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Royal Commando Service - RCS| - Printable Version

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Royal Commando Service - RCS| - Manticore - 09-01-2013

[Image: BMW5gjv.png]
Tag: RCS|
ID: Bretonian Intelligence Service
IFF: Armed Forces

General Information

Her Majesty's Own Commando Regiment, otherwise known as the Royal Commando Service, was founded in 819 AS at the personal request of Queen Carina for a force that could carry out raids against Gallia and Gallic-occupied territory. Drawn exclusively from volunteers from the other branches of the Bretonian Military, the Royal Commando Service is unique in that it answers only to the Monarch and Prime Minister, not the command structures of the Bretonian Armed Forces or Bretonian Intelligence Service.

The group specializes in quick precision strikes, and can comfortably operate in space, aboard installations, or on a variety of planetary terrain. Those who pass the difficult selection process are extensively trained in several undisclosed locations. All members of the regiment, from the commanding officer down to enlisted, are required to pass through selection and training.

Officially, the unit is headquartered on the Battleship Grimsby in Newcastle. The Grimsby serves as a central anchoring and resupply point for the unit, but the true headquarters will soon be the HMS Vanguard, a Bretonia Royal Cruise Liner that was decommissioned and is in the process of refit into a mobile command and control center for the Royal Commandos.


  1. Conducting offensive operations against any and all enemies of Bretonia, particularly Gallia.
  2. Performing field reconnaissance and gathering intelligence on foreign entities.
  3. Protecting Bretonia's sovereignty against all threats, both foreign and domestic.


The Royal Commando Service has several smaller units and squadrons contained within it. These units often will operate on independent assignment away from command, including possible undercover work. Thus, members of these units must remain anonymous.

Crown Squadron
The Crowns are the elite soldiers of the Royal Commandos, and are usually the primary unit for missions that require infiltration of a space station or planet. The Crowns specialize in various forms of combat and demolitions.

Sword Squadron
The Swords are the elite pilots of the Royal Commandos, often operating in close support of other units. Though fully trained in all areas, the Swords specialize in piloting small craft and demolitions, and typically will be assigned to missions requiring either close air/space cover or extended dogfighting.

Enigma Squadron
The Enigmas, as the name suggests, are the elite infiltrators of the Royal Commandos, and are usually assigned to special missions as befitting their expertise. They specialize in stealth and clandestine operations, often operating undercover. Members of this unit never operate openly, and rumors indicate that the squadron may only activate at times of special need.

Squadron assignment is not something set in stone, and Command may move individuals between different squadrons as requirements change.

Command Structure

The members of the Royal Commando Service use Bretonian Army ranks and insignia.

The Colonel is the formal commander of the Royal Commando Service, for the unit only consists of one (technically understrength) regiment. As Commanding Officer of the Regiment, they retain final authority on all operational matters, and is responsible for determining the unit's strategy.

Naming Convention: RCS|Col.First.Last

Current Colonel: Sir Avery Stirling (Manticore)

The Major serves as Second-in-Command for the Regiment, reporting only to the Colonel and serving as his right hand aide. As Executive Officer, they are often called upon to resolve internal disputes and assist the Colonel in strategic planning.

Naming Convention: RCS|Maj.First.Last

Current Major: Alexander Arland (L3wt)

The Captains serve as Officers in Command (OC) for the Regiment's two subunits, and are proven veterans of commando operations. Frequently detached with their units from central command on assignments, they are required to have strong command skills.

Naming Convention: RCS|Capt.First.Last

Current Captains: None

The Lieutenants aid the Officers in Command (OC) of the Regiment's two subunits. Frequently detached with their units from central command on assignments, they are required to have demonstrated command skill.

Naming Convention: RCS|Lt.First.Last

Current Lieutenants: None

Sergeants are distinguished enlisted members of the Regiment who are typically proven veterans of combat. They are trusted to lead and watch over the newest enlisted.

Naming Convention: RCS|Sgt.First.Last

Current Sergeants: None

Corporals are the newest and most junior members of the Regiment, but mere admission into the unit is a feat unto itself. If they survive their first few missions, they are likely to advance on. After one week and six flight hours logged, they become eligible to join a Squadron.

Naming Convention: RCS|Cpl.First.Last

Current Corporals: John Tillman (Ndk071) | Phillip Northridge (SummerMcLovin) | Mathew Pearson (Snoopyman)

Private (Provisional)
Provisional Privates are individuals who have been tentatively accepted into the Regiment, pending the demonstration of skill, willingness to learn, and quick thinking in actual RCS operations. They will be invited to contribute to selected operations and patrols to prove themselves, and will be fully accepted and promoted to Corporal if they do so. Command reserves the right to extend this provisional period for an indefinite amount of time.

