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Judge.Sam."Crow".Hope - Printable Version

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Judge.Sam."Crow".Hope - _byakuya_kuchiki_ - 09-03-2013

Name: Judge.Sam."Crow".Hope
age: 18
**the attached file is a picture of me(//her) **
Hair: Sky Blue, anime
Eyes: Blue
bourne: Nansei Research Complex
Family: Byakuya.hope (Father), grace.hope (Mother), kate.hope (Sister)
House of origin: Kusari
Height: 5'2
Weight: 98Lbs
First ship: Spatial
Current ship:Judge (eagle, bomber)

hope was bourne and raised on Nansei Research Complex and taught how to fly one of the family's fighters at the age of 15. one year later a group of bounty hunters attacked her home on Nansei Research Complex mistaking it for a bounty target and though her mother, father, and sister fought bravely, they forced them to retreat. Unfortunately by the time the other ships were powered up the father sister and mother ships had suffered severe damage. the pirates were intent on not letting her and her family leave and forced her family to split up. Hope followed her target with a cold rage, and after 6 hours of dog fighting her target finally gave in and made a mistake.

When hope finally came back to her senses she only then relised that she was far from where home was...she looked down at her radar, "damn, nav shows tau-23 but nothing else." she flew around 23 for an hour and having no luck set her ship on autopilot to the nearest known system and activated a small cryogenic sleep machine and drifted away into the darkness...

During her time in cryo sleep hope experienced many things, not all of them good. she kept having the same reoccurring nightmare, it was of her family, her parents and sister, and it kept happening over and over. she would try her best to save them but no matter how hard she fought in this dream, she could never get any closer to them.

*CRASH* hope awakes with a start, alarms going off everywhere, she flicked a bunch of switches and shut most of them off. she relised that the autopilot had misguided the ship through one of the jump-holes and slammed hard into and asteroid belt.Upon getting her bearings and stopping her ship, she relised that she had made it to the new London system outskirts 300k from planet new London. "DAMN, *bites her lower lip a little/stressed*life support failing, all weapons offline. this is not good." she set a distress code on her ship and pulled a escape pod lever. there was a whoosh of air around the cockpit and then her cockpit was jettisoned into space. "I really hope someone hears this" she said as she turned a switch on that triggered a repeating sos beacon and then...nothing.

Hope was left floating in space, where there once were alarms and buzzers was replaced by silence as her escape pod floated through the emptiness that surrounded her. you get to thinking about a lot of things when you have nothing to do but "hope". she wondered where her other family members were and was trying not to think about the worst that could have happened. she pondered life and death, she wondered if she would ever be found. "someone help me, please" she said in a quite voice..."please..." her voice trailed off, no reply came, just the steady repeating soft beeps of the sos beacon. she started to think about her odds of survival and with each thought her heart sank further into despair, and finally she couldn't take it anymore and started to cry ever so softly, her gentle tears landing silently on her lap. she cried herself into a deep sleep, one from which she hoped she'd never wake from.

She had been floating in space for 6 hours still asleep. A patrol of judges out on a training mission were about to pass "southhamton shipyard" when one of the cadets at the time noticed a faint beeping sound and mentioned it to the supreme judge logan, and at first logan passed it off as *Spatial* interference and wanted to just proceed with the mission at hand. Maximus thought otherwise, "Sir, I am going to go check it out, i'll only be a few minutes" crackled max's voice over the comms,
"GET BACK IN FORMATION!." came a stern response from logan. but it was too late max was intent on going to the source of the disterbance, with that max made best speed to the source of the which logan replied quickly with "WE'VE LOST MAXIMUS". his optical visor flashed with excitement as he got closer and closer, and the beeps got stronger and stronger. "there you are" he stated to himself as he spotted an escape pod. -hope was just starting to stir back awake and felt sadness and fear just start to sink its fangs into her then all of a sudden...she try ed to put the thought out of her head, "no!" she thought, "it cant be, she was ALONE, and that cant be a ship!" her heart started to race as the sound got closer and closer, louder and louder, then it started to get quieter and softer, and then her heart sank as the power failed in her pod. and with the lack of everything her heart about stopped, "wait! COME BACK!" she shouted "please !" and again her tears crept forth, "please." her voice trailed off. in tears wishing for everything to just end, she suddenly heard a loud mattlic *CLANG*- max switched on the cargo heat and interor light and scanner,
"SIR, judge cadet maximus reporting in, i have an escape pod on board, appears to be female in her early 20's." he said, "Shes alive sir, returning to south hamton!" "eta 5 minutes". -everything went completely dark then the only thing she could think was "im dead, i died, that all this could be." then warmth, like she hadnt felt in a long time. and a feeling. happiness, she was found.
she was safe.

a judge found the sos beacon.
a judge by the name of maximus.


A few hours and a hot meal later, the judges were gathered around her. she still hadnt said much and was looking a little scared and quite shy, "alright, alright, give the poor lady some room" came a stern voice. "do you have a name, ma'lady?" said the same voice. "hope" she said in a quite voice, "sam hope". to which logan replyed,"WELL, WELCOME to the judges hope, your welcome to stay as long as you like, and if you want we are always looking for new recruits."

the picture is one of sam, emotionally looking out into space in a holo room, the background is an image captured by her ship as it was leaving her home.

RE: Judge.Sam."Crow".Hope - _byakuya_kuchiki_ - 09-04-2013



ever since she was small Sam was raised to be strong but has always had a hard time being strong in hard times. she was always the shy one never really speaking up much and doing as she was told, not being a born leader she liked to follow others and this is why her father never really believed she would make it into the military.


growing up was not easy for sam, as she was constantly picked on for being the smart one in her classes, this went on for about 5 years until her parents decided to start home schooling her at the age of 9. it is for this reason that she can be quite immature at times going as far as crying/getting mad.


her father was a bit of a slave driver around the house but loves his family very much and not
often passes up an opportunity to show his affection towards his family. He is a military man of
sorts, having served in the kusarian space defense force for most of his life. As such, he made
sure to keep his family well armed and well trained and kept some very nice fighters in the
family hanger. also it is worth noting that he wasn't an ease man to piss off, keeping a
cool head even when other people were losing thiers.

her mother was where she gets her temper from mostly, being counter opposite to her father, she was quick to anger and preferred violence as the answer to everything. Despite this, shes very loving in her family. she was also xcon military
and as such she also wanted to make sure her daughters could not only fly but fight, and fight well.


her sister is the one that took after her parents mostly, always eager for a fight. She had many fights when she was in flight school and was seemingly always in the office getting yelled at for somthing or other.

sam is an emotional girl who doesn't like to fight, nore does she like violence as she has had this "switch" in her ever since she lost her family. Whenever a large number of ships start firing around her or when she gets too mad she can do one of two things:
A: *voice gets colder* *voice has death in it* *voice gets deadly cold* at which point she might go berserk and fire at the nearest contact be it friend or foe. B: pass-out in a blind rage at which point her ship will usually shut down ALL systems, including lifesupport, even if only for a few instants she IS still without air until she fully regains she survives this anonymity has yet to be determined, but one thing is certain...there is more to her then people think.

She also has a thing for cryogenics the study of which has been one of her favorite past times, she has a modified small cryogenic machine on board her ship that she of the few things she still has from her home after the judges
salvaged her spatial from space.

She has acquired a unique ability over the years to control minor ship systems with nothing but a data pad. now when i say minor i mean like one at a time, like one turret at a time, one engine etc... but don't be too fooled, she could still set your ship engines to overload and run it into a sun or something like that.
mostly she just uses these tools to get into trouble though, as shes very good at that...

the picture is one of a necklace sam got during hardtimes from aelita, ARC commander

RE: Judge.Sam."Crow".Hope - _byakuya_kuchiki_ - 09-05-2013

comms reports and recordings
"recording 1, stardate unknown"

"damn i really should fix that thing...may SHE could help...? but that's besides the point." *stares into space for a moment*
"oh yeah my adventure!" *smiles, excited* "I had the most interesting adventure to the omega 3 system today just out exploring when all of a sudden i met a ship, now what was that name..." *scratches head for a moment* "oh yeah rose cab, armored rose cab. so anyway i met her captain after a couple of hessions chased me, they were both very scary at first but then i met one of them and there actually quite nice people...she actually promised to help me..."*voice trails off* *a single tear rolls down her cheek* "find my family..." "im sorry that is all for now" *recording ends ubruptly*

