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To: The PLR: - Printable Version

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To: The PLR: - Luke. - 09-10-2013

(--- SENDER ID: Luke Orsini ---)
(--- CHANNEL ID: 0V3RD71V3 CL Sirius Communications ---)
[Image: xtUCrYz.png]


Another Rogue group, hmm? Interesting. We don't have an awful lot of contact with your kind; likely to do with the distance between our home and yours. The smuggling operations rarely cross your paths either. However, after being contacted over a more secure channel recently, my brow was certainly raised by the offer your leadership gave us and after a discussion with my closest associates, we'd like to take you up on it.

As far as we are concerned, any additional assets to our cause are valuable and for this reason we'd certainly like to have you on-board. The technology you wish to utilise will be made available to you from our end and the Lance will be informed that you are not to be questioned if seen using it.

Perhaps this will lead to closer relations with Rogue groups in the future. The support is much appreciated.

Grazie per il vostro tempo
Comandante Luke Orsini-Contari

[Image: nuiVxMP.png]

RE: To: The PLR: - Widow - 09-11-2013

[Image: ninaq.jpg]

Well. After our little talk in space, you managed to spark my interest even more.
Either you know what to say in a sticky situation, or you are going to be genuinely good allies.
I am hoping for the latter, myself.

Anyway, back to business. From what I can gather.... Not only will you meet the offer with the technology
You will also allow us to make sure it will work for what we need it for first?
That certainly answered my question of how is your offer 'better'.

If you are still interested.... I would like to discuss this further, specifically our involvement in this turf war.... Or lack of it.
Until then, I will organise an engineer who will be willing to make the trip up to Alpha to have a look at what you're offering.
I'm sure if the technology wont be adequate, another arrangement can be made.

Like I said, I'm all about what I can get my crew. Nothing makes us happier then shiny new guns.


[Image: LoadingProgressBar.gif]


PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: This better be worth it.....
PLR:Suicide.Angel: Siren: *Nods a Hello*
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: *nods* Buenos Noches.
PLR:Connex: There we go.
PLR:Connex: Late as usual
PLR:The.Creature: Oh, a Maltesian.... Oh shuddup you. I'm here!
PLR:The.Creature: Catch a transport or something
PLR:Suicide.Angel: Siren: Hey Tori. *Smiles*
PLR:Connex: *grumbles* Yess your highness
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Funny, they said "he is on his way"
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Insult to injury, hmm?
PLR:The.Creature: *grumbles*
PLR:Connex: I shall leave you to your bidding
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Well, hey there.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Carrying out the old piracy act, eh?
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Something like that. You're a bit far from home.
PLR:The.Creature: We prefer the term 'acquisition', but generally speaking yes.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Perhaps, but I was headed back.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: I see. What were you here for?
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Keeping the Cardamine flow ripe in Liberty.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Hm. I see.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Transporting supplies for the war effort back.
PLR:The.Creature: Hmmm.... Cardimine.
PLR:The.Creature: Ain't you that guy those other guys a re fighting?
PLR:The.Creature: Or something about someone shooting someone else over something
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: You may have to be more specific, signorita.
PLR:The.Creature: I'm a guy, pal.
PLR:The.Creature: Hank be the name
PLR:The.Creature: The lass you need to be talking too is that bomber pilot. She's Toru
PLR:The.Creature: *coughs* Tori
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Well now your guys are just confusing me.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Comms on the fritz again too...same reason my ship is stuck on impulse speed I suppose. *slams console*
Death: Mattheus did their best.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: You see, Apparently we are siding with the other folk.
PLR:The.Creature: Which folk was that again?
PLR:The.Creature: The Raiders?
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Hank, do you even try keep up to date with current affairs?
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Our enemies. Lapdogs of the Ghosts.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: That's not what i've heard.
PLR:The.Creature: *shrugs* Whats affairs?
PLR:Suicide.Angel: Siren: Watch that fire.
PLR:The.Creature: I saw it
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Yet to receive a response.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: I'll get there when I have a moment. You see, the other lot made us an offer aswell. What makes your's better.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: And what offer might that be?
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Something about weapons.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: I'm sure we can match that.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Again, what would make your's better?
2013-09-11 04:28:12 SMT
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Knowledge that you'll remain safe if hunted by them for switching sides. Perhaps even more...or better tech.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: See, I'm all about what I can get for my crew. And being given guns is all ok, but I can't guarentee they will be of
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: any use for what we need them for, without sending someone up to see them all first.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: That can be arranged.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Oh is that so.
Death: DeathBringer did their best.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Well, it's not usually permitted for Rogues to be in our territory but...if that's what it takes to swing you.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: I see.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Keep talking.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Well, apart from this supply run I have nothing else of special importance to deal with.
PLR:The.Creature: Hmmm....
PLR:The.Creature: here is a
PLR:The.Creature: Here is a vital question.
CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: .:j:.Almost.Honest
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: I'm listening.
PLR:The.Creature: What is your take on Outcasts in Liberty for anything more than delivering cardimine, and your position on capital ships here.
PLR:The.Creature: BANDS!!!
PLR:Elusive.Prey: // Well. I have nomad remains.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: We'd rather not piss off the Rogues and therefore the Lance at least are under strict orders to keep their capital ships
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Away from Liberty.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: I think I like this guy.
PLR:The.Creature: That's what I like to hear. Now what about if we find an Outcast who refuses to comply with Rogue law?
PLR:Suicide.Angel: Siren: Hmm, I think I have a coolant leak... *Shrugs*
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: You may deal with them however you wish.
PLR:The.Creature: I see. And lastly... The PLR are not puppets of the Outcasts, we will not be judged as such like we have in the past.
Death: IC|Ohioville did their best.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Whoever suggested you were "puppets"?
Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Take a guess.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Ah.
PLR:The.Creature: It's a frequent rumour and attitude of various members of your secondaries that the Outcasts think they're better than
PLR:The.Creature: us. Do you believe this too be?
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: I've heard the same rumours though we respect the fact that down here at the very least, you are in command.
PLR:The.Creature: We don't wield the same powers as we did, but we're fixing ties, as I think I heard, with other factions of the Rogues
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Sirius is ever changing.
PLR:The.Creature: So, we'll encourage our brethren to stay out of your conflict if you supply us with the final technological solution needed.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Seems reasonable.
PLR:The.Creature: As PLR are not dependeant on the trade of the Orange trail, we want you to deal with the LR- some more regarding that.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: It's been a while since we've had any solid contact with them.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: I'll let Hank deal with the rest of this, since he seems to have all of a sudden remembered about current affairs.
PLR:The.Creature: I think it'd be good for your cause.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: *smirks* Si.
PLR:The.Creature: As a sign of good faith, you should help yourself to some complimentary munitions for that cause.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: These light arms should cover it for now. I have one of the Lance's finest trade inquisitors on the case as well.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: Notably, a defector from the Ghosts.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: Funny how that works.
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: He's one of two in fact.
PLR:Suicide.Angel: Siren: *Scratches her head while loking away*
Death: Your.Worst.Nightmare did their best.
PLR:The.Creature: Alright, then perhaps we shouldn't be so brash with you. What do you think, Tori?
PLR:The.Creature: You're right, I got carried away....
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: It's any wonder how Aurelio decided he was a good choice. It's paid off though. Seems a bitter taste was left.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: I will be in touch, you've sparked my interest, and I believe that of the rest of us here....
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: *nods* certo.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: I won't hold you up anymore. Carry on your travels. If you are true to what you say, and will organise permissions for
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: One of us to head up your was to view the weaponry......
CL}CT-Trieste: Luke: A one-off should not be an issue. Would be advisable to not let the Ghosts see the activity, however.
PLR:Elusive.Prey: Tori: You underestimate our ability to go unnoticed. Safe travels.