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Royal Commando Service Recruitment - Printable Version

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Royal Commando Service Recruitment - Manticore - 09-01-2013

[Image: BMW5gjv.png]


Greetings, and welcome to the application processing service for the Royal Commando Service. If you're here, you've likely been referred by one of our members or by another branch of the Bretonian Military.

The Royal Commando Service takes pride in being the best of the best, and as such, we will not be accepting just anyone into our ranks. Applicants must have proven military and/or espionage experience, a high level of intelligence, and strong personal integrity. You should expect to be pushed to the very limits of your own abilities, so that we can forge you into a weapon that can be used against Bretonia's enemies.

Our Process

Should you pass the initial test here with your application, one of two things will happen.

If you possess strong and highly relevant experience in commando tactics, active espionage work, or raiding, along with a history of service to Bretonia, you may be deemed ready for DIRECT ACCEPTANCE into our ranks. In this case, you will be granted the rank of Corporal in the Regiment, and brought directly into our operations.

Candidates who do not meet the above requirements but are deemed otherwise worthy will be PROVISIONALLY ACCEPTED into the Regiment. You will be named a Private (Provisional), and will be asked to operate with us on a few occasions to evaluate your potential to contribute to our operations. Regimental command reserves the right to maintain this provisional status as long as necessary, but expect us to reach a decision within two weeks. Note that Provisional Privates lack access to our identification notation (tag) until they are fully accepted.


If you still think you are up to the challenge, please fill out the following application to start the process:


[font=Trebuchet MS][color=#DCDCDC][b]Name:[/b][/color]
[color=#DCDCDC][b]Current Affiliation and Rank:[/b][/color]
[color=#DCDCDC][b]Birthdate and Location:[/b][/color]
[color=#DCDCDC][b]Short Personal Background:[/b][/color]
[color=#DCDCDC][b]Reason for Interest in RCS:[/b][/color]


[color=#A9A9A9][b]Skype Name:[/b][/color]
[color=#A9A9A9][b]List any Official Factions you are a member of:[/b][/color]
[color=#A9A9A9][b]Have you ever been sanctioned?:[/b][/color]
[color=#A9A9A9][b]If yes, for what?:[/b][/color][/font]

Thank you for your interest in the Royal Commando Service!

RE: Royal Commando Service Recruitment - Connor - 09-01-2013

[Image: igo3h3m.png]

Name: Mathew Pearson
Current Affiliation and Rank: Armed Forces, Leuitenant
Gender: Male
Birthdate and Location: Planet New London, 05/07/792
Short Personal Background:

Mathew was born into a family of people that had fought for Bretonia for many Generations. At the time of his birth, his family were all part of ether the Bretonia Armed forces or the Intelligence Service. His mother, a senior agent in the BIS, had to pull out of the Service in order to cater and look after her new son. At the age of 8, he handled his first gun and at the ages of 16, he piloted his first spaceship. When he turned 18, he signed up to the Armed Forces. He joined up as a Gunner for the Home Land Security. He was based on a base on Planet Leeds. He fought the Gauls many times, in both Long Range and Close Quarter battles. At the present day, he still fights with the Home Land Security. He fights along side his sister, Heather Pearson who is currently serving in the BAF as a Lieutenant. Currently now, he is looking for a new profession and he thinks he has chosen the right one.

Reason for Interest in RCS:

Matt would like to join the RCS for several reasons. Mathew believes that he can put his skills to better use, and into something that might be more needing. He would also like to move on from defending planet Leeds and to move onto striking Gallia where it hurts. He also would like to try the RCS way of doing things


Skype Name: connor.moultonchapel
List any Official Factions you are a member of:BAF|, EFL|
Have you ever been sanctioned?: Nope
If yes, for what?:

RE: Royal Commando Service Recruitment - Apollon - 09-01-2013

[Image: igo3h3m.png]

Name: Christina Lee
Current Affiliation and Rank: Bretonia Intelligence Service, First Lieutenant
Gender: Female
Birthdate and Location: 16th May, 796 A.S, Planet New London
Short Personal Background: Was born on Planet New London, Daughter of Richard and Liara Lee, Both of my parents are dedicated to Bretonia, the Queen and the people of Bretonia, I had a sister, Amy....she left Bretonia after she got kidnapped to the Omicrons, i haven't heard of her since she left, My mother served in Borderworld Exports ranks, while my father enlisted in the Armed forces, I followed his path, i enlisted in the Armed when i was able to...
I defended Leeds against the Gallics a lot of times, killing them was a fun for me, but i liked stealth work more, When i reached the rank of lieutenant, i requested to be Transferred to the Bretonia Intelligence Service, i was accepted, i acheived the rank of First Lieutenant, I did recon missions in Taus and outer Gallia, I wasn't permitted to go deep inside, and kept defending Leeds after that...
Reason for Interest in RCS: I'm not really satisfied in the Bretonia Intelligence Service, It's work wasn't offensive enough me, I' like to hit Gallia with all what i can, and to contribute in the War effort, so I'd like to be Transferred to Her Majesty's Royal Commando Serivce