"recording #2, sttttttttdte"
ok now that did not make it better maybe if i re route the...*jibbersh carrys on for a few minutes* "oh right im recording silly me,
yes i mentioned a SHE in my last recording and SHE is the captain of "A.R.C." or AromoedRoseCab, known as Aelita Stone, shes quite pretty i made second contact today oh but before that, my last recording cut abruptly, i was going to say on that one that the hessions scared me but then she calmed me down, but then one of them stuck around for a bit of chatting and was shooting some republicans when i started to feel angry then...nothing." "when i came to and rebooted my ship i found my S.N.A.C. overcharged and ARC told me that it happened again." *looks calm* "but ARC is very nice and helped me with
it and the hession was also very understanding of my, condition, and nothing came of it. well we chatted about this and that and that is when the BOUNTY HUNTERS showed up, and ARC took out the first wave but a second wave came in and i felt the anger come back as i put them down. down permanently. i don't usually do that not even to pirates but this was "different"
again ARC captain stone calmed me down and her me, and the hession talked a little more then i asked aelita stone
to help me set my systems to take me back to new London, Waterloo station. and my logs show that she made sure that i
got back safely. i really like her *blushes* but this recording has gone on long enough." "hope out"

"RECording 4"
"ok it has the name right thats good enough..." "hello, its me again computer, today i went on another adventure this time with a girl more my age, her name is one of the judges, judge rin, yes the very same one that shot me with a wine bottle not too long ago..."
"anyway me and rin went out to liberty with judge emmure on an adventure so see what trouble we could get into. but first i should start at the beginning..." *looks happily at camera* "this whole adventure started at Waterloo same place as it ends so me rin-chan and emmure were going to help judge hawk with a malfunctioning I.F.F. so i undocked from the station still a little cold from cryo on the station, and i started to talk to the local pilots as well as ARC-chan and they were talking back but so much soo fast. *looks a little bit worried* "I might have done a bad thing with my cryo machine, as i used it as an escape from all the noise....ARC said it could be unhealthy to use it too much." *goes back to smiling and leans back in captains chair* "so anyway after ARC said that i guess she had to go do something else where."

"this was when rin came out, judge shizune rin to be exact, i will say that once again all the chatter from the comms started to get to me again and i was about to cryo again but i endured because rin was here. so anyway me and rin talked a little then hawk showed up and we decided to get under way to cornodo, the trip was moderately uneventful and even after we got there it was quite we started using pretty much every ship in the area that was A.I. controlled as target practice. " *blushes a little* "admittedly i actually took moderately heavy damage from a few of them, but then i popped thier ships and tractored in the escape pods and left them on barrier gate station" *smiles* "just then though..." *look changes from happy to one of fear and sadness* "rin started to have breathing problems and me not being so smart in the human anatomy field i went over to her ship and kicked her in the chest, i thought maybe she was choking on something or something like that. well squardan leaders hawk and emm started to fly with both our ships in tow at least that was before rin beat me off her causing my head to crash on some
of her ship controls."

*look goes to one of straight sadness* well she forced me back to my ship and would not talk to me for just about the whole journey to which i eventually figured that with out her i might as well be dead so I went over and overloaded my cryo machine. Which if anyone listening comm knows anything about cryogenic freezing machines then you'll know that that most likely
would have turned me into an ice cube...permanently." *looks happy again* "luckly rin did reopen comms just in time, or rather not as a high amount of the cryo fluids had made it into my system causing me to feel dizzy again and passout."

"when i came to i could feel my bra out of place like someone had been trying C.P.R. on me then there was rin in the back of my ship having breathing problems again so i made a makeshift pacemaker finally figuring out that that might actually help her
and i was about to give it to her when emure blasted her powered down ship in newyork space, and it is at this time that, upon seeing her ship get blasted by a friendly she passed out in the back of my ship. well mostly from exhaustion from trying to save me from my self and trying to control her own breathing and then the excitement and anger the she felt towards her ship daing in space was just a little too much too handle and she passed out."

