like that etched into the side the equipment fell off too. Then the lights. Then the hull. Then whatever was left.

Ship deleted.

Link to original report (Admin use only)



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE