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Royal Commando Service - Briefing and Report Center - Printable Version

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Royal Commando Service - Briefing and Report Center - Royal Commando Service - 09-05-2013

[Image: BMW5gjv.png]

This secure channel has been established for the officers and members of the Royal Commando Service to report operations, patrols, and activities to Regiment Command, and for Command to provide mission briefings and intelligence updates to all active members.

Be certain to identify yourself each time you transmit, to ensure our system tracking does not misfile your report. Include all relevant evidence and recordings within your transmission.

RE: Royal Commando Service - Briefing and Report Center - Manticore - 09-05-2013


[Image: 8nroUWX.png]

Encryption: RCS Special
Priority: Normal


I anticipate being kept dirtside over the next few days due to some administrative obligations. In the meantime, I have an assignment for you.

Major Arland will take point on this - look to him for guidance.

I was recently in contact with an old connection of mine with the Colonial Republic. He told me about a system I was previously unaware of out near our zone of operation. He said it was called Tau-44 and used to be the home system of the Colonials, years ago.

When the Gauls came in, it was one of the first to fall, and apparently they set up a forward operating base on one of the old Republic stations. This seems to be a very important system for us to be prepared to operate in, and thus I want it scouted.

Your assignment is to locate this system and perform as much recon as you are able to. Parameters are as follows:

1. Search for the entrance to this system in Tau-23. I have been led to believe it will be somewhere in the highlighted area on this chart:

[Image: PdLEYiJ.jpg]

2. Enter the system, keeping a low profile. Proceed to chart it from outer edges to system primary, making note of all installations you detect.

3. If a Gallic force of any threatening size is encountered, you are to immediately abort mission and return to base at best speed.

4. Upon completion, report to me in this channel.

Best of luck, gentlemen. I look forward to seeing what you can do.


Col. Sir Avery Stirling
CO, Her Majesty's Own Commando Regiment


RE: Royal Commando Service - Briefing and Report Center - Connor - 09-12-2013

[Image: qenGFla.png]

Incoming Transmission
ID: Mathew Pearson
Location: Southampton Shipyard.

Good evening Officers. As you know, we set of into the unknown to start our mission. We set of at 19 Hundred Hours SMT time and returned at 21 Hundred hours SMT time. Our target was the unknown system thats jump hole was located in, and around sector G2 in the system of Tau 23. Once we found the hole, we jumped though and we were unexpectedly welcomed by a Stationary Gallic "Valor" Class battleship. Inscriptions on the side indicated it was the Battleship Oblique. I have scanned the ship and i have some data from it.

Battleship Oblique Wrote:
Data Streaming

Class: Gallic "Valor" Battleship

Artificial Gravity: Yes

Docking Bays: Yes

Population: ≈1,700

Data Stream Finished

Right after we found this battleship, we ran into some Colonials. We had a long chat with them about the system and what happened to it, but seeing as you were there, there is no point in restating it all. Next, we headed for an unknown planet. Before reaching the planet, we saw 2 stars orbiting each other. I too have some information on this.

Green, Blue Dwarfs Wrote:
Data Streaming

Class Left: Blue Dwarf,

Class Right: Green Dwarf

Green Dwarf Age: ≈ 16,000,000,000 Years

Blue Dwarf Age: ≈ 15,000,000,000 Years

Data Stream Finished

During the time in the system, we visited 4 planets. Whilst we did not want to get too close to the planets, i was still able to get enough data for each of the planets. Here is the recorded data.