Naming Convention: First.Last

Current Privates: Christina Lee (Ghost.Radical) | Constantine Colquhoun (KaiserDietz)


[Image: BE7yFCY.jpg]

Bretonian Armed Forces and other Bretonian Organizations
The Royal Commando Service naturally pledges itself to the same overall goals as the other armed organizations of the Bretonian government, but acts as a completely separate organ. The Armed Forces are, as such, not privy to the decision making process or sensitive information possessed by any RCS operatives, unless deemed appropriate by the senior RCS officer in the field. Render assistance as necessary, but not to the degree that RCS objectives may be compromised.

House Liberty
As Liberty is the primary ally of Bretonia, some cooperation is to be expected. The same rules apply as with the Bretonian military, but with added diplomatic sensibilities. If called upon for assistance, comply at leisure, but otherwise, there are no true obligations unless mission objectives call for it.

The Council, Colonial Republic, Bounty Hunters
The same situation as with Liberty, with the added caveat that caution should be increased in inverse proportion with the strength of their allegiance. As always, permit no information leakage, unless explicitly sanctioned by the Colonel.

House Rheinland
To be treated with appropriate courtesy and caution as deemed appropriate by operatives in the field - discretion is strongly advised. Diplomatic incidents are to be avoided, as Bretonia has enough enemies as it stands.

The Order
All RCS operatives are to treat Order agents with suspicion, but violence is not suggested. If possible, extract information from agents encountered so as to evaluate possible Nomad threats against Bretonia.

House Kusari
In the wake of a major war against this House, many hostilities and a great deal of suspicion lingers still. Do not encroach upon Kusari space unless mission-critical, or much diplomatic grief and subsequent bureaucratic scrutiny is bound to follow every RCS element involved. In turn, do not tolerate KNF intrusion in Bretonian space, unless extremely alleviating circumstances are in place.

Even though the Junkers are mostly not very dangerous, they are not trustworthy in the slightest and often have histories of criminal activity within House borders. Exercise extreme caution, and engage if fired upon.

An active armed presence combined with an attitude bordering on the directly brigand and a history of skirmishes with a great many different factions, including Bretonia, is something to keep a close eye on. If encountered in the Taus, RCS operatives are urged to tread lightly and be prepared to enter combat at a moment’s notice.

These insurgents and pirates have a long and bloody history with Bretonia. While most commonly encountered in Dublin, incursions into Leeds and New London are regular occurrences. However, as they are not the most immediate threat against Bretonia, RCS operatives are encouraged to engage on a discretionary basis.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Although relatively minor and remote, the SCRA is possessed with extremely hostile relations to Bretonia, and are to be fought where found within Bretonian borders.

A secondary threat to Bretonia, raids of varying scale and regularity are launched from the Omegas by this loosely organized faction. RCS operatives should engage without compunction and without mercy, wherever they are found.

House Gallia
The primary threat to Bretonia’s security as a nation, and leading cause to the establishment of the RCS. Any and all threats involving Gallia is our immediate concern, and no quarter and every means of exploitation should be utilized in our campaign to stymie their large-scale invasion of our space. Needless to say, operatives are to engage Gaul military on sight, unless doing so compromises our objectives.

Zone of Influence

The Royal Commando Service's Zone of Influence is divided into the following categories:

[Image: ndcpZTX.jpg]

Bretonian Core Systems (Respond to attacks if available.)
New London, Cambridge, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Dublin, Dundee, Salisbury, Inverness, Chester, Magellan, Cortez, Omega-3

Primary Focus Systems (In which most operations will be conducted.)
Tau-31, Tau-29, Tau-23, Edinburgh, Lewis, Orkney, Faroe

Restricted Access Systems (Requires special permission to enter.)
Languedoc, Corse, Provence, Omega-5, Omega-50, Omega-49, Poole, Londonderry, Coronado, Baffin, Rousillion

Members may be permitted to travel to other parts of Sirius with special permission.

Other Information
  • We are a roleplay-focused faction. Prospective members must have proven roleplaying skill in order to join.
  • Our goal is to begin a roleplaying "campaign" with weekly chapters that continue the story.
  • We wish to contribute positively to the server environment, thus breaking of server rules will not be tolerated.
  • All members will be required to maintain a Templar Very Heavy Fighter at all times.
  • A recruitment thread will be forthcoming. For now, if you're interested in the faction, please contact me via PM or Skype.

RE: Royal Commando Service - RCS| - Thexare - 09-01-2013

Damn it, I saw "Royal" and was hoping to have some Gallics to shoot. And RP with, but let's be realistic.