"well dont worrie, she didnt hit her head or anything like that as if its one thing i am it quick on my feet, as such i swiftly caught
her banging my own head on the back of my ship. *sighs* you can never realize just exactly how heavy and hard to move a human body is till you have to move an unconscious girl in the back of your hold to a seat and strap her in proper." "well after that emmure started to fire on me but, and i did return fire with extreme prejudice, i knew my bomber would be no match for the much more nimble eagle fighter, so i forced a retreat. also with rin unconscious in my hold, i could not risk both of us dying, and after a brief skirmish i manged to get away with minimal damage to my ship, though he was right on my tail."

"well we got back to new London and emmure apologized for his actions which i still haven't forgiving yet, and i docked on new London and moved rin, this time using ship to ship teleporter, as i wasn't about to carry her all the way to her ship, and placed her in her captains chair" *entire face turns red* "i-i-i k-k-kinda...*barley audible on recording* k-kissed h-h-her...on the lips" "i dont know what came over me but seeing her there and having my energy about drained myself, it just happened, but it felt right. like it was ment to be..." "I remember feeling a tear cross my cheek, not one of sadness, but one of joy, and i watched as it fell to rins had been so long since i had felt that way, it wasn't love, it couldnt be, maybe relief to feel rins heart beat steady? seeing her breathing right sleeping? and with such a peaceful expression..." "i guess i was just overwhelmed by the moment."

"also i have broke my cryo machine in the shanagans of this day so i hope ARC captain can help".
"ARC Captain isnt going to like me if she finds out, ill just have to bury this recording with the others and hope she doesn't hear this." "hope out"

i took my ship out today looking for someone to talk with and there was only one pearson, a pilot by the name of lyoko, so i started talking with him and then i told him about my *looks down a little* problem...*looks back at camcorder* the fact that i blackout when there is too much violence around...and lyoko decided that i was a threat, so i let him "scan" me but *crys a little* it hurt so much, i can still feel the pain even as i record this *keeps crying, just thinking on the pain it caused* i just wanted him to stop then as fast as it started, it stopped, *crying slows and wipes eyes* he was so mean i just wanted him to die!" *crying stops* "then as soon as he came he left, he left me crying in space. just then ARC showed up and i beamed abode
her ship and went crying over to her...*smiles and blushes alittle still wiping her face* captain aelita was so nice she comforted me and told me what that bad man did to me, she said he used some kind of very powerful scanner that is never supposed to be used on humans...i finally stopped crying about 20 minutes later when people started contacting her ARC and my bomber...i really lookup to her, she is like a mother to me".*voice trails of* *smiles a little* i really hope she stays good friends with me.

anyway thats good for today, hope out"

"oh no, its on the frits again...oh well. this is recording number 5, i woke up today and ooooo there is so much to talk about, aelita stone captain of liner ArmoredRoseCab did something to me whilest i slept in cryo oh by the way, she fixed, well really replaced, my cryogenic machine with one of her design and it feels wonderful. she did a great job on it and get this, an orange vial that it uses actually allows me to dream... im having dreams...*tears up a little, smiling* its been so long since i have been able to dream good dreams, or really any dreams at all, since i slept back at home. but thats besides the point, *wipes eyes, still smiling* i got a message from her ai that she was in the o3 system again so i went over to say hi and all that, and she invited me over for an exquisite meal, at least it was till i got drunk, it doesn't take much *blushes* im a very light drunk and she said that it was a very heavy ale i drank but she fixed me up good pretty good. "

"oh there i go again getting ahead of my self, ok so i went over to o3 and made contact with ARC command and she invited me over for a hot meal, it was at that point that i beamed over using my small bombers ship to ship teleporter which has a small range and very inaccurate target calculation solution generator so i usually do that math my self but this time i thought i'd make it a little interesting and let the ai handle it...well it didn't wind me up inside a wall or an engine somewhere BUUTTT....*scrutinizes ai control panel* it did wind me up in her carrier bay of her ship."