First Planet Wrote:
Data Streaming -------- First File uploading

Life: No

Docking: No

Terrain: Ice

Diameter: 9,348 km

Mass: 3.83 x 10^24 kg

Average Temperature: -88°C to -60°C

First File Finished

Second Planet Wrote:
Data Streaming - Second File uploading

Life: No

Docking: No

Terrain: Barren

Diameter: 18,816 km

Mass: 6.78 x 10^24 kg

Average Temperature: N/A

Second File Finished

Third Planet Wrote:
Data Streaming - Third File uploading

Life: No

Docking: No

Terrain: Barren

Diameter: 21,302 km

Mass: 9.25 x 10e24 kg

Average Temperature: -74°C to -6°C

Third File Finished

Fourth Planet Wrote:
Data Streaming - Fourth File uploading

Life: Yes

Docking: Yes, Ancient landing procedure

Terrain: Terrestrial

Diameter: 14,170 km

Mass: 5.86 x 10e24 kg

Average Temperature: -14°C to 57°C

Data Streaming Finished

As well as these planets, we found a few installations in this system. We found three, two Gallic and one Independent miners base. Here is the information that i managed to recover.

Gallic Station - Sulawesi Citadel Wrote:
Data Streaming - First File

Name: Sulawesi Citadel

Docking: Yes, Ancient landing procedure

Artificial Gravity: Yes

Docking Bays: Yes

Population: ≈ 5,000
First File Finished

IMG Shipyard - Singapore-Shipyard Wrote:
Data Streaming - Second File

Name: Singapore Shipyard

Docking: Yes, Ancient landing procedure

Artificial Gravity: Yes

Docking Bays: Yes

Population: ≈ 3,000
Second File Finished

Gallic Station - Minato Harbor Wrote:
Data Streaming - Third File

Name: Minato Harbor

Docking: Yes, Ancient landing procedure

Artificial Gravity: Yes

Docking Bays: Yes

Population: ≈ 3,000
Data Streaming Finished

We also passed a few other notable items in the system. We passed a bright Nebular. We took a look inside and and it was a dangerous place. There were pockets of Volatile Gas Clouds everywhere. In the Nebular, we found the IMG base. They seamed quite protective about the base as they fired upon all ships what were not affiliated with an IMG Identification Friend or Foe System. We saw that they were constructing Hegemon Mining Ships as well.

All in all, i would say the mission was a success. We gathered all the data we needed, and on the plus side the Gauls did not know we were here. It is now over to you, Officers, to see what you make of this.

Mathew Pearson signing off

Ending Transmission

RE: Royal Commando Service - Briefing and Report Center - Manticore - 09-14-2013


[Image: 8nroUWX.png]

Encryption: RCS Special
Priority: Normal


Private Pearson's reporting of our recon mission is complete and very detailed. Look to it as an example of the meticulous precision I expect from my top commandos.


Private Pearson, in recognition of excellent conduct in the field and an eye for extra details, I am pleased to promote you to the rank of CORPORAL. Well done.

The rest of you, keep an eye here for news on our contact with the Colonials. More information on that front will be rolling out shortly.


Col. Sir Avery Stirling
CO, Her Majesty's Own Commando Regiment


RE: Royal Commando Service - Briefing and Report Center - Manticore - 09-22-2013


[Image: 8nroUWX.png]

Encryption: RCS Special
Priority: Normal


I had the pleasure of sitting down with the director of the Colonials' CIS this week in a face-to-face meeting. Among a number of other things, we discussed some of the capabilities and intel that his organization had obtained over their years of work.

I firmly believe that the Regiment has some capabilities that will be of use to him, and vice versa. From now on, any time you encounter CIS agents in the Taus, you are to treat them with the utmost respect.

That being said, he also mentioned having previously worked with a Gallic ONI agent that was friendly to their cause. He couldn't tell me this man's current status, but he did say that he had shown them a "backdoor" into Gaul home space. For obvious reasons, this piqued my interest, and we agreed that determining the current status of this backdoor. Should it be operational, I don't think I need to state the impact that could have on our operations.

Our mission is as follows:

  1. Locate this backdoor into the Gaul home systems, and determine if it is still functioning.

  2. Our agents present must be respectful to the CIS joining us at all times, however our own chain of command is to be maintained. Do not take orders from them.

  3. If possible, we will follow this path into the Gaul home systems, and scout as much as we are able to.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide any intel on the location of this backdoor, so be prepared for absolutely anything. I will be present myself, and testing one of our newly-assigned Fleet assets.


Col. Sir Avery Stirling
CO, Her Majesty's Own Commando Regiment