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Questions about 4.87 - Printable Version

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Questions about 4.87 - Alpha Volverine - 09-10-2013

I've read this ID changes for 4.87

Quote:; dsy_license_fc_m_grp
Mollys ID


Zone of Influence: Bretonia, systems directly bordering Bretonia.


I want to ask if systems directly bordering Bretonia means system directly connected to Bretonia by jump gates/holes or groups of border worlds systems around Bretonia (include O-7, O-9, Tau-23, etc...). Thanks Smile

RE: Questions about 4.87 - sindroms - 09-10-2013

It is all the Bretonia systems marked as Bretonia and any systems that are connected to it via JHs and JGs.

RE: Questions about 4.87 - Alpha Volverine - 09-10-2013

(09-10-2013, 11:17 AM)sindroms Wrote: It is all the Bretonia systems marked as Bretonia and any systems that are connected to it via JHs and JGs.

Thanks Smile

RE: Questions about 4.87 - JayDee Kasane - 09-10-2013

(09-10-2013, 11:17 AM)sindroms Wrote: It is all the Bretonia systems marked as Bretonia and any systems that are connected to it via JHs and JGs.

That. So system like Omega 7 or Tau 23 cannot be Molly ZOI. But Tau 31 or Omega 3 can.

RE: Questions about 4.87 - Johnny Rico - 09-11-2013

[Image: Untitled_zps94ceb69c.png]

there you go the systems not blacked out are systems directly bordering Bretonia.