Oh well. On behalf of Natio Octavarium, I welcome you to the correct side of the war (that is to say, kindly be not shooting us thanks much)

RE: Royal Commando Service - RCS| - SummerMcLovin - 09-01-2013

Same as Thexare, I was expecting a Gallic faction at first. Still, seems like a nice idea.

While it is interesting, a lot of these "only answerable to [x]" factions could do well to actually contact [x] at some point before they claim as such. With jammi disappearing, both roles pretty much fall to me if you would be interested in actually doing the roleplay orders from the highest of the highups.

From you and l3wt's past experience I do have high hopes that this will be properly RPed rather than the plethora of groups who are "commandos because the word is cool".

Edit: Heh, and you ninja-d me on the recruitment thing!

RE: Royal Commando Service - RCS| - l3wt - 09-01-2013

Hey, Summer. Good idea, I definitely see what you mean about contacting BretGov, and surely something could be arranged in that regard. To be honest, the whole "answers only directly to" etc. is only to make it perfectly clear that the faction is not subordinate or accountable to the BAF or BIS.

Although we would appreciate getting the faction off the ground with as little fuss as possible, however, we won't turn down a good opportunity to get some RP in with you.

Feel free to contact either of us so we can get things done.

RE: Royal Commando Service - RCS| - Manticore - 09-01-2013

(09-01-2013, 03:12 AM)Thexare Wrote: Damn it, I saw "Royal" and was hoping to have some Gallics to shoot. And RP with, but let's be realistic.

Oh well. On behalf of Natio Octavarium, I welcome you to the correct side of the war (that is to say, kindly be not shooting us thanks much)

Thanks for the welcome. I realize the "Royal" thing might be a touch misleading, but when coming up for the concept I felt Bretonia was the most natural fit for this sort of faction. After all, the concept of Commandos (and later the SAS) was developed during Britain's "darkest hour" during WWII. Plus Bretonia's monarch, in lore, still does have some direct control over the military.

Much as I'd like to contribute to Gallic RP again, there's just too many in-game issues with it right now. Not the least of which is the lack of an intelligence ID.

(09-01-2013, 04:33 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: While it is interesting, a lot of these "only answerable to [x]" factions could do well to actually contact [x] at some point before they claim as such. With jammi disappearing, both roles pretty much fall to me if you would be interested in actually doing the roleplay orders from the highest of the highups.

From you and l3wt's past experience I do have high hopes that this will be properly RPed rather than the plethora of groups who are "commandos because the word is cool".

I'll echo L3wt here and say it would be great to get involved with you and BretGov in some RP. Honestly I had hoped to do that anyways, but wanted to get the faction established before jumping around and trying to establish RP with other groups. And the "only answerable to the Queen/PM" thing seemed the only plausible way to establish that we weren't answerable to BAF Command or the BIS, for obvious ooRP reasons.

Anyways, appreciate the feedback and encouragement!

RE: Royal Commando Service - RCS| - Havok - 09-01-2013

As i've told you already, it's a good looking layout and a nice look at the faction. Will be interesting to see it at work in the game to tear up some Gallics!

RE: Royal Commando Service - RCS| - Black Widow - 09-01-2013

No disrepect but I don't like the name as its confusing, Royal Command Service is synonomous with Royal Marine Commando which is an elite combat unit of the British Royal Navy being a combat unit. Such a name as yours for the BIS is not suitable as you would think RCS are not intelligence units.

RE: Royal Commando Service - RCS| - l3wt - 09-01-2013

@Black Widow: Frankly speaking, I do not see a problem with the name at all. RCS is a self-contained clandestine unit with a focus on both gathering intelligence and acting on it, conducting raids, sabotage and surveillance/infiltration and other shenanigans in occupied territory, making the organization more military in nature than the spy-heavy BIS. Hence why the "Commando" part of the title is more than appropriate.

RE: Royal Commando Service - RCS| - Avalanche - 09-27-2013

Sent Manticore a PM regards to possible enlistment.

I like the faction a lot, tasteful name in my opinion however 'service' does give me the impression of a non-military link.. "Royal Commando Force" or just "Royal Commandos" as they were originally called in world war two when W.Churchill brought about their creation for daring raids against German defenses on Normandy, would be better I think. Moving on, the objectives, squadrons, ranks and details plus the campaign are very nice touches. Kudos, wish you lads all of luck!

Additionally, if you wish to use any artwork or notes within my Kingdom of Bretonia thread (in my sig) feel free.

RE: Royal Commando Service - RCS| - Omicron - 09-27-2013

I for a change dont have issues with naming as long it is Bretonian and fits to purpose. Met you guys way not enough, I guess I have to increase my presence in Bretonia and Tau's more for it.