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Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Natio Octavarium - 09-10-2013

This channel is outdated and has further usage has been declared closed by the current Octavarium Cabinet.

[Image: Natio-Octavarium-256-Dark.png]
Natio Octavarium
Open Channel for the
Communication between the Natio, its Citizens, and its Corporations

This communications channel is maintained by Natio Octavarium for the purposes of relaying communications between citizens of the Natio, corporations operating in the Natio, and the government. Anyone operating in Natio Octavarium may use this channel to leave messages.

In other words, welcome to the Natio Octavarium open message dump.

Ellen Rey
Minister of Services, Natio Octavarium

RE: Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Omega472 - 09-12-2013

=== Incoming Transmission ===
== Encryption: Child's play. ==

[Image: Seth_Fukui.png]


Seth here, just dropping a line through this new communication channel to get a feel for it. I'm currently drifting through New Caledonia on my way to *Static* to drop off my haul. Haven't a clue how long it'll take me, though the space I'm flying through now looks quite pretty, so forgive me if I take a few detours out of my scheduled routes. Speaking of detours, I hear we have quite a population growing recently, and some Zoner family has even gone and bought an island on New Westminister? Neat! I can't wait to see what developments have taken place when I get back. Anyways, I hope to meet some of those Zoners, and I should soon, the space through my route is looking pretty clear as of now, and with luck I'll be able to quickly drop of my cargo and return to New Caledonia.

Safe flying everyone!
=== Transmission Ended ===
== Trace Successful ==
= Location:
New Caledonia =

RE: Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Ryus - 09-13-2013

Incoming Transmission
Signal Strength: 92%
Source Identity: NO- Ryus Kinjo
Source Location: New Caledonia - New Westminster - Surrey Island
Video Feed Disabled
- Begin Transmission -

Hello to my fellow citizens of the Natio,

Settlement is going well. Surrey is absolutely beautiful, it is warm, sunny, not too humid, please feel free to come by, free drinks if you help swing a hammer or lift some boxes. If it wasn't for the constant construction noise, paperwork and deliveries it would feel like a vacation, we could not be happier. After life piloting a colony ship on the edge, this is paradise.

I feel that Bombardier doesn't look at this the same way though. Actually, I know that he does not. He recently said, and I quote "If ya'll don't find me something the blow the hell up soon I'm gonna lose my mind!" Seems that system patrols just looking for trouble that he can not "blow the hell up" aren't enough to keep him busy. I should have seen this coming, the man is so used to the edge worlds that the quiet life in the Natio may not be for him. If anyone needs a freelancing heavy bomber, please feel free to let us know. We need to find something for him to do.

Freelancers, can't live with them, can't survive the insanity of space without them.

Stay safe my friends.

- Transmission Ended -

RE: Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Gründer Industries - 09-13-2013

[Image: Grunderlogo.png]


Our first shipment arrived and we want to start with the construction of our research facility.

Also, we have an urgent request to the Nation. We want to bring our Research Vessel Aigaion to the system, for Scanner Research and as a possible defense platform in case of an emergency.

Hopefully, we get an answer as soon as possible.


RE: Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Thexare - 09-14-2013

Routing through
Connection established.

| Message Received |
[Image: Victor-Delacroix.png]

The use of the Aigaion is approved within New Caledonia. Please do not take it into the Victoria, or Humboldt, system; we have a delicate diplomatic issue there at the moment.

Of course, in transit you will have to follow the laws of the territory you're moving through. If it's currently stationed in the Omegas, go through Bretonia after you get clearance. In the Taus, you can just slip through the Barrier Pass and not have any problems.

| End of message |

RE: Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Gründer Industries - 09-27-2013

[Image: Grunderlogo.png]

We are proud to announce our first successful usage of our Stonehenge Gun.
A Massdriver Gun which is capable of intercepting all kind of projectile inside of the Atmosphere.

Stonehenge Draft

45 KM above the surface
[Image: stock-footage-mid-air-explosion-with-ora...-tones.jpg]

The gun has really a huge range, 1000 Kilometer Fire Radius. We still have some trouble with the ammo, but we will find a way to fix issues. Hopefully fast, because Gallia is not far away...

Another Message, which is a warning.

Intercepted Data File

Yesterday, was in the Magellan a huge battle. Bretonia, Liberty and others against Gallia. Only one jump away, from the Planet and your space.

We intercepted this file from a BSI Ship, which is docked in Liberty somewhere.


RE: Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Gründer Industries - 10-21-2013

[Image: Grunderlogo.png]

Greetings Natio,

we want to show you our newest result of our weapon research.
[Image: the_bringer_of_light_by_reinder88-d4juzt...4fc94d.jpg]

Mobile Version of Stonehenge.
An Electromagnetic Gun, for interception of inner and outer atmosphere UFOs.
Perfect against Gallia, and strong enough to blast a hole in a Valor Battleship.

It is ready for mass production, and we are already working on the first two vehicles of this type.

and now to the business.

Yesterday, one of our captains had a conversation with minister of defense and research, about a kind of joint operation. He said, the research part of the Natio could need a few specialists in the field of weapon research.

Since, we are done with our Stonehenge project, we could give you a hand in this matter, and if you want we can send them as soon as possible.

We have only one request, permission to enter system with our second research Vessel, the XB2-Waldgeist. A small Corvo Cruiser, medium armored and mainly used as an Exploration Vessel.

That is all we have to say now.


RE: Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Savas - 10-21-2013

-:::INCOMING TRANSPONDER SIGNAL - Kadar al-Nizari - Vagrant Raiders:::-

[Image: Kadar-al-Nazari.png]

- {|||||||||||||||} - COMPLETE

Sender Transponder |- Kadar al-Nizari
Transponder Location |- Khorramshahr Base Camp
Subject |- Very Much So

Gründer Industries,

I am happy to inform you that you may bring your Corvo cruiser to our lovely abode, your presence is most welcome. And yes, I am the Minister of Research and Development, one of your captains spoke to me near Planet Westminster and I had a few requests of him. Please do raise me on a private channel so that we may discuss business in the benefit of yourselves and the Natio.

With Honor,
Kadar al-Nizari
Marauder, Vagrant Raiders
Minister of Research and Development, Natio Octavarium

RE: Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Thexare - 10-22-2013

[Image: Johnathan-Jones.png]

Aquila, reporting in.
  • Arms licensing fee paid to Bretonia, waiting for response.
  • Houston factory proposal submitted, waiting for response.
  • Talon Resource Extraction operations begun. Helium exported to Canterbury - not certain what it's being used for, but it's there. Platinum shipped to Waterloo.

If everything goes smoothly, production should resume within the week. Problem is, this is Sirius; things don't go smooth here.

Ah, maybe I'll be wrong though.

Message ends.

RE: Natio Octavarium Open Communication Centre - Gründer Industries - 10-24-2013

[Image: Grunderlogo.png]

To Kadar al-Nizari
Greetings Sir,

after a small intern discussion, and planning we are ready for everything you want.

As you mentioned over the private channel, you want a few of our specialists and some goods. Plus, some defense systems.

We can offer something for you, which is cheap and cover almost all categories.

A chemical laser weapon facility, which is called Damocles Sword.

This weapon is able to cover an entire island, fight against air, ground and water vehicles. It is even able to target submarines, which are close to the water surface.

Here are the required goods:

500 Basic Alloy
100 Super Alloy
500 Mox
100 Optronics
50 Ship Hull Panels
200 Optical Chips
20 Laser
300 Platinum
50 Industrial Materials
100 High Temperature Alloy
100 Diamonds.

We will try to get them, if you want this system installed.

About the rest, we need information.