"It was then that i could smell the lovely hot meal she had prepared but could only see other ships in the hanger, just then i heard shout from five floors up so i waved at her and prepared a small gadget i had been working on. its a mini hand held grapple gun capable of lifting up to 110 lbs straight up into the air, which it did. and then about ten seconds after spotting her there she was right in-front of me, about 3 ft in front to be exact, and i said hi and before she could speak i cut the cable... now here's where it gets interesting, i fell in free-fall about a foot, maybe a foot and a half straight down, as i did so i did a semi mid air cartwheel, reloading the 2nd of 3 200 ft lines in a matter of about half a second and fired it right past her into her room, then the high capacity battery sent about 500 volts to the small electric motor and in about another half second, i was buzzing straight forward in the air about 30 ft a second right past her but alas, as with most things i do it wasn't very well thought out and i crashed into the wall where the zip line was tethered to.

"well i got back up with aelita's help and walked over to a fine table with a good selection of food on it, and a good selection of cutlery and plates etc you know the fine dining eticat stuff...i have never been that good with that kind of stuff but still i tryed my best to remain curties and use the one on the outside.... i took a bite and it was delicious, a good change from the kinda bland space rations im used to eating." "the other thing it was was hot, very, and so i grabbed the cup nearest to me, a small wooden chalice, and drank a little from it. Well no sooner do i drink some than aelita made me aware that it was a quite heavy ale, and i was out of it a minute later, so she apparently caught me and gave me a shot, so she says...i honestly blacked out for a minute there, but i do remember a sharp pinch as she gave me a needle, then, a few seconds later i was fine. Aelita said it was a drug used by the order to help against sickness's and ailments, why there was order things there i dont know but you can bet ill find out."

"so i sobered up and we continued to eat till the ARC got run into by a freelancer pilot in the area, then ARC's grav gens kicked into overdrive to compensate but it was too late...the ship rolled and everything went everywhere. when the ship stopped and righted it's self i corrected the gravity generators and ship movement computation algorithms so it would better predict the movement of the ship next time. just sort of a hobby of mine, fixing ships, i get it from my father...he was a good man...but anyway, that's for a different time."

"Well after dinner we thought we'd take a ride on one of ARC's primary trams, a large transit system built right into the ship...well i thought for some reason i knew where i was going and so i loaded my last zip line into my launcher and zip out into the hanger bay, but i got out half way over then stopped and flipped up on the zip line and asked her where to was then that i looked down..."

"I have a sever fear of heights you see, and so when i looked down i gripped the line for dear life, and then for the 6th time aelita saved my life...i really owe her a lot, more then i could ever show. so she got me down with her drones...*laughs a little remembering the experience* they really tickle a lot. and so we went over to a near by tram and took a ride, and well, things got a little out of hand when i got out my little pda and gave our tram a hotlink to the core reactor...and once again she saved me and her from certain death."

"well i was quite tired from the days events, so much so that i don't even remember going back over to my own ship...but i do remember hearing aelita's voice, "may xana keep his watch eye over you". when i awoke i knew so much, i almost wanted to cry but that's for the next log...for now i shall sign off, until next time, hope out."

"Recording 6, stardate 9439369"
"ok i have so much to report here, first off, when my cryo sleep ended i started to "remember" things i didn't, no, wasn't supposed to know....i was "seeing" everything" through her eyes and it was amazing, but before i could really enjoy this feeling i was interrupted by a ship named "lyoko" whom i know now as "jackson" a hired freelancer, who quickly started to attack my bomber with his fighter and started scanning me with the hyper linx scanner again, which i now know has about a 10 kilometer range, and after evading it twice, it hit me just as i was passing through the jumpgate to hurt a lot again, but not as much this time, as IT was starting to happen again, but this time i was conscious through it all. i still felt blinding anger but i felt no pain, just anger and i saw my target and proceeded to engage with extreme prejudice but he was too much for my small bomber, his fighter easily evading my turns and S.N.A.C.'s shots and me being low on bots i ran to the battleship hood, where i waited till he was gone."

"then i moved back to new london and quickly found ARC command, and i explained, or tryed to explain, to aelita what happened, but then i blacked out completly...