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Hacker Gunboat tips? - Printable Version

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Hacker Gunboat tips? - stardust47 - 09-07-2013

I recently bought a Hacker GB. Any tips on how to get the best out of it for PVP? I already know about TS and TZ, I'm more interested in a loadout and tactics specific to this ship.

RE: Hacker Gunboat tips? - Zayne Carrick - 09-07-2013

If you're going to fight other gunboats/fighters, you should think about 6 basic turrets.
If you're going to fight bigger ships, 3 pulses and 3 razors is your choice.

As for tactics... strafing alot is mandatory, it's like a bit heavier bottlenose.

RE: Hacker Gunboat tips? - stardust47 - 09-07-2013

What about the standard LH turrets? Are they any good?

RE: Hacker Gunboat tips? - Zayne Carrick - 09-07-2013

Depends on circumstances.
But LHGB's powercore is not among high ones, but turrets are rather hungry.

RE: Hacker Gunboat tips? - Zen_Mechanics - 09-07-2013

Gunboat vs gunboat with basic turrets will last forever, If you want to be somewhat effective on cruisers and be able to easily kill gunboats, go for cerberus, if you plan to be against cruisers++ ( i.e battleships ) go two pulses rest razors ( this is also effective on bombers ). Theres too many situations where you may end up dead or victorious, which is why you will have to decide which one you would like to be and be very careful on what targets you pick.

Last minute edit : I would use solaris at any point, TS + Solaris = pure anti-snub.

RE: Hacker Gunboat tips? - tothebonezone - 09-08-2013

Okay, gonna be real here.

I've flown the LHGB since my wee years here, and it's changed a lot, both directly and indirectly.

First off, don't bother fighting other gunboats. You don't have the powercore, you don't have the armor, and despite your speed, the other gunboat just needs to turret zoom out to keep its guns pointed at you. 3 pulse, 3 razors might be effective again bombers, transports, and perhaps a very inept gunboat, but you'll be given a run for your money against anyone who isn't completely awful. Might be good against cruisers, if you have some form of backup to serve as distraction for you to get in.

6 LH turrets or 6 Solaris is all around 'okay' for the LHGS when it comes to snub killing. Your speed actually DOES matter here, since you can turret steer like mad. The main issue is, you can only get four turrets to fire backwards, and three to the sides (Unless this was fixed?). Despite being a fast ship, the LHGS has its firepower focused forwards.

My current setup? Two pulse, four cerberus. With as little backup as say, a Grizzly or a SHF, I can take down Cruisers with my LHGS. That's the one big nice thing about its speed-- Being able to dodge.

Hopefully I've given you some insight on the LHGS.


Can fire only 3 razors.
Can only fire 2 missiles (They used to be so good at killing gunboat shields)
Cannot sustain more than 4 LH turrets indefinitely (Or as I'm aware, it might be 5. I need to double check.)