Skype Name: Ghost.Radical
List any Official Factions you are a member of: Check the profile
Have you ever been sanctioned?: Nope
If yes, for what?:

RE: Royal Commando Service Recruitment - Havok - 09-01-2013

[Image: igo3h3m.png]

Name: John Tillman
Current Affiliation and Rank: Major of the BIS
Gender: Male
Birthdate and Location: Planet New London, June 15th 790 A.S.
Short Personal Background:Grew up on New London, Normal Childhood growing up, Father was an Armed Forces Engineer, Mother worked in the local bank, enough for a comfortable living. Going through school was no problem either. Enlisted in the Bretonian Intelligence Service, ran a rather successful career as a Major of the Service, often deployed in the defense of Leeds from Gallic attacks, sometimes within deeper bretonian core against local pirates, but with recent decisions now looking to change into the Royal Commandos.
Reason for Interest in RCS: Coming from the Intelligence Service and moving towards the arm of the Covert Operations has been a though for quite a while, to be a field operative with the Royal Commandos is this opportunity which is now open.


Skype Name: ndk071
List any Official Factions you are a member of: CR|, [M], Reavers, K'Hara|, Order| , BDM|, CL}, [IND]
Have you ever been sanctioned?: No
If yes, for what?: -

RE: Royal Commando Service Recruitment - Manticore - 09-01-2013


[Image: 8nroUWX.png]

To: Maj. TILLMAN, John ; Lt. LEE, Christina ; Lt. PEARSON, Mathew
Encryption: RCS Special
Priority: Normal

Greetings, interested parties.

I am glad to see that the three of you are interested in joining the Regiment. When I founded the unit, I had hoped men and women of the other branches would be interested by the possibilities the unit presents. I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with you further.

Remember, the Royal Commando Service uses a different ranking structure from your old units. Here, all members start from the same place, and must earn the right to lead Commandos!

Major Tillman, in recognition of your work and leadership with the Intelligence Service, I have decided to FULLY ACCEPT you into the RCS as a Corporal. Please set up a Templar Very Heavy Fighter with the RCS| transponder at your leisure. I look forward to flying with you.

Lieutenants Lee and Pearson, your experience with the Armed Forces and Intelligence Service, respectively, will be of great use to us. However, I want to be sure this is the right fit for you, before we decide one way or the other how to proceed. Thus, you are both PROVISIONALLY ACCEPTED into the RCS as Privates (Provisional). Please set up Templar Very Heavy Fighters, identified with your first and last names only, and I'll contact you about opportunities to fly with us in the near future.

Best of luck, recruits. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a long career as a Commando for each of you.


Col. Sir Avery Stirling
CO, Her Majesty's Own Commando Regiment


RE: Royal Commando Service Recruitment - SummerMcLovin - 09-03-2013

[Image: igo3h3m.png]

Name: Philip Northridge
Current Affiliation and Rank: Commander, Her Majesty's Privateers
Gender: Male
Birthdate and Location: 17th July, 783 A.S. - Planet Leeds

Short Personal Background: Although I was born on Leeds, my family lived on the capital given my father's political career - you may know the Business Secretary, Sir Northridge. Upon my 'coming of age' he was happy to cart me off as an ExSec pilot until the Kusari war started. He didn't agree with the war, but I was doing my part for sure. Naval Forces didn't prove all that different from Mollys when they're in your crosshairs, a few personal victories saw me to Commander before the Gauls pitched in. I was actually on leave when they hit Edinburgh and ended up getting captured by those damn eco-terrorists in the mess. I'll keep the details of that to myself, but after I got away I found my family in ruins and not much of a place left. Talked to old Hagman from the bottom of a bottle and was cleaned up (somewhat) before being sent north with a Letter of the Marque.

Reason for Interest in RCS: I've been more motivated by stopping the targets than getting their money or dragging it all back home, and operating behind enemy lines is something you get used to and rather good at. Keeps me away from the drama back home, if my parents still think I'm dead. I'm not averse to changing orders and ranks, should it come about.


Skype Name: summermclovin
List any Official Factions you are a member of: CR|, IMG|, BPA), CL}
Have you ever been sanctioned?: Nope
If yes, for what?: N/A

RE: Royal Commando Service Recruitment - Manticore - 09-03-2013


[Image: 8nroUWX.png]

To: Cdr. NORTHRIDGE, Phillip
Encryption: RCS Special
Priority: Normal

Commander Northridge, I'm sure that with your time in ExSec and the Privateers you have a great deal of experience fighting in the Taus and elsewhere outside Bretonia's borders. Such experience is something I regard as highly relevant and highly desirable in an organization such as ours. Thus, I am pleased to FULLY ACCEPT you into the RCS as a Corporal. Please set up a Templar Very Heavy Fighter with the RCS| transponder at your leisure. I look forward to flying with you.


Col. Sir Avery Stirling
CO, Her Majesty's Own Commando Regiment


RE: Royal Commando Service Recruitment - KaiserDietz - 09-07-2013

[Image: igo3h3m.png]

Name: Constantine Colquhoun
Current Affiliation and Rank: Freelancer Security
Gender: Male
Birthdate and Location: 790 A.S. , Planet Gaia
Short Personal Background:I grew up with researchers from the Cambridge research institute and enlisted in the colony's security forces, mostly fighting Gaians. My experience with Gaians gave me the opportunity to infiltrate their ranks. However, after being uncovered by a cell in Dublin i was left for dead, when a Bretonian Surveillance team, following the cell. After recovering, i turned over the intelligence i had gathered, and they were very thankful.
Reason for Interest in RCS: The RCS gives me a great opportunity to put to work all the intelligence I have gathered. I have intimate knowledge of Gallic controlled space. I know all the jump holes, battleship locales and patrol patterns.


Skype Name: ill tell you in private
List any Official Factions you are a member of: GRN
Have you ever been sanctioned?: no
If yes, for what?:

// this app is a way to pursue rp with my character, not sure if an informant for Gallia or a defector yet, but i'm leaning towards the latter.

RE: Royal Commando Service Recruitment - Manticore - 09-12-2013


[Image: 8nroUWX.png]

Encryption: RCS Special
Priority: Normal

Greetings, Mr. Colquhoun.

Your application hit me as a complete surprise, to be honest. I had not anticipated that word of our unit had gotten so far from the Bretonian military establishment. I suppose that adds a certain credence to the effectiveness of your skills as a intelligence gatherer.

You clearly have some detailed intel that would be of great use to our organization, but I'm not certain you fully appreciate the challenge that a life of being a commando will bring. Thus, I have elected to PROVISIONALLY ACCEPT you as a Private (Provisional). Should you demonstrate the necessary aptitudes, I believe we will have no issue bringing you fully on-board.

Report for duty as soon as you're able.


Col. Sir Avery Stirling
CO, Her Majesty's Own Commando Regiment


RE: Royal Commando Service Recruitment - Avalanche - 09-29-2013

[Image: igo3h3m.png]

Name: Gregory Beckett
Current Affiliation and Rank: Armed Forces - Lieutenant
Gender: Male
Birthdate and Location: 13th December 786 A.S. Leeds
Short Personal Background: Gregory built his way to where he is today. He did not have many opportunities and constantly got in trouble with the law. It toughed him up and taught him a great deal that the military took an interest in. Upon graduation of Essexs University six years ago, he got approached by a recruitment officer of the Royal Navy and took up the chance to fight and die to queen and country. He knew the risks and the challenge that it would be but it didn't matter to him, he felt he had the edge on other recruits because he knew how harsh the world could be and that no matter what the challenge infront of him, he was going to pass it. He eventually passed training after the month with class 105 and got his wings for the Royal Navy. He has already seen active duty and knows his way around a combat situation, in space, air or land. He believes he is what the Commandos need. A tough son of a bitch that can get the job done in a do or die fashion. No one wants a fool to get themselves blown up in an expensive piece of military hardware for no reason, but he isn't one to back down from a challenge. It's a state of mind, and he has it.

Reason for Interest in RCS: To fight besides the most daring.


Skype Name: avalance.747
List any Official Factions you are a member of: None, been 'retired'. My old list is, LN, LPI, BAF, BPA, BDM (creator) IC (creator) Mollys (creator). Outside of this, I've been apart of a lot of unofficial factions.
Have you ever been sanctioned?: Nope.
If yes, for what